Chapter 44 - NIGHT NIGHT!

It felt good and better to finally being able to talk to Vin. He always made him feel so at home. They had been friends for so long 

since Kindergarten so it was obvious that they shared a deep bond with each other.

"So you know your bully team. They were playing in it too as you already knew. They fell asleep on their hockey extra practice. And they were a busted man. They are kicked out of the team for a whole two months. " 

That made Cole laugh. It was bad to take the fun in someone else's misery but those guys deserved it. He never did anything to aggravate them but Cole had no idea why they took it as their interest to bully him, make fun of his mother.

Before he used to hit them hard but then the complaints from the school made his mother said so he stopped doing it and started to ignore it instead but still he would not lie and say that it did not feel bad to hear someone bad mouth about his mother.

"So pretty much what we faced, Cole it was all real. I do not have any idea what, how, and when exactly it happened. But it was very real and it is a shock. " Vin added.

Cole replied in a yes. At least he was not a psycho to dream all that up himself. He thought. Now he could relate to others. Talk about this with his friends without being weird and get to know more.

"But...but there is one more thing..."

"What...what is it?" Cole inquired.

"Some guys went missing. And from our school, one of your bully whom I remember shooting in the end, he is reported missing, Cole. "

That piece of information took Cole by a total surprise. What people went missing? 

"You might want to check the news of people going missing all of a sudden..."

"What?? What are you saying?" Cole interrupted Vin right away.

"I know...I know it sounds really absurd and weird but it is the truth. At first, I did not relate it to the game thing you know." Vin took a brief pause.

"But when the news reflected the names of certain people I knew were playing with us that caught me. Like for example Sikara, and even one teammate of Viku. There are many." Vin resumed.

"Maybe..maybe they just went somewhere. They could return..." Cole asserted the possibility.

Vin took a long breath, "I have no idea. It could be that too. I have no idea. I m just informing you about all that you missed."

"Thanks, man. I...I m really sorry for not looking out for you. I..I should have had..."

"It is alright, Cole. We assumed something probably happened as it happened to all of us so we are alright. I would have dropped by your house but I m in my nanny's house so..." Vin explained.

"I understand man. Are you coming to school tomorrow?" Cole implored.

"You kidding me? Why will I not? I have loads to tell you but can't over the phone. " Vin clamored.

Cole wondered what else Vin wanted or had left to say anymore. He only hoped that it would be something good and not entirely bad if not good news. 

He did not want to hear or would bear that if the same problem or defect happened to him and all the others after they woke up just like him...his eyes giving upon him.

Talking about his partial blindness, Cole remembered he had not said it out to his friend yet. He did not even know how to speak that out. That he had a disease going on in him that turned him blind for a fraction of time and then it was back to normal after a while? 

How would Vin react to that piece of information? He had no idea about that. He had not even come out clear to his mother. She would freak out once he would do that. He knew that eventually, he would have to anyway.

"I...I got something to tell you too but cannot do it over the phone too." Cole replied.

"Hmmm....good then see you tomorrow in school. " Vin concluded.

"Well then good night buddy. " Cole bedded him good night before hanging up the call.

He fell atop the bed, sighing in relief finally at least coming to know that his friends were alright and back to this world, safe and sound. 

And here he was dying thinking what if they got stuck in there. The phone pinged and he saw the text from the doctor stating that an appointment for him had been booked after the noontime. He also mentioned that Doctor Leslie would be seeing them in number ten. He asked to collect the coupon from the ticket counter.

Cole tapped on the text and replied with a hearty thank you for booking him an appointment so fast. It meant a lot. Now only one thing was required and that was to inform his mother dearest all about it. 

He was aware that telling her that his vision got all black and white all of a sudden would take a troll over him but then he could not help and not tell here everything true about it because in front of the doctor while stating what problem he was facing with his eyes, he would have to let it all out without a detail missing.

So eventually his mother would come to know about it. So why not let it out in the morning itself? She would have some time to let the news into her and then they both could together go to the hospital. 

Cole woke up and then decided to put the cell phone back from where he bought it. He opened his door and hoped that Mr. Evans was still in his deep sleep because if not then telling him that he took his cell phone without his consent would be awkward.

Cole very slowly and quietly descended the stairs trying not to make any possible sounds, even the tiniest bit. 

Once he reached down, he headed towards the living room and stopped on the edge to check if Mr. Evans was awake or asleep.

When he saw that the man was in a deep dead sleep, snoring his breath out, Cole tippy-toed inside the living hall and very quietly moved near the table kept aside the sofa where Mr. Evans was sleeping.

He made sure to delete the contact number of the doctor as well as Vin and also blocked it so that they could never ring in this phone number either or else in the future, things might get awkward with Mr. Evans.

Cole then placed the cell phone back from where he picked it up, sneakily, and aligned it in the same position as Mr. Evans had kept it before falling asleep.

Well letting him in was not that bad. He at least got the cell phone to contact the doctor and also talk with his buddy, Vin. He was thirsting for the information about their whereabouts from the beginning and now that he knew that they were alright, he was feeling much better.

When he decided that it was time he returned to his bed suddenly his vision got blocked again. It turned black and Cole had to stop right where he was trying to hold out his hand, figuring if he could hold onto some kind of support.

He was still inside the living room and he did not want to walk out of it when he could not see anything and then crash onto something like the nearby flower vase or the big pottery and wake up Mr. Evans, he did not want that.

So he waited where he was for a while. This thing was seriously becoming so irritating now. It did not have any mechanism to warn him or anything before the entire world became black for his eyes.

What if it happened in a time where he would get caught in an accident only because he had no idea what was there in the front because he turned blind for a flash of time.

His vision started to turn white and then black. The cycle repeated just like before and he was so mad at it, at himself. What disease did he catch? 

He could only wonder until he gets to meet the doctor tomorrow and knows about it. Hopefully, it had a cure, and that everything would be alright and back to normal after this.

Once his vision returned to that average type, he stood up and climbed the stairs without making a single noise. He closed the door behind him and headed directly towards his bed.

He was already so tired for the day. It was time he went to sleep.


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