Chapter 48 - GOOD MORNING CLASS...

"Damn! An iPhone eleven plus? " Cole spoke out in amazement.

" iPhone eleven plus for you."

Mr. Evans mumbled looking at the boy's happy face. That made Cole stop all his actions and turn sideways to look at him. What did he mean by this phone was for him? An iPhone? So expensive...

His last broken phone was a Samsung J7. It was alright but not cool to play games in. It had only a ram of one point five gigabytes. While to play games, he at least needed a phone having two or over two-gigabyte ram. 

But he could not afford such even though his mom would let him have one, he was aware of the fact that their financial status was not all merry and jolly. So he never asked for it and continued to make use of his old dying cell phone.

"It is for me?" Cole implored if he heard it right the first time.

"Yes..yes. It is for you. Last night you perhaps thought I was asleep but I was sneaking in my phone for talking to your friend. I know how urgent it is for us to have our mobile phones you know." Mr. Evans let out.

Cole could not believe that Mr. Evans knew about him sneaking his cell phone last night. He thought the man to be dead asleep but how come.

"Look it's alright ok. Just take this phone as my gift for you to coming out of the hospital."

Cole could not believe that this man was giving him such an expensive phone as a gift. His father never did it for him. 

When he was a kid, he used to wait for his father on his birthdays waiting for him to bring the most expensive gift for him as he always used to hear from his mother how successful and well flourished he was.

He used to see him on the television, hosting the 'Night Show' like a big celebrity. Everyone in the audience would clap for him. He would clap from his living room. He grew up watching his father on the television but never outside of it.

"I...I can't accept is too expensive and..." Cole stuttered.

"Do not make a big deal out of it boy now. I have not gifted a single soul for over five years. Accept it for my sanity." Mr. Evans cut him.

Cole eyed him weirdly. What did it have to do with him accepting the gift? Why did he have to accept the gift just because he had not gifted anyone for over five years? It did not make sense at all. 

"Look just think that by accepting this gift you are only benefiting Let me answer that next time, for now, you are getting late for your go go..."

Mr. Evans did not give him a single second to react to what he just said for he pushed him out of the car. Cole's eyes widened. What was wrong with this man? He was so weirdly weird.

And before Cole could walk forward and knock on the door to get a goddamn logical explanation which he, of course, deserved bit, Mr. Evans started the engine and sped off immediately.

"What the f.u.c.k? Man? "

Cole shouted gaining attention to himself. He tried to run after the SUV but he knew that it was useless. He kicked the mud off. 

"This man is a psycho damn. Can't let mom be near him. " 

Cole talked to himself watching the car receding away, getting diminished from his vision. Plus with his current vision being shitty, he could not even see it clearly.

He felt a hand on his right shoulder and that made him turn back and see who it was. It was of course none other than Vincent.

"Who are you not letting your mother be around?" 

Vin questioned. He heard what Cole was murmuring to himself. He also saw the part where he was pushed out from an unknown SUV. 

"Who was that? Who did you ride with though?" 

"Will you stop with the questions already?" Cole groaned.

"Man...I m being just curious..." Vin scratched his head.

It was so typical of Vin to be like that. He was always like that who wanted to know everything that was going on in Cole's life. 

It was only him that made Cole feel that his life was at least somewhat interesting. At first, Cole did not believe it but when one night he stayed over at Vin's place, he got to know the answers.

For Cole, they had to think about how and what they were going to do to survive the next month. Make plans for how they were going to handle their finance. His mother always made sure to involve him in those things and it was the only moment, they shared their thoughts since last year.

In Vincent's house, there was everything. They had everything in the world and did not have to worry about a single damn thing in life. 

It was a huge palace where they lived and did the basics of eating, sleeping, and repeating the cycle only because they had nothing to do. Their ancestors earned enough for them to last for generations. 

It was then Cole understood what Vin meant to say and how his life seemed interesting to him. 

"Just hug me first. " 

Saying that Cole pulled Vin in for a big hug. Vin laughed and hugged him back. Vin had to bend a little for he was an inch or two taller than Cole. 

" believe we are here." Vin chirped.

Cole nodded, "I thought like we would not be able to get out of it. I never missed going back home as much as I did back then being in there." 

"I did not miss home one bit." Vin chuckled.

"Yeah, I bet you did not on that." Cole snorted.

"The mystery I could not figure out is how did I even end up in my nanny's house? It is so weird. Like I was literally in my house man." Vin said.

Cole shook his head in positive as they started walking down the hall along with other students. They stopped in front of their locker and opened it to pick up their textbooks for the upcoming morning class.

"I guess yeah. That is weird. I ended up in a hospital bed." Cole muttered.

"But still your one makes sense. I mean you did put your casserole in for heating in the oven. You texted that. See." 

Vin spoke as he pulled out his iPhone to show Cole their shared text on the day of the gaming contest.

"So it kind of made sense why you would end up in the hospital bed with your house getting almost burned in the fire." Vin continued.

Cole only nodded his head and then both started walking towards their class and entered inside their science class. Cole and Vin took the last seats as usual.

The bell rang indicating the teacher would be in any minute now. The students were still talking and standing out of their place.

"What they are talking so much about?" Cole asked.

"About what happened Tekla. He is still missing, you know that right?" Vin answered.

Cole nodded his head. He did see the news in the morning and it was still weird how it was for real that Tekla was missing for real. 

He meant like he had no bad or hard feelings either for that guy for he had done nothing but made his life in school difficult. He was just so damn and irritating.

"Yes...did you check out the news this morning? He was all over the news channel." 

"Yes, it is so weird. He was here with us last Friday. And now he is gone, man. " 

"I bet he got kidnapped for ransom. I heard his dad is super loaded. " 

"His father is a producer of films common. Absolutely he is loaded. His mother is a fashion designer, partnered up with Dolce. "

Cole and Vin kept mum listening to what their fellow students had to talk about it. It was so clear that many of them were relating the case of Tekla going missing with kidnapping for ransom but Cole and Vin thought it to be otherwise.

"Good morning, Class. Respond to your rolls calls and open chapter four. " 

Miss Willson entered the class.


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