"Yes...did you check out the news this morning? He was all over the news channel." 

"Yes, it is so weird. He was here with us last Friday. And now he is gone, man. " 

"I bet he got kidnapped for ransom. I heard his dad is super loaded. " 

"His father is a producer of films common. Absolutely he is loaded. His mother is a fashion designer, partnered up with Dolce. "

Cole and Vin kept mum listening to what their fellow students had to talk about it. It was so clear that many of them were relating the case of Tekla going missing with kidnapping for ransom but Cole and Vin thought it to be otherwise.

"Good morning, Class. Respond to your rolls calls and open chapter four. " 

Miss Willson entered the class and started taking the attendance of the students one by one. 

When it came to Tekla's roll number. Nobody responded. Miss Willson forgetting about what happened, called out the roll number was once again.

"Twenty four!" She announced.

There were silence and a little bit of murmuring in the very usual background. 

But the claiming nature of the morning changed when one of Tekla's friends, Malcome stood up.

"What are you trying to do, Miss Willson?" 

Miss Willson looked up from her roll call register and saw Malcolm(aka Phyko beast in the game ) standing up to her with a sadistic face. 

"Are you mocking my friend's missing case?"

"What?" Miss Willson asked.

"Perhaps Miss Willson did not watch the morning news." 

One of the students in the background voiced out which made Miss Willson remember. She pats her head softly for forgetting. The entire school was talking about the situation.

"I did not mean to be rude about what happened to your friend, Malcolm. It just slipped out of my mind. " Miss Willson said.

"It slipped my mind too, Miss Willson. But then...then I remember us playing together. We came back. All of us..but he did not..."

Everyone eyed Malcolm weirdly. As he continued to speak out things that nobody understood one bit. Miss Willson did not know what to make out of it. 

"Everything...everything felt so real there. The pain when we got shot, the time when we flew down from the plane...everything felt so real..." 

Malcolm's eyes teared as he described. The students started murmuring how Tekla going missing took a troll over his best friend. Tekla and Malcolm were inseparable so it made sense why it might take a troll over him.

"What..what are you trying to say, Malcolm?" Miss Willson questioned as she stepped down from the podium.

Kale,(aka Kosoo in the game), tried to make Malcolm sit down. He was another one of their friend on their team. He knew Malcolm was not taking Tekla going missing news was not good.

"Stop it, Mal. Leave it. Sit down." He whispered.

"...we did not..did not know that this would happen...that Tekla would be stuck in there..." Malcolm slapped Kale's hands away.

Miss Willson walked up to where Malcolm was standing and stopped right in front of him. Kale looked elsewhere cursing in his mind. Malcolm was behaving too out of control.

They knew that it was connected with the game. They all found themselves in weird places, sleeping the entire day as others said when they woke up but in their opinion they were playing a game that felt too much real.

But telling this to the outside world would make no sense. It would sound stupid and people might think that they were crazy or something for they did not know what happen and it would have no logic in it

That was the only reason even when the entire team of Tekla thought he went missing had to do something with the game but they did not voice it out to anyone as it might also land them into trouble later.

But Malcolm was being impossible. He was just so shaking from hearing the news that Tekla did not return. He was convinced that if they did tell the truth, they might get help to pull Tekla out of the damn game. 

Which other of his friends knew that it did not work like that. But he was not ready to listen. He was hell-bound that telling others would make the situation come to picture...actually what had happened before Tekla went missing.

"He is...he is just shaken after hearing the news, Miss Willson. Just that." Kale spoke.

" I m not. Tekla got stuck in there. We..we have to help him and get him out of there. If...if...if we delay, he might get stuck there forever..."

Malcolm shooed Kale away from his side and resumed his speaking as Miss Willson tried to figure out what the kid was trying to say but then it made no sense. 

"This is it. Malcolm Winters head out of the class. Kale takes him to the counselor, Julie." 

Miss Willson declared and turned her back to them and started to walk back to her position, the podium.

" do not need a f.u.c.k.i.n.g counseling...." Malcolm shouted.

"Language, Malcolm Winters. This is a classroom. Stick to the rules." Miss Wilson let out sternly.

"Why...why don't you just listen to me then? I m telling you how to get Tekla out of there...." Malcolm groaned in annoyance.

"I have no time to listen to your imaginative theories, Mr. Winters. Kale take him out. " Miss Willson spoke out.

" all are all are coward.....trying to hide the truth...this is bad..."

Malcolm screamed as Kale tried to drag him out of there. He eyed Cole and Vincent too as he let those words out of his mouth as if he was indicating it to them too.

Cole and Vin shared a look listening to what just Malcolm said. What he was saying, they could make sense out of It but they were aware of the fact that the outside world would not understand it.

It sounded too surreal and unrealistic, more like some sort of gaming science fiction movie or a book with such a storyline Everyone would find it illogical and unbelievable unless they played it themselves and feel how much real it felt.

"That was not preferable. Keep everything else not related to your class out of the classroom. "

Miss Willson announced standing over the podium. The students kept quiet even though some could not stop discussing what just happened in from of their eyes.

Cole and Vincent were now too much sure that it was the game....and nothing else that was the reason behind the missing of Tekla Tesla. 

But they did not know how it was possible and what exactly happened so it was useless to blurt it out to the outside world and get rendered as some crazy, mad person.

It was better to shut their mouth and not say anything. Why put themselves at risk when it had nothing to do with them? 

And most importantly Tekla Tesla was not even their friend for he did nothing except torment Cole every day of his school life starting from the Kindergarten days. Why should he be bothered by such a bully going missing then? 

It was maybe for the better. It was karma striking over that bully. Cole thought. But then he could not decide which karma he was serving as his eyes again lost his vision in the middle of the class as Miss Willson was explaining some diagram on the white screen.

All he could see was black and then in a flash of a second, it turned white going back to black. He tried to close his eyes harder as much as he could and open them to see if he could see now but no use. 

He could do nothing but wait for a d for the vision to return to him normally. He had no idea what was going on inside his eyes. It was so not comforting to have to lose your vision without any warning any time of the day and then bear the consequences of it.

He felt like a blind person as he could not see anything but could hear others murmuring, talking. Damn! It felt so bad and excruciatingly annoying.

It took longer to return his vision. He wanted to kick himself out of the class and rush anywhere like a mad crazy person. His fist turned white from tightly holding the pencil for a long time.


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