All he could see was black and then in a flash of a second, it turned white going back to black. He tried to close his eyes harder as much as he could and open them to see if he could see now but no use. 

He could do nothing but wait for a d for the vision to return to him normally. He had no idea what was going on inside his eyes. It was so not comforting to have to lose your vision without any warning any time of the day and then bear the consequences of it.

He felt like a blind person as he could not see anything but could hear others murmuring, talking. Damn! It felt so bad and excruciatingly annoying.

It took longer to return his vision. He wanted to kick himself out of the class and rush anywhere like a mad crazy person. His fist turned white from tightly holding the pencil for a long time.

His eyes watered as his vision did not return anytime soon. What was happening? God...he wanted to bang his head on the desk. 


He could hear it being Vin sitting right next to him but he could not see anything. All he could see was white...plain white as if a stain of white paint had been painted in the front of his eyes...he felt like staring at a plain white wall.

"Man...are you ok? You have your water bottle leaking on you, tighten the bolt."

He heard Vin and only that was when he felt something wet pouring over his jeans. He was so consumed in his anger and fighting the inner emotions of how he was feeling about the situation of turning blind all of a sudden.

What if... What if there was no cure for it? What if the doctor told that they were just meted signs of him being blind in the future? What..what would he do then? 

Would he be ok knowing that? 

He tried to reach for the water bottle, his hand sliding over the desk as he could not see anything not knowing where the damn bottle was. 

Vin eyed his friend's action not believing what was exactly going on. Why was Cole behaving like he could not see where the water bottle was? It was right in front of him...on his desk but he was sliding his hand over the desk surface like a blind person trying to figure out where the water bottle was.

Cole cursed under him breathe if someone else other than Vin was looking at him. He did not mind Vin because he was going to confess to him that he had caught an unknown disease of going blind anytime anywhere at any time of the day without a damn warning. 

He had no idea why and how he came in contact with such a disease but the moment he woke up from the hospital bed, his vision had not been the same ever since.

Vin leaned forward and held the water bottle instead for Cole and tightened the cap of the bottle. He then placed it on Cole's desk loudly trying to gain his attention as he was still sliding his hand over the surface of the desk, finding the bottle.

"Thank...thank you." 

Cole muttered softly getting to know that Vin had done it. He just did not know what he might be thinking about him now. It was just so weird. 

"Class dismissed. Remember to do the homework. A verbal oral test will be taken three days from now. " 

Miss Willson declared as she collected all her belongings and moved out of the class as soon as the bell rang.

Cole sighed when he started seeing blurry images again. Thanks to God, his vision was back again and he could not help and thank god more for it. 

Before he could say or think anything, Vin's face was in front if him, eyeing him with seriousness and unanswered questions. Cole already knew what it was about so he just said.

"Follow me." 

Vin did not say anything and stood up along with Cole and they both moved put of the class together as the rest of the class continued to discuss about what happened to Tekla and the Malcolm scene in the morning.

"Did you see how Malcolm behaved? "

"I think that he had gone mad and crazy. Tekla going missing had taken a troll over the poor guy."

"I bet they are more than just friends, Brie."

"They are gay, I always knew."

Cole and Vin could not believe their ears what they were listening as they passed by the corridor.

Everyone in the school was talking and chit chatting about the same thing. They were like obsessed over what happened in the morning situation. It was more like they wanted to gossip about the situation without a stop.

Cole and Vin could not believe how the talking of missing went from there to confirming Malcolm and Tekla being gay and that both were in a relationship that was why it was taking so much troll on Malcolm other than the other friends like Kale.

Cole and Vin stopped in their usual hanging place and before they started talking, Cole looked around if anybody was closer to them who could hear what he was about to say then.

"Now speak what happened back in there."

Vin mouthed out quickly and also eyed the surrounding around him. 

"What was that? Cole...You...I mean the bottle was right in front of you....hiw could you..."

"That was...that was what I wanted to tell you outside of our phone call." Cole cut him short.

Vin frowned in confusion. He remained silent wanting Cole to continue. He was awfully vague about he just saw back in the class. It was unsettling.

"I...I turned blind...back in the class..I turned blind." 

Cole said it, stuttering a little and closing his eyes for a flash of second not believing he finally said those words out to someone. It felt light in his chest. 

He was aware that he would have to say the same thing in the hospital before the doctor alongside his mother whom he had not said the whole thing yet. And he was aware of the fact that his mother would for sure freak out when she will hear him saying he turns blind for a time being.

But it was necessary. He would have to come out clear in front of the doctor so that she could identify the disease and probably name it out along with naming the cure of it...if there was a cure possibly...

"What...?? What did you just say???" 

Vin questioned, not believing what he just heard. Cole sighed. He knew it was not going to be easy explaining it to anyone. His condition was extremely something nobody had ever heard about it.

"The moment I opened my eyes in the hospital, my vision was not clear. It was hazy and blurry like I lost my power it something and got detected with myopia or hypermetropia...I do not know..."

Cole paused for letting Vin get to the meaning of what he was saying. He knew that Vin would take time to process all the he was going to tell him now and he just hoped that Vin would not freak out in the middle, gaining attention over to them.

"I told the doctor there who..who was looking after me, he said that it would turn out to be alright and that it was probably because I had kept my eyes closed for so long that caused it for my cornea to delay in the process of entering the right amount of light inside me..."

"...Dude, I woke up too maybe the same time as you woke up and I had my eyes closed too for that long time but when I opened my eyes, I did not really have any problem though?" Vin cut him short.

"I know it does not makes sense but then listen to me ok?" Cole stretched.

"Fine....fine go on..." Vin muttered.

Cole took in deep breathe and continued, once again after checking their background if anyone could hear them. 

It would be a disaster if anyone heard it for rumors and fake news spread faster than the speed of damn light in their school.

"So I thought it would be alright and then you know returned home with my mom and still everything was same but then I decided to visit your house, in the middle I got blind and had to stop. That was the first time...."

Cole closed his eyes as he recalled the incident.... 

"Cole...your mother is here."


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