Chapter 51 - YOU'LL BE FINE...

"The moment I opened my eyes in the hospital, my vision was not clear. It was hazy and blurry like I lost my power it something and got detected with myopia or hypermetropia...I do not know..."

Cole paused for letting Vin get to the meaning of what he was saying. He knew that Vin would take time to process all the he was going to tell him now and he just hoped that Vin would not freak out in the middle, gaining attention over to them.

"I told the doctor there who..who was looking after me, he said that it would turn out to be alright and that it was probably because I had kept my eyes closed for so long that caused it for my cornea to delay in the process of entering the right amount of light inside me..."

"...Dude, I woke up too maybe the same time as you woke up and I had my eyes closed too for that long time but when I opened my eyes, I did not really have any problem though?" Vin cut him short.

"I know it does not makes sense but then listen to me ok?" Cole stretched.

"Fine....fine go on..." Vin muttered.

Cole took in a deep breath and continued, once again after checking their background if anyone could hear them. 

It would be a disaster if anyone heard it for rumors and fake news spread faster than the speed of damn light in their school.

"So I thought it would be alright and then you know returned home with my mom and still everything was same but then I decided to visit your house, in the middle, I got blind and had to stop. That was the first time...."

Cole closed his eyes as he recalled the incident... 

"Cole...your mother is here."

Both Vin and Cole turned back to see Mr. Hedge, the security guard of the school main gate, standing there.

It was then Cole checked his time on his new iPhone eleven Promax. It was almost going to be eleven in the morning. And they had the appointment with Doctor Leslie right in the noontime.

"What?? Why is your mother here?" Vin asked.

" She is waiting for you in the waiting area...come out fast. " 

Mr. Hedge announced and went away leaving Vin still confused with his zillions of questions still unanswered by Cole.

"My mom is here to take me to the hospital."

"What? Hospital again? Dude, you said you were fine? Why the hospital again?" 

Vin fired the bullets of questions in Cole's direction without a breather. He was dying of seriousness here. How could his friend not tell him about all these before???

"To check my eyes, man. I told you right..."

"No...not..tell the entire story ow...continue..." Vin urged him.

"Man, my mom is waiting and I might get late for the appointment with Doctor Leslie.." Cole groaned.

"No...just finish it fast. You know I will die out of it knowing if you leave me hanging like this..." 

Vin stomped his feet on the ground like a little kid, stubborn and unconvinced by what he received as his Christmas present. Cole grunted out in annoyance.

"Oh, and where did you get an iPhone even Promax? Cole, what else are you hiding from me?" Vin scrunched.

"Listen...listen to me first ok. You do not listen to me and just keep dropping questions upon me like dropping a grenade in the battleground." Cole let out, irritated. 

He was running late here for his appointment and Vin was not anywhere ready to let him go without replying or answering his questions and he knew better than to leave Vin hanging on information as he would not stop until he heard what it was all about.

"So I got blind...I mean...I turned blind for the first time on my way to meet you and I could not believe what was happening to me...It was like a deep blow. I could not see anything...everything turned black and white snd it kept flipping like altering from black to white snd then black...I had to stop walking in the middle of the path because I could not see anything...."

Vin did not say anything and continued to listen to what his best buddy was saying. He could not believe his ears though because the situation that was Cole describing seemed like something he never heard about.

"Then I could not continue anymore. Once my vision returned, I sat in Centinela Park wondering what just happened. It was late when I returned home. And then it happened again while I was having dinner with my mother..."

"Does she know about it?" 

Vin could not help but ask in the between. He wondered how much have Miss Sullivan might have reacted to her som's unknown problem of turning blind out of nowhere.

"No...I mean yes but not exactly the part where I turn blind completely. " Cole replied.

He just told her that he could not see properly and headed out to the school in Mr. Evans's car in the morning. Although, he did tell her that there were more things to be told than what he just told her back at that time.

He could now only think that he would be rushing her with the information and she would not even get enough time to cope up with all that he was going blast her with before the visit to the doctor. 

He probably should have told her in the night, yesterday. And then everything would not have sounded so chaotic to her but now what done was done... That time was gone and it would not return for sure.

So he had no choice but to tell everything to her right after he headed out to meet her and both would go to the hospital for their awaiting appointment to doctor, Leslie.

"What exactly do you mean by it? " Vin implored.

"Vin...damn I m getting late. If I miss the f.u.c.k.i.n.g appointment...I swear to God.."

"Do not swear just continue with the are wasting time by yourself..." Vin snorted.

Cole could not believe his friend. He could be so overly tense sometimes. But he ignored it and continued to narrate the story as fast as he could and leave to meet his mother and get the hell out of school.

" I did not tell mother than I turn blind. I just told her that my eye problem is still there and I would like to run a checkup. " Cole let out.

"You should have told her man. She is going to freak out now. And she will not have time even to cope up with the entire thing that you just narrated to me. I meant is taking a troll over me even thinking about it right now." Vin said.

Cole could understand what Vin meant by that. He knew that he committed a mistake by hiding and keeping news as such from his mother. 

He just did not want to make her worry about him anymore and thought that it would go away just like the game let them free but it was not going anywhere anytime soon. It was a disease that was going to consume him slowly and slowly and he had no idea what awaited him in the future.

"Do not worry, man. Everything will be alright. I heard Doctor Leslie is one of the best eye doctors out there. You will be fine. Do not lose hope." Vin muttered patting his shoulder.

Cole appreciated that. He needed those encouraging words. He needed it more than anything ever. He knew telling Vin would make him feel somehow a little lighter than before.

"Now go and please tell your mother about everything before you drop the bomb in front of the doctor. It would be so unfair for her. Maybe wait by in the park and tell her then go to the doctor." Vin suggested.

Cole nodded. It was something he could do. He needed to tell her first before he told the doctor, he was aware of that. He just did not know how to and from where to start. 

"You will be fine, man. Do not worry. Tell me about the iPhone thing when you return. Now go. She is waiting for you."

Cole hugged Vin one last time before heading out of there, collecting his books and thrashing them inside his bag. He headed towards the waiting area and smiled when he saw his mother.


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