Chapter 52 - WHEN, WHERE AND HOW??

"Now go and please tell your mother about everything before you drop the bomb in front of the doctor. It would be so unfair for her. Maybe wait by in the park and tell her then go to the doctor." Vin suggested.

Cole nodded. It was something he could do. He needed to tell her first before he told the doctor, he was aware of that. He just did not know how to and from where to start. 

"You will be fine, man. Do not worry. Tell me about the iPhone thing when you return. Now go. She is waiting for you."

Cole hugged Vin one last time before heading out of there, collecting his books and thrashing them inside his bag. He headed towards the waiting area and smiled when he saw his mother.

"Cole??? Where have you been? We are getting late, common now let's move." 

Ivory chirped as soon as she saw her son, standing by the entrance of the waiting area with his school bag hanging on him.

Cole moved towards his mother.

"It is almost eleven. We will board a taxi, common." 

Ivory held his hand and they both headed out of the school. It was cute how his mother still considered him to be a small kid and held his hand while they were crossing the road as he had no idea about any of these or even never crossed a road before.

"I heard how people around the school were talking about Tekla going missing. It is all over the area. " 

Ivory said, "I can't even think what might have had happened. How his parents are coping up with this. "

Cole did not say anything and just resumed to listen to what his mother was saying as they waited for a taxi to stop by. All of them were racing away. Catching a taxi these days sounded hard stuff.

"Cole, always be careful. Look around when you go. Bad people are everywhere." 

Ivory was just worried that what if another one of the kids got missing. Bad people roamed everywhere. Going missing and finding them was always hard and it always left a disastrous consequence after the incident.

It was then Cole remembered how Malcolm was calling them cowards. Maybe..maybe it was true. They were indeed cowards for they knew what actually might have had happened but not telling it to anyone, the authorities which might help them in trying to get Tekla out...

But it was also a fact to be noted that to the outside world, it would always seem like something sort of meaningless and illogical. They instead would be rendered as someone who needed medical attention for their mind. 

When the taxi stopped by, Cole did not notice and his mother got inside, calling out for him as he stood ideal on the pavement thinking.

"Cole...Cole...what is wrong? Hop in...we are getting late." Ivory shouted out softly.

It was then Cole realized that they could not just go to the hospital with his mother not aware of what actually his problem was. He needed to tell her first. 

So he caught hold of his mother's hand and urged her to get out of there. His mother first did not know how to react but then later obliged not knowing what exactly was the problem.

"What is it? What is wrong, honey?" 

"Just come out, mom. I need to tell you something first." 

Cole replied still trying to pull his mother out from the taxi. The driver eyed the mother-son duo weirdly, wasting his time.

"Hey, man what is it? Do you guys want to go or not?" 

"Mom...just come out..."

Cole ignored what the driver uttered out still holding onto his mother's hand and then not having any other option, Ivory just moved out of the taxi.

"Sorry, Sir..." 

She tried to apologize for the inconvenience she and her son caused the taxi driver. It was always uncertain with Cole. He would act like a three-year-old out of nowhere anywhere and everywhere.

"Man, thanks for wasting five minutes of my goddamn time!"

The man groaned as he drove away not even giving time to Ivory to close the back door.

"What is it, Cole? Do you not want to go to the hospital? Or are you alright now?"

Ivory questioned, turning to look at her son who just maintained a straight face but she knew that inside his head, something else was going on and he just did not know who to utter it out.

"Let's..just move to the park. I got to tell you something. " 

Cole mouthed out finally, staring into his mother's grey eyes. She was eyeing him back with concern and worry. She did not say anything and just nodded her head and followed him as they walked to the other side of the street and entered inside Centennial Park.

People were all over the place there. Children playing, swinging on the swing, riding the moving horse, and toy cars. Old couple taking a stroll around the place enjoying the quality time. The green grass dancing to and fro as they followed the rhythm of the winter morning chill wind.

"What is it, son?" 

Ivory questioned putting her right palm on his knee as they sat on the far side of the park, away from the people's touch.

Cole took a deep breath and said, " Mom...this is going to sound really awful..."

"Just get it out, Cole. Do not hold back one bit. I m your mother." Ivory let out.

" The problem with my is not just about having an unclear vision. It has more to it..." 

"What more??? " 

Ivory implored as she had her eyes fixed on the face of her son who was looking down on the ground as if contemplating how to say the next line to her. 

"...I...I turn bli...Blind mom...I turn blind for a while. " 

That was it. He told her. He did it and that was when he looked up to see the expression that his mother wore hearing the news from him. 

She looked like she had no words to say. It was as if her words had died down deep inside her throat. 

" something," Cole uttered out.

Ivory's lips moved to try to speak out but she had no idea or clue to say it out loud. Her son turned blind? What? How could he turn blind? It did not make sense. Was he not seeing anything right now too? 

"Can...can you see now?" She stuttered.

Cole just schools his head positive letting her know that he did could see right then just the vision was unclear as it was since the day, he opened his eyes in the hospital.

" are you blind then?" She implored.

He knew that she would have too many questions about it and it would be hard for her to consume the truth right away. He should have just told her earlier now she would not even have the time to consume and settle with the news.

"It is not like that. I just turn blind for a while. Everything....becomes black and white for the time being and...and then I cannot see a thing until it returns back to its normal state. " Cole explained.

Ivory did not say anything and just went on with listening to whatever her son had to say to her. She just could not believe her ears at that moment. 

Out of everything that could have happened to his eyes, he turned blind for a time being...her son turned blind for a minute or two??? 

"When...when and how..where did this start to happen? " Ivory intervened.

"Since yesterday. " Cole answered.

"Why did you not tell me, Cole? You do not hide such news about yourself from your own mother." 

Ivory yelled out in frustration drawing some unwanted attention to their side which they chose to ignore. A strand of tear rolled down her cheeks. Her nose turned red from thinking about the possibility that her son could forever turn blind.

"I m...I m sorry mom. " Cole bowed his head down in embarrassment.

Ivory felt bad yelling at him when how hard it must have been for him to keep it all to himself and bear it all alone. She rubbed away her tears and pulled her son in for a big warm hug. He hugged her back.


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