Out of everything that could have happened to his eyes, he turned blind for a time being...her son turned blind for a minute or two??? 

"When...when and how..where did this start to happen? " Ivory intervened.

"Since yesterday. " Cole answered.

"Why did you not tell me, Cole? You do not hide such news about yourself from your mother." 

Ivory yelled out in frustration drawing some unwanted attention to their side which they chose to ignore. A strand of tear rolled down her cheeks. Her nose turned red from thinking about the possibility that her son could forever turn blind.

"I m...I m sorry mom. " Cole bowed his head down in embarrassment.

Ivory felt bad yelling at him when how hard it must have been for him to keep it all to himself and bear it all alone. She rubbed away her tears and pulled her son in for a big warm hug. He hugged her back.


Cole and his mother found themselves sitting in the waiting area of the hospital waiting for their appointment number to turn up.

His mother did not say anything much after the talk they had in the park and just boarded the taxi and went to the hospital.

Waiting for straight one hour now, still, his mother was not telling or saying anything to him. Her face had an expressionless tone plastered on her. Her eyes trained to look in the front while he could not help but steal glances of his mother about how was she, what thought she must be having in her mind, from time to time.

" Number ten head inside."

The nurse with chocolate skin uttered put from the counter where she was sitting in her strict voice.

Ivory stood up quickly hearing that and so did Cole and they both headed inside the cabin after walking past the nurse's counter.

Dr. Leslie Jones

The nameplate with golden bordering stuck proudly on the front of the door. Cole pushed it inside and let his mother enter first. She asked for the doctor's permission first and then Cole followed with the door closing on its own.

"Take seats, Mr. And Miss Sullivan, I believe." 

The doctor said as she twirled to the front with her moving chair to face her new patients going through the profile file.

"Yes. I m Cole's mother. Cole Sullivan." Ivory mumbled.

"So what is the problem? Cole? You have the problem, right?" 

Doctor Leslie asked looking at the dirty blonde boy who seemed nervous as he looked up at the doctor if possibly she had a cure for him.

" is him, Doctor." Ivory said it for her son.

"Call me Leslie. So Cole describe your problem on your own." Doctor Leslie pronounced it out.

Cole inhaled deeply before starting, looking at his mother who just nodded her head slightly indicating him to go on and held his right hand on hers giving him the warmth and support that he needed at that moment. That gave him the courage that his mother was with him right here and if something goes wrong, she would be there for him, to hold him back when something would happen.

"I...woke up yesterday from..."

"I heard about that from Doctor Liam. I hope you are fine now?" Doctor Leslie implored.

She had come to know about his report from Doctor Liam who booked the appointment for them last night. Otherwise getting an appointment with her was a hard task to complete.

"So since then, I have been having problems with my vision... it's not clear and hazy and blurry. Right now to it is like that...." Cole started again.

"So perhaps you might have either of the 

problem, Myopia or hypermetropia..." 

Doctor Leslie interrupted him again. He was already finding it difficult to explain it to her in the first place but here she kept stopping him in the middle, creating more difficulty for him. He just wanted to be over with it.

"Will you let my son complete what he has to say?" Ivory narrowed her eyes.

She knew how hard it was for her son to continue telling about his unknown disease. She could feel him for she was his mother and she could not tolerate him going through it all alone. 

Doctor Leslie did not say anything and just nodded her head to the mother. She waited for the boy to continue.

"But it is more different than just the two diseases you mention about...I turn...I turn blind...." Cole carried on.

His mother rubbed his back encouraging him to go on. She squeezed his palm, the one she was holding. 

" happens without a warning anywhere, anytime...My vision gets black and white and the cycle repeats for a minute or so before...before returning back to the same blurred vision..."

As Cole completed looking down on the floor as he could not tell all of it by staring at the doctor's eyes. Once done saying, he looked up to see the doctor eyeing him strangely as if trying to process the words he just aired out.

"Basically...I just...I turn blind for a minute or two." 

Cole concluded it. His mother gave him a curt nod indicating that he did well on his part of describing the doctor his problem. 

Doctor Leslie did not say anything and moved to the left, near her desktop, and started searching for what Cole just described to be more sure.

She had never heard of anything like Cole described. But she was assuming it could be a symptom of him turning blind...regardless she wanted to be more sure and she went through medical files and terms after terms trying to find out.

" is there a cure or treatment for this right, Doctor? I mean, Leslie?" 

Ivory could not help but ask as the doctor was taking her sweet time going through the files. She could see that the mother and son had high hopes that she could cure them but it was not a confirmed case that she could handle anymore.

"I m afraid, I do not owe the straight forward answers to your question, Ivory." Leslie mouthed out.

She finally parted her gaze from the monitor screen and looked at the silent patient.

"What do you mean by it?" Ivory asked.

"By that I mean is I cannot say anything. This is rare. I never have heard of anything like this. But it could be a symptom of the future disease...blindness could be the outcome. Permanent blindness." 

Ivory's eyes widened as she heard what the doctor just told them loud and clear. Cole left palm curled up into a fist unbelieving the things he was hearing from the doctor. His worst fear of turning blind forever, the doctor just addressed it.

"Tell me...please tell me there is a way...there is an option to stop this. Please. " 

Ivory cried out, her tears rolled down from her cheeks as she mouthed those words out. She could not be able to bear her son losing his vision...the capability to see for the rest of his life. It was not something she ever thought that could happen.

"I m sorry, Ivory. I just looked up in all the files and medical terms and probably the closest I could match to what your son described his problem as to a symptom for future permanent blindness. " 

Doctor Leslie voiced out again. She could understand the fear of her...Ivory being a mother and all that. She was a mother of two sons too.

" problems come so does a solution for it too. " 

Doctor Leslie said it next which caught both Cole and his mother's attention. Maybe...maybe there was still hope after all.? They should not give up this fast maybe? Cole thought to himself.

"What do you mean, Leslie?" Ivory questioned, with hope laced on her voice.

" What I mean is that if we perform surgery of replacing the iris...Cole's iris I mean which could be the underlying reason for all of the problems that he just described, turning blind is out of the question, Ivory." 

Once Doctor Leslie described that both Cole and his mother looked at each other dreamily as if they had finally been relieved from it. There was a way. There still was.

"So Leslie if we do the surgery, there will not be any chances of Cole turning blind? " Ivory implored.

Doctor Leslie shook her head positive, "Of course. All we need is a matching sample of Cole's iris and we will be set. If you guys are ready with the money then we are all set to go." 

That got them both. The money...they never had it enough...


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