Chapter 54 - WHY NOT?

" problems come so does a solution for it too. " 

Doctor Leslie said it next which caught both Cole and his mother's attention. Maybe...maybe there was still hope after all.? They should not give up this fast maybe? Cole thought to himself.

"What do you mean, Leslie?" Ivory questioned, with hope laced on her voice.

" What I mean is that if we perform surgery of replacing the iris...Cole's iris I mean which could be the underlying reason for all of the problems that he just described, turning blind is out of the question, Ivory." 

Once Doctor Leslie described that both Cole and his mother looked at each other dreamily as if they had finally been relieved from it. There was a way. There still was.

"So Leslie if we do the surgery, there will not be any chances of Cole turning blind? " Ivory implored.

Doctor Leslie shook her head positive, "Of course. All we need is a matching sample of Cole's iris and we will be set. If you guys are ready with the money then we are all set to go." 

That got them both. The money...they never had it enough... It was the biggest problem and they also knew that if anyone had those damn cash a pocket full, you got nothing to worry about.

"What will be the overall amount, Leslie?" Ivory intervened.

"It will go around like three thousand to two thousand dollars overall. The extra charges for care and processing after will be paid differently. " 

Doctor Leslie answered blowing the mind of Ivory and her son, Cole. They did not possess such kind of money. A huge amount of thousand dollars. Whatever Ivory gets from working as all night shifter in the diner, it all gets used up paying the house rent, electricity bill, water bill, Cole's school fees, and all that. They had no savings. 

"I know the amount could seem huge but the possibility to see all clear again is a miracle. Even those who were born blind were able to regain their vision. Trust me on this one, Ivory. " 

Leslie continued once she noticed that both the mother and son had muted themselves after they heard about the money thing. She could understand that the cost amount seemed too heavy. 

"I...I want to go with the surgery as soon as I can. I can't nearly son going through all these and...and..." Ivory began.

" ...and I will not delay in my part. I will start with the procedure right away if you could deposit the amount at the counter. "Leslie cut Ivory short.

" that where we would have to delay it, Leslie. I do not have such kind of money. " 

Tears started flowing out of Ivory's eyes as she felt so helpless and a complete failure as a mother for being unable to help her son out. She was a loser for a mother. 

" it's alright. " Cole rubbed her back.

"I m sorry to hear that Ivory. When it comes to treatment, you should be also ready with the money for it, or else it becomes impossible to go with it..." Leslie said.

That got Ivory sick. Hearing that just because they were short on money, they would not be able to go with the treatment. Not now...maybe later in the future but what if till then things got worse...

What if Cole's temporary...momentary blindness prolongs? What if by that time her son would not be able to see anything at all? And what if by the time she collected the required amount of money, he turned blind altogether? 

What would she do then? What that would mean for her son's future? She wanted to blurt all those questions out to the doctor but she knew that it would all be in vain for she was only doing her duty.

"Maybe...maybe you guys can take time. Discuss this with Cole's father and then book another appointment with me. We will discuss the later process then." 

What doctor Leslie just voiced out hurt more than anything? 

Cole's father? He was out of the picture. He did not even bother to check on the text stating Cole's recent accident from Ivory either. Plus he stopped sending the alimony too which only meant one thing.

One thing that he longer wished to be associated with them in any way. He longer wished to be a part of his own son's life which was pathetic but what could Ivory do. 

He had the money and status, the power and fame while she had nothing. She could not even meet him if she tried to. He was a celebrity and for her to meet with him, she would have to book an appointment or something. 

Cole just felt sadder and despicable for himself. How the people and society kept mentioning his bastard father when he did not want to be a part of his life.

"He...I mean Cole's father...he is not in the picture." Ivory asserted.

"Oh...I m sorry for his death, Ivory." 

Doctor Leslie mistook it and Ivory was about to correct her but Cole stopped her, squeezing her hands with his, indicating that it was better this way. Ivory stopped herself.

Perhaps it was better this way. Mentioning that he left them and sounding miserable to others than just letting people assume he was just not there...dead...he was dead. He was dead for Cole anyway.

After that Cole and Ivory headed out. Doctor Leslie gave them her contact for them to talk to her if they would be ready...whenever they would be ready, she would not delay from her side.

Cole and Ivory after paying the visiting which was costlier too walked out of the hospital. They did not think that this entire encounter would turn out to be this way.

Ivory looked down while walking on the pavement alongside Cole. They both did not say a word to each other as they continued sauntering in the middle of many people.

Ivory just could not help and think what she did wrong for her son was bearing the consequences of it. Why destiny was being cruel? What was her fault? What was her son's fault in all these? 

He was innocent and so was she. The thought of him turning blind in the future if the surgery was delayed because she could not work enough to arrange money was killing her.

It would be all her would be all over her. Her son would turn blind just because she could not be a damn good parent and provide her son with the basic necessity and support. 

Cole did not know what to feel, how to feel after the encounter with the doctor. The possibility of turning blind was fearful. He had seen how everything turns black and white...and how he could not see any damn he felt much helpless, miserable and irritated felt then.

And to get used to feeling it and not being able to see anything for the rest of his life would kill him. How could he live like that? Not being able to see the world around him? How was he going to continue?..carry on with life?? 

"I m so sorry Cole." 

Cole stopped on his track to see his mother had halted on her steps when they reached the alley. She was looking down saying sorry to him before moving her eyes up to see him.

"I...I m a failure. I cannot provide you. It is me because of whom your life could turn dark. I m such a shame for a parent." 

Cole quickly strode forward and held his mother in for a hug. She cried hard against his chest. 

"It's an alright mother. I m fine. We will get past this. Don't cry, please. You are not a failure. " 

He rubbed her back trying to soothe her but it was not working as Ivory continued to sob her heart out. She felt so helpless and like a loser. Today, she felt like she was not a good perfect mother to her son.

"I...I will go to him...He must have gone busy...I will talk to him...he will help us..."

Cole understood what his mother was telling. She was thinking of contacting his bastard father. Not in f.u.c.k.i.n.g hell. He thought.

"He will help us, Cole."

" will not contact him, mom."

Cole let out.

"Why? Why not?..."


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