If only if she would have at least told him something...a little maybe about all these then there was a chance that he possibly could have denied the proposal of accepting the lenses.

'Umm...nope! You would not have for you had no other option but to accept it or else you would have turned blind a long time ago! '

Cole now was getting irritated by how the robot kept speaking and talking to him. He could not even think anything now for the damn robot would get to know and start giving out his opinion on its own.

'You can always talk to me! After all, we are buddies for life, pal!'


In the history class, Cole tried to blank out his thoughts to zero right away for if not, the robot would start talking to him and at that moment he did not want that.

He wanted to be free from it for a while. He had had enough of its rubbish nonsensical talks the entire break time. He even forgot to have his lunch from the cafeteria and now his stomach was grumbling.

He could not even think of missing any of the classes as Vin sent him a text requesting to collect the notes of all the leftover periods and he was bound to now for Vin had helped him with the same thing many times before.

"So who could tell me when Loius sixteen killed?"

Miss Williams asked flipping the pages of the textbook from the podium and waited for the students to answer.

'Twenty-first January, Nineteen hundred and seventy-three !'

Immediately the robot answered the damn question inside Cole's mind and he could not help but be mad for it returned to life again.

It was just gone for about five minutes straight and here it was once again. Could it not take a rest for god's sake??

'Common, Cole! Tell her! Answer her!'

Cole shook his head in denial. What did the damn robot want? Why was it trying to make him an ace in the class? He was not even interested in it.

He never wished to top the class or answer every question the teacher splashed towards them. He was not a studious boy and he knew that very well. All he wanted was to pass all the classes somehow.

'Why don't you even want to try and see how it feels like to be able to answer?'

'It is a great feeling. Common, bud! Say it out! Just raise your damn hand!'

Cole chose to give it his ignoring side and continued to stare on the blank whiteboard as someone else answered the answer to the question.

"What happened to Sullivan? I thought he would answer it as he solved all the math problems in the last class. "

Cole heard the small murmurs from behind and he could not help but sit straight trying to ignore all that too.

"Maybe he did not read history? After all his weak fragile brain can handle only one thing at a time!"

One of them mocked as they laughed at him oblivion to the teacher who went lecturing the class about Loius sixteen in a monotone.

'You should not feel bad now for you chose to not answer!'

The robot voiced out and Cole could not help but wonder how it knew that he felt even felt bad or hear what others gossiped about him behind his back.

'When you are sad, your brain releases negative hormones, I m not going to name it out as your scores in biology is unbelievably bad! That is how I got to know!'

Cole at that very moment wanted to stand out and yell at the damn thing for again going in through his scoresheet without his permission.

Why did it not listen to him for one damn thing? How was he supposed to spend his entire life with it if it kept breaking all codes of privacy?

'Checking your scoresheet is not breaking your privacy!'

Ahhh...Cole wanted to pull his damn hairs out of their roots for he was starting to get a headache from all that talking the robot was doing right inside from his head.

'Do not try to blame me for the headache! It is you! You are denying to accept me!'

Cole was just minutes away from banging his head against the desktop to make it stop talking even for the slightest bit of time.

He could not even think now peacefully. He was not a man of words either and all he did was think to himself and now he could not even do that peacefully.

Because of the would know it and start giving out its own opinion even when it was not needed and very much unwelcomed.

'Everything will fall back to places if you just accept me!'

Why?? Why the hell will I even accept you?? Who are you?? I would not stop until I find a way to get rid of you. Wait...wait and watch me!

Cole scribbled those sentences with a question mark and exclamation mark on his notebook. He wanted it to see that he was not going to accept whatever the hell was going on.

He wanted to scream those words out to it in the free air but he could not as he was in a class and everyone would take him for a crazy nutcase person.

'You can't get rid of me! I told you!'

Ughh...Cole could not concentrate on anymore anything at that point. He was not even giving attention to begin within the class from before but now he could not even sit calmly just with his thoughts intact.

Why God was punishing him that way?? What wrong he did to him ever?? What was wrong with the universe for making him come across that crazy lady, Emily and she stuck him these talkative robot who was going to take over his body slowly and slowly!

'First thing: you are lucky to come across us!

Second thing: Emily is not crazy! She helped in making this advanced technology!

Third thing: I m not taking over your body!

It is the system! You are in the SUPREME VISION SYSTEM!!'


I m sorry for the repetition of words..i shall not do that in later has all been an error from my side and I blame the system too.

Thank you for being here with me and I understand your concerns. I have a good story to tell and I will edit the chapters sooner and make them longer, the earlier chapters plus will correct the repetition too. Just be patient..I had a hard time replacing all the 82 chapters and my editor locked incorrectly.

I have my semester exams going March I will totally edit all the chapters by then pls b here with me..I know it's too much to ask. 

But as I said this will not be like any other system novel you read here.

Thank you



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