Chapter 76 - ACTING WEIRD!

Why God was punishing him that way?? What wrong he did to him ever?? What was wrong with the universe for making him come across that crazy lady, Emily and she stuck him this talkative robot who was going to take over his body slowly and slowly!

'First thing: you are lucky to come across us!

Second thing: Emily is not crazy! She helped in making this advanced technology!

Third thing: I m not taking over your body!

It is the system! You are in the SUPREME VISION SYSTEM!!'


After the classes were over, Cole headed out of the classroom and picked up a few books from inside his locker.

Once done, he went away to the practice field to see if Vin was done with his practice for the day and also to hand him all the notes that he collected in the last three periods.

The exams were coming sooner and they being none studious students did not even open the book for the whole damn year so it was high time they started learning at least something to pass the class.

Vin waved his hands in Cole's way as he saw him entering the ground premises. Vin stopped in the middle of placing the football back inside its net and then hand it over to the coach.

'Oh! That is Vin! He looks good more than his last imprint on your mind!'

Cole just continued to walk forward trying to pretend as if he heard nothing and acted like he did not know or was aware that a damn robot was residing inside his head.

'You can't get mad at me for telling this that Vin is more handsome and taller than you!'

"What??? What did you just say?? Are you mocking my five feet nine-inch height with Vin's six foot two inches??"

Cole could not help but yell it out. How dare it??? How dare now that it was even insulting his looks with his so best buddy?? Who even give it the right to compare his looks with his buddy in the first place??

'Hey! I do not need someone to give me the right to compare?'

"Oh, You do! You can't just go around comparing people just because you can? "

'You are just being too much right now!'

Cole's eyes widened to octets hearing it replies at his outburst. It should be apologizing to him right then for offending him so much.

Cole did not know when and for long Vin was staring at him, crazily talking to himself as if somebody was making fun of him. He could make it out by how Cole was yelling out right into the free air.

He heard some part of it where Cole told how it had no right to compare things. The thing was who was Cole talking to?

Not to mention Vin also had to ask how Cole could have answered all the questions so correctly in his math class.

Did he start preparing for the exams already unknown to him and broke their law of not starting their studies until their first study session premiere date??

Did he...did he break all the bro code now?? He did not even inform him that he was already done with the differential equations and the entire syllabus of mathematics??

'Umm...buddy you might want to turn back now!'

"Why?? Why do I need to turn back?? I m not going to do a single thing you say from now on. I m not your puppet and you can't order me around, get that."

Cole shouted and denied even turn his head a little to see what was it. He had decided that he would ignore it and maybe then...the thing would go away?? Who knew??

He already had tried to ignore it the entire last two periods but the moment, the teachers asked questions or the students sitting behind him said something, it would be fast to answer the question and also comment on what those students had to say too respectively.

It just could not stop itself from giving away its own opinion into every matter that it came across and by Cole know it better than this robot was not going to leave his side...his head anytime soon.

Maybe...maybe he could try finding the address of Miss Emily and ask her to program the lens back and shut down the damn robot fit god's sake. It never stopped talking.

"What?? Who are you talking to Cole??"

Vin asked as he encountered his friend going absolutely crazy with anger ness and started to even shout at this point.

Cole immediately turned back to see Vin eyeing him with too many questions in his eyes and Cole knew better that he would not be able to answer even one of them.

'See now you know why you should not ignore what I ask you to do!'

"Who..who were you talking to?? There is no one here except for me and you."

Vin inquired, narrowing his eyes at Cole. As Cole took his sweet time to think and say what to make Vin stop with his investigation right away. He was not a quick lier either.

'Just say you were talking to the call service! Your earpods are attached to your ears!'

Cole touched his ears to check if he really had the earpods on this entire time and he signed when he had it.

"I...I was talking to the call service. Keeps calling back every..every damn time, you know.."

Cole shrugged trying to act cool and that nothing else was going on other than that. Vin could see right through him and he did not want that to happen exactly right then.

'Do not worry! I shut down your usual flushed face when you lie!'

Cole's immediate response in his mind was how?? How the hell could it even control his facial expression now?? What the hell was going on?? For Christ's sake!

'Oh! I just controlled your hormonal release!'


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