'You could have just helped him with the entire thing and talk in between instead of seeing him work all alone after such a long tiring practice!'

Cole looked up in the sky waiting for the damn thing to stop talking. He was starting to get his headaches back and yet he did not know how to stop the damn thing down.

"I m almost done. Wait! As I was saying, they are thinking of sending me a step ahead and make me a striker...I mean how great is that..."

"Vin. I m so sorry but I just got a call...I have to go. Emergency!"

Cole strode away not being able to sit still anymore with the robot continuing its talking to him.

"What?? I was almost done, man! "

Vin waved his hand dramatically up in the air but Cole did not turn back and continued to walk away straight.

"Never mind! Thanks for the note by the way. See you at your house!"

Vin said as he bent down to grab the satchel and strode in the opposite direction towards the room where all the school play stuff was kept.


Cole made his way towards Centennial park and entered the main gate as he went to sit in the same place where he did yesterday... where the lady who's name was Emily approached him.

'Why walk all the way to the furthest corner?? There are lots of empty spaces in here too!'

Cole did not bother to respond to the damn robot and its reasoning which made sense but he always liked to be isolated so...he resumed his movement till he reached that exact spot.

"Now you are going to explain everything to me from A to Z in a direct way and not just in an indirect way."

Cole said as he sat on the empty bench and looked around if anybody was eyeing him weirdly or in a certain way which indicated to be ethically long.

'Fine! Fine! Common tell me what you want to know!'

"Everything as I said from A to Z!"

Cole said, pressing his earpods more into his ears so that people would not be suspicious of him talking to himself like a crazy person. He did not want to give away any kind of the wrong impression.

'So from where do you want me to start?'

"Start it from the starting obviously! I will not know where and when and how it started so..."

'Alright! Alright! Now stop talking will ya?'

Cole rolled his eyes as he heard that. The robot was a dramatic one and he had no idea why it was set to talk like that instead of the usual robot way of talking like a machine.

'I m the tenth generation Optics Bionic linked artificial intelligence. It was Madam Clara Wings who is my founder! I will forever be thankful to her!'

Cole listened and did not comment for he had no idea what 'tenth generation Optics Bionic linked ' meant for he was not into technology either.

The robot suddenly stopped talking and Cole wondered what happened. Why it stopped talking all of a sudden for it would never stop talking unless it went for an update as it stated before.

"Hey?? Are you still there?? Did you go for the update??"

Cole questioned, as he thought and waited impatiently for it to start talking again. He just wanted to know everything about the system, it kept mentioning about.

'Ahhh...I m here! I was just having a dreamy look reminiscing those times when Madam Clara would spend the entire month inside the lab only so that I could talk .'

Cole did not say anything and let it to continue narrating the entire thing to him. He just had no idea why it kept only describing how it was made.

'I remember the first time I was turned on using the optical waves of the bionic lenses interlined with the electromagnetic waves, I saw Madam Clara for the very first time and man, was she a beauty! '

"Will you just stop describing how you were created and how Madam Clara made you able to talk in such a unique way???"

Cole snorted. He did not understand how knowing about the making of the robot would help him know more about the system he was supposedly in.

'Then what do you even want to know?'

"I want to know how you entered inside my head and what is your connection with the lenses. Why did Emily put these lenses on me if it is so damn valuable?"

'About that boy, I do not even have any idea too! I mean why Emily put the most advanced generation of technological research and weapon on a dumb boy like you?? You cannot even pass your class with decent scores!'

"Excuse me?? Did you just call me a dumb kid??"

Cole raised his voice as he asked the question out. How dare the damn robot call him a dumb kid?? He felt too much offended and why it kept mentioning his poor scores all the damn time??

When did it get so obsessed with his scores??

'I m not obsessed with your scores boy! I m just astonished at how poor your IQ is!'

Cole stood up feeling too much offended then. The damn thing was now mocking him at the same time even throwing insults at him.

'For your information, IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient if you did not know!'

"Will you stop now?? This is too much! You are making too much fun of me, nobody ever dared to do it so just shut up and talk about what asked you to!"

Cole vehemently replied. By now he had come to know that it was an arrogant robot that did not give a damn about the fact that he was its owner. It even confessed itself that he was the owner for God's sake!

'Oh! I wonder did you forget about your school bullies who made fun of you every day! I m not even making fun of you, I m just stating the truth!'


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