Chapter 83 - WHERE WERE WE??

"Do not panic It is me. Vincent!"

Cole breathed in relief and stood up. He felt Vin holding his hand as they started walking away slowly and slowly.

"Why are your eyes closed, man??"

Vin could not help but ask. Before he did not close his eyes. He was just curious why he remained sitting all alone with his eyes closed for this long.

"It just useless anyway having them opened, so kept them close."

Cole said as he followed holding Vin's hand. It was extremely uncomfortable to keep walking with his eyes closed, not knowing where exactly he was going.

"Makes sense but people were eyeing you weirdly you know sitting there, in the furthest corner, eyes closed and all that."

Vin remarked as he safely let Cole inside his Toyota Corolla and then closed the door before making sure, Cole was seated well.

He then turned around and got in his driver's seat.

"Is it not back yet?? Your vision?"

Vin questioned as he started the engine, ready to go. Cole shook his head in a negative saying that he did not get his vision back.

"Well! It's alright! You are safe with me."

Vin muttered as he pressed on the acceleration paddle and lead the car on the road.

"I know that I m safe with you man!"

Cole whispered under his breath and waited for the robot to signal him that when he was going to open his eyes patiently.

A few minutes later, Vin parked his Range Rover in front of Cole's house. He looked sideways to check on Cole but his eyes were still closed and at that point, he could not make out if his friend was in deep sleep or still did not get his vision back.

Meanwhile, throughout the journey, Cole waited impatiently for the voice in his head to speak back to him. It had been more than thirty minutes now and he had never closed his eyes for this long in his life when he was not sleeping.

Vin slightly shook his arms, "Hey?? We reached home."

That got Cole's attention and he just nodded his head in response. He did not know how much speedily Vin drove in order to reach home so soon but then again the park and his house were almost close by.

"Is it not back yet?" Vin asked.

Cole shook his head in negative not knowing what else to say. He knew that he was making his already cured disease too serious for them to look at.

Then again he could not just tell them anything yet when he himself had no idea what he got into. The robot was only starting to explain things and that was when it declared an emergency and someone was trying to invade in their system but who??

Now how long would he have to keep his damn eyes closed? Vin helped him out of the car and held his hands as both walked together inside the cozy house.

He thanked God when he heard that no one was there. Perhaps his mother had an early shift today and so she was still at work.

He had no inkling of how he was going to explain to his mother and get her sad and worried for him uselessly. He was dying inside to tell everyone that he was cured although he was in for some major shit that he had no awareness of.

Vin made him climb up the stairs and opened the door to his room, stepping forward, made him sit down on his small fluffy bed.

Cole smiled and said, "Thank you, buddy!"

"Mention not, man. But why don't you try to open your eyes and see if your vision returned or not?"

Vin implored taking a seat before him on the moving chair. He could only think keeping the eyes closed would not help Cole in knowing if he had got his vision back or not. Why they just continue to close his eyes?

Cole did not know what to do or say at that point. It always had been the robot inside his head who voiced out ideas to him to lie like a pro.

And now he was not aware of the fact of how long it was going to keep out and how much lies he had to come up with to carry on. And surely it was going to hurt all the people around the house.

"Open your eyes man! It has been too damn long. If you do not open then how are you going to know that you got your vision back??"

Vin stressed as he tried to make a point there. He could not bear the sight of his best friend to be like that.

"I...I cannot. hurts. Why..why don't you understand?"

Cole stuttered as he lied. He kept his eyes closed, tight shut. He knew that it was best to obey what the robot asked him to do and not get himself in further trouble.

"What?? Does it hurt?? It is starting to even hurt now??"

Vin asked in shock. He could not wonder how much his friend was in pain. Not being able to see and then the pain of not being able to open his eyes. God! Have mercy on him! Vin prayed inside his mind.

"Cole...Cole do you remember if something got inside your eyes while playing the game??"

Vin intervened. He was doubting that this illness of Cole was somehow connecting to him and others playing the game.

A lot of things had not been the same ever since they played the game. People who participated in went missing, and still there had been no news about them.

The strange thing was Vin knew that they won the game as in that flash of second after the blast, he saw golden papers showering down on them and blip, he found himself asleep on his nanny's house.

"I...I have no idea, Vin. I have no idea." Cole answered.

"Did you know that we won the game?? " Vin interviewed.

"What game?? Which game did we win?" Cole reverted back.

"Dummy! The virtual reality one. Did you forget already??" Vin reminded him.

"Oh..oh that one? I...I do not remember as such if anything got inside my eyes. I mean how could I even remember if something even got into my eyes, we were too busy trying to figure out how we could get out of it all the damn times."

Cole explained. He did not know where Vin was going with this. And how did he know that they won the damn game??

"How did you know that you know we won the game??" Cole asked.

"It is because after the blast when everything went silent, just for a few flash of seconds, I saw the golden papers being showered all over us. "

Vin replied. He did not like to see and talk when his friend was in so much pain but then they needed to talk about this matter.

"Just because you saw golden papers being showered down on us, we won?? Is that what you think??"

Cole could not roll his eyes at Vin's weird assumption. How could he even assume that they won the game just because he saw the golden papers showered down on them?? It was ridiculous.

"Yeah...I mean what is wrong to think that way. It was only showered because we did win Cole. It was only us who had higher kills combined and the last blast blew Salsiku away so we definitely did win the game."

Vin described the entire thing. He believed that they really won the game and it made sense too. The last time he checked in the game, their kill count was more than other teams combined.

"Then is this my reward of being blind every frequent time of the day without a damn warning for winning the game?"

Cole snorted and Vin looked away not knowing what to say to that. He was aware of the fact that Cole was angry and not in his right mind at that time for having to lose his vision and not being able to see anything.

"I...I think that somehow this...this is also connected to the game. The police are still finding news about the whereabouts of Tekla and no one has any idea where the boy is and lots of others. I bet this is...this is all related to the game, believe me, or not."

Vin stated, sticking to his ground. Cole did not say anything and just huffed not knowing what to say to that.

Perhaps maybe Vin's assumptions could turn out to be correct or not only time could tell that.

Cole at that point knew that anything could happen for everything that he heard from the mouth of the robot that has happened in these past decades, anything could happen.


Cole's mind shot up in alert.


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