Chapter 93 - WAR ON EARTH!

Instead of replying back, Cole tried to point out from which direction the voice came from and so he looked at the left corner, ten steps away from where he was standing.

Cole very slowly walked nearer trying to make no sound. He wanted to catch this intruder red-handed. It could be the same one as the one earlier trying to hack into his system.

The moment he was closer and he saw a red piece of cloth blowing in the air, she might have sensed his presence and in a blip, the woman ran away as fast as she could.

Cole too ran after her as he chased her out from the alley. She gave in extra speed and so did Cole as he increased his speed too.

They both diverted their path and the woman headed inside the woods instead of running in the open road and gaining attention.

Cole did not think twice before following her inside the woods either and once he did, he halted on his steps as he saw the woman disappear from his sight.

He gathered a zoomed vision of a ten-mile path ahead of him in every direction and yet there was no view of the woman. Where did she go?? He thought

She could not have run that fast now could she?? Ten miles was a long distance. He looked up in the trees but there was no sign either.

Maybe..maybe she took a different path and he lost her. But it was so important for him to catch her and ask her why she was trying to hack in, who sent her if she belonged from the state or the lab??

Cole ran his fingers on his hairs, pulling it frustrated. And then it struck his mind that he was where those hollow circular creatures got onside a long time ago.

Instead of pondering much, he walked further inside the woods looking out for those creepy creatures.

He set up the tracking footsteps on and then he could see the rolling signs on the ground.

He followed it, eyeing it attentively. He turned to look back as he saw how he was too much deep into the woods by then and it could be dawn any moment from now.

His mother must have been worried as he kept following the signs in. It had been a few more minutes past half an hour. He could not shake the thought of the woman and neither the creatures.

Where did it disappear to?? He thought

Did they go back from where they came from??

He stopped on his track when he saw a huge crater in the midst just a few steps away from where he was.

He immediately ran near to it and stopped when he got by the edge. It was a hundred meters in radius and the hole seemed so deep that he could not see the bottom of it.

Did those creepy creatures dug inside?? Perhaps the shaking of the ground had been the result of this huge hole in the middle of nowhere.

He roamed around in the circle and eyed it in awe of how big the hold was, how wide it was, and how deep it could be, he had no idea of it.


After being done with dinner, Cole's mother headed out to her work in the diner.

Cole bid her and closed the door as he swiftly strode away to his room and laid down on the bed out of tiredness and exhaustion.

Today had been a long day. Not to mention he got to experience his very first attack too and the robot was not around. What a tragedy!!

He checked the time, it was ten o'clock already. And he was sleepy from all the running and chasing he had to do.

So without thinning much he closed his eyes, pulling the white duvet over his body. It was freezing cold in the night time.

Suddenly the beep-beep noise went on which made Cole squirm in his sleep. It was probably after three hours so.

Cole recognized that sound..that was the sound of the system of coming back alive after the system.

Cole quickly got up and waited for the robot to get back. He had so many things to tell and share and ask too.




'And where were we???'

"Oh my God!!! I have been waiting for you. Where have you been?? I have so many things to say and tell you about plus ask too..."

Cole let out right away when he heard the voice of the robot. He was finally excited to hear him out and get all the answers to his question.

'I know. I know, you do. Perhaps even though I could not communicate with you, I have already gathered in the information.'

"Perfect!!! So you already know what happened today?? Don't you?? "

'I do. Strangely I still cannot decode who that woman is. I mean she seems like someone from the lab who knows well about the vision system.'

"I thought so too. She striker like a pro. I could not track her down from where she was attacking me because my vision is infinite but I could not see her until I tricked her into voicing out to trace her location."

'Good job!! Cole. You are learning quickly. We will eventually get ahold of that intruder anyway. Do not worry!!'

Cole nodded his head. It felt so good to finally being able to discuss this situation out with someone.

He possibly could not speak about it to anyone and it felt like of messing up his insides for not being able to talk it out in the free air.

'Those creatures were MELOBORNS! '

"What?? Melbourne??"

'Yes!! They are called Meloborns and they are the messengers from deep space. They are for no harm here.'

"But what about the shaking of the ground and why the only land in particular places??"

Cole intervened. The shaking of the ground did not cause much property damage but still, it had some impacts on human life.

"What about that huge enormous hole in the middle of the woods?? A hundred or so meters in radius and I have no idea about the depth."

Cole asked in his curious voice with having no idea about the answers to those questions.

'The hole is a strange thing. I still do not know why they would need to dig a hole that big??'

"So what now?? Still are you willing to denote them as some harmless creatures??"

'They are just messenger. That hole could be a message from them. We never know. From what I know is that they might or might not be present inside the hole!'

"Why?? Are you not sure whether they left the earth or not or still here inside that gutter.???"

'I have to trace in, Cole. I cannot say anything at this moment. For now, you need to remain on the alert. We are or perhaps we could be under an attack from any time now!'

Cole nodded his head and looked outside the closed window thinking what was out there waiting for his destiny as he closed his eyes to picture today's day, it was not the kind of day he ever experienced.

Once done talking, he laid back on his bed thinking for he could not stop thinking anytime now. It was obvious, that his sleep was broken and he could not fall asleep anytime sooner now.


The children playing around the Centinel park were let out of it once the moon appeared in the stary sky. 

The gates were closed, people began heading to their respective home although the road was crowded with cars and vehicles.

A figure in dark waited by the dark alley watching over everyone as the people walked past by her on the footpath.

Her eyes glowed in the dark.

Later that night...that woman headed inside the woods again and made her way near that huge enormous gutter.

Her mouth hang open as she eyed the gutter and could not believe how much big it was inside and its depth, it was way deeper.

She knew why those Maloborns were here. She needed to hide their message and wait for her second attempt to get back in hacking inside the system.

She closed her eyes and chanted out some gibberish that nobody ever heard of, dancing her hands, waving it up in the air and the ground just near the gutter shook in vibration.

The noises of the Meloborns were heard from inside as she waved her hands and closed the hole shut killing all those thousand of Meloborns right away.

An evil smile made its way on her face as she thought of how this would be enough for the Space Agency to declare war on Earth...the humans needed to die...


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