Chapter 94 - UNITED NATIONS!

As promised by the General of the United Nations, a decade ago that they would come clear with the alien life discovery and their rumours of invasion were actually true. 

So all the nations were summoned in the Paris Conference to discuss one more time before the present General of the United Nations, Selena Dion addressed the people all over the world about it in a stipulated date and timing from the Centre of the Planet.

The representative of the United States of America, United Kingdom, European Union, Russia, entered the halls together.

The media took pictures as many as they could. The agenda of discussion was yet not enclosed to them. So there was a long line of media trying to cover every bit of news they could gether in order to make certain conclusions. 

Then came the representative of Asia, India, China, Japan, Korea, Africa, and others. Even small nations joined the conference as well as the newly formed nations. 

There was no longer autonomy division in between the nations. Neither of the states had veto. They were all treated equally. No one was treated on the basis of his much monetary the nation supported the United Nation. 

All the nations were made to pay a certain amount of tax. It changed with the average total of the income of the country in five years. So the rich countries paid more, while the developing countries paid a little less. There were no more underdeveloped country.

Each and every nations came together to uplift each other's weakness. Now everyone of them worked together. It happened after the nuclear war which made them realize which path they were heading to. 

The normal people never wanted war or fights. All they wanted was development, no competition. Competitions were enjoyed by the state leaders and so such leaders were abolished right away once they stopped the nuclear war before it could begin.

And then the leap of technology happened with Roboz*five thousand by Russia. Once it set Australia in fire and destroyed millions of lives causing havoc in the outer space , gaining attention of the extraterrestrial life from deep space and once a few of them came to invade, that was when every nation came together.

A growing feeling of belonging to the same planet rather than nationalism took over and since then United Nations was given the most attention to settle disputes.

When the Space agency representative made its way to earth, the human kind gave the United Nations as their representative from Earth.

Once everyone was in, the meeting started.

"We have bad news."

The head of the Vision System Lab barged inside the Paris Conference hall with about thousands of nations on sitting by, discussing the major situation that earth was to face in a few days time now.

"What do you mean, Rogers?"

Selena Dion, the General of the United Nations asked, directing her green eyes on Rogers critically.

They all have been notified by the NASA about the Meloborns heading inside their planet but they could not locate where exactly they landed.

The continents were pointed out. America and Asia but exactly which country, state ir name of the place was yet to be found out.

The Meloborns must have bought a message to the humankind and it was necessary that they got to decode it in time and plan out the situation ahead.

It was perhaps for this reason, all the nations sat down for the final meeting to let the young a.d.u.l.t competing for the acquirance of the vision lens to be summoned and asked them for another final battle before the nations could pick up who would be the one to have those lenses.

They believe all those youngsters including males and females were well trained by now. A training of approximately more than five years was given to each of those individuals.

If they had more time, they could have been given more training but unfortunately it was not possible anymore.

"We have lost the system."

"Say what?? What do you mean, Rogers??"

Selena Dion questioned standing up from her head chair and moving towards him passing by the long round conference table.

A comotion arose as different representatives of different nations started to talk about what was going on.

The United Nation was instigated to be the sole protector of the Vision System and owner only in the sense of directing the individual who later on would acquire the system on what to do and what not to do.

"What I mean is we have lost the Vision lens, General. "

Rogers said it out, looking down. And soon the crowd inside the hall started talking back and forth.

What did it mean by losing the vision system?? How could they be so careless?? The vision lens were kept under the strict of the strict protection, shielding technique to guard and protect it.

All the nations invested a money worth billions and billions of dollars worth for keeping it safe and sound.

" did it happen?? How could it happen, Rogers?? How could it happen on your damning presence??"

Selena Dion shouted out. She was a tough woman who was the first amongst any female human to negotiate with the extraterrestrial creatures from deep space.

"Now what will happen??"

The United State of America's representative questioned.

"How could it be lost??"

European Union scrowled and it was joined by France, United Kingdom, the South East Asian Federations.

"We have spent a billion and billions of money value in this project for decades. Our statement were forced to pay huge taxes for this and how possibly could it get list now??"

The representative of India asked. She was joined by China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Nepal and others.

It was true the nations were urged to pay this price in the form of paying taxes to the United Nations. For this reason alone, people all over the world had to pay a huge tax to their own country.

"Silence please. Rogers answer me how did it happen?? When did you find it out??"

Selena Dion implored, raising her hands for the crowd to stop questioning and creating noise.

Rogers just shook his head in defeat. He did not know how possibly it could happen. The security was the toughest one around here.

But he had a theory. He knew that no outsider could have entered broke in through the lab. It was just humanly impossible without setting the alert system on.

Hacking in was not a case either for the system coding process changed from one hour time all day. It never remained the same.

It had to be someone from inside the lab. Someone who was involved in making of the lens and someone who knew a great deal about waves and how to control them.


The woman dressed in red walked past the Centinneal park as she eyed Cole and thought of how to get in through the system without alerting the boy.

When she could not hold more back then she escaped because breaking in through the electromagnetic waves was not an easy deal. So she ran away and she was a bit taken aback when Cole followed her back.

The young dumb boy was getting brave and that was bad. She thought of him to be a scared little puppy but he proved her wrong.

The children playing around the Centinel park were let out of it once the moon appeared in the stary sky. 

The gates were closed, people began heading to their respective home although the road was crowded with cars and vehicles.

A figure in dark waited by the dark alley watching over everyone as the people walked past by her on the footpath.

Her eyes glowed in the dark.

Later that night...that woman headed inside the woods again and made her way near that huge enormous gutter.

Her mouth hang open as she eyed the gutter and could not believe how much big it was inside and its depth, it was way deeper.

She knew why those Maloborns were here. She needed to hide their message and wait for her second attempt to get back in hacking inside the system.

She closed her eyes and chanted out some gibberish that nobody ever heard of, dancing her hands, waving it up in the air and the ground just near the gutter shook in vibration.

The noises of the Meloborns were heard from inside as she waved her hands and closed the hole shut killing all those thousand of Meloborns right away.

An evil smile made its way on her face as she thought of how this would be enough for the Space Agency to declare war on Earth...the humans needed to die...

She walked out of the woods as she gazed her eyes over the dark sky thinking of when would the Space Scavengers would get the information of the traitorous act by the humans.


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