"I have no idea how could possibly someone break in and take the system away but I can assure you that it is someone from inside."

Rogers said looking straight into the eyes of Selena Dion. He tried his best to make her see that it was someone from amongst them who did the did.

"What do you mean, Rogers?"

Selena Dion asked, her gaze holding Roger's grey eyes in deep scrutiny. She wanted to see right through if the old man was lying to her and everyone here.

But what would he gain from lying to her or everybody because humankind would come for his neck if it was really him who did it?

And in cases like this, you could not even believe your soul, for the hungriness of power can make you do things you never even imagined yourself to ever been done.

He had been looking, watching over the project for more than a decade now. It started in the beginning when the idea for the vision system was still under processing.

Doctor Hall was the one who came up with it, the mad scientist was what he was known by to everyone.

He was caught several times in doing illegal stuff too. He was the reason behind creating gaming simulations to select the children for his crazy experiments.

There was one time when lots of children got missing and the state had to claim for its damage. But even sentencing the mad scientist for life imprisonment could not stop him.

The man had an extraordinary mind that could create anything he set his heart on. His experiments with children to create gaming character real-life mutant was abolished by the United Nations and was about to declare him for a death sentence when the world came to the dying need of replacing using the robots and in creating a system, a powerful one at that by humans to defend the earth.

The mad scientist gave the nations his idea of the vision system instead of his life-threatening decision.

The jury accepted knowing that it was only him who could create something like that. Those simulations that he created were notable and was still being studied by scientists all over the globe.

His co-student and a renounced optical scientist under the NASA, Emily Green joined the Vision team, the moment she heard something as huge as this was being created.

Doctor Lara contributed to the creation of the tenth generation plus artificial intelligence which would autorun the vision system till it was given to a learned and trained individual.

"It had to be someone from the inside to be able to flee away with the vision system," Rogers said.

"How can you be so sure?" Selena Dion questioned. "Is the mad scientist gone??"

She never trusted Doctor Hall because that man was power-hungry and crazy too. He must have felt like why hand his latest creation out to the world than having it for himself.

This was one reason why the nations did not allow any individual or any state to create such a cut edge technology for it might turn into another threat like the nuclear war that happened thirty years ago and still a few places were recovering from the issue.

Since then the Nations did not allow for any nation, individual to create such harmful amenities. For it believed what was the use of creating such weapons against each other when we belonged from the same planet.

The belonging of the same planet feeling just like the nationalistic feeling grew a lot more amongst the people when extraterrestrial life stepped on earth.

Even though the normal general public was still not aware of it but the leaders of the nations got the idea that fighting, competing against each other was useless.

Hence the collective working, collective development strata were adopted. Ever since everyone was in peace whilst the leaders of the nations tried to rule out how to protect and keep earth only for humankind.

"I m right here, Selena."

Doctor Marcus Hall entered the conference hall and everyone turned to look at him. Their eyes critically analyzing his every move as he made his way inside the hall.

Nobody liked him for the simulation tactic he pulled upon the children all over the world. If not for his damn mind, he would have been dead a long time ago.

But the world needed a man like him to create such a masterpiece of humankind that would be the sole protector of its survival and longevity if the species living in the deep space.

"No Selena as you see, Hall has no hands in this. He is here. He reported the missing of the system two weeks ago." Rogers explained.

"Two weeks ago?? What the hell?? This happened two weeks ago and you guys did not think it was important to report it to the Nations right away??"

Selena Dion shouted, her eyes firing bullets on to the faces of Rogers and Doctor Hall at the same time.

A huge uproar enveloped the walls of the hall as everyone started to mock and complain about the security statement of the United Nations.

The most valuable piece of the earthling went missing two weeks ago and no one had any information about it till now which made it even ridiculous.

"We thought we could get it back and did not want to start an outcry for it going missing," Rogers explained.

"I told him it would be of no use once the system got initiated and doctor Lara's artificial intelligence would now resist any interaction made externally to the get ahold of the system."

Doctor Hall let it out.

"Do you mean like that the system got initiated?? Someone already started the vision system??"

Selena implored, not believing what her ears were hearing too. She stepped back as she heard how the once silent conference hall was now a mess with the thousands of nations going crazy and mad about how carelessness of the United Nations was going to cost humanity.

"Yes. Someone has the system. It got initiated and it is running too. The individual who has it is now the sole owner of the vision system."

Doctor Hall spoke out not caring that each one of his words was going to cause a damn massacre in the hall, causing terror on the future of humanity.

"So the most powerful destructive and protective weapon of humankind is with someone out there we don't have any idea of, we don't have any idea of what his motive is with it???"

The representative of the European Union yelled it out. Other nations joined him too.

"Is this some kind of joke?? How possibly you guys let this happen?? We have spent billions of money donating towards this project for over a decade now only to be slapped in the face in the end??"

The southeast Asian federation representative wailed. By now every nation was mocking and complaining about this huge blunder committed by the United Nations.

"Forbes, Evacuate all the media personal out of the arena. We do not want any news about this going out to the public."

Selena Dion ordered the media correspondence of the United Nations. The man nodded and was about to head out to secure the privacy but then the nations interrupted them.

"Why trying to hide this news from the general public?? They deserve to know it. It is their money you all wasted it."

Indian representative protested with her strong voice. India had been always in the third position in investing in the vision system.

"Yes yes. It is time the general public comes to know about all these shenanigans."

"It was promised to address about the threat from alien life news a year and two ago but still had not been done. Why not let it all out in one go??"

"Yes..yes. We want liquidity of information to the general public. Cannot keep them in any more darkness. "

"Now that the protection system is already missing. What is the use to hide it??"

Questions and questions were thrown from every direction to the General of the United Nations and Selena Dion did not know how to calm this mess down and then how to confront the general public about this.

The decorum managers of the hall tried to calm down the national representatives who were nonstop degrading the negligence of the United Nations.

Everything turned over from a calm and peaceful meeting to a severe disturbing one full of chaos and turmoil.

What the future of the protection of the earth would be? Now it became a big question to which finding answer about was not going to be easy.

It was not just about the safety from the alien race invading the human race but the danger of the fact that some unknown individual was now the sole owner of the vision system. Nobody knew about his motive or intention with it.


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