Tang Ling is a youth of an outer city, Boa Feng City of the three supercontinents : Brokang Continent, the Holy Continent and the Higher Dimension Continent. As he passed on the local store, he chanced a mysterious stone before colliding with his fatty an
Tang Ling is a youth of an outer city, Boa Feng City of the three supercontinents : Brokang Continent, the Holy Continent and the Higher Dimension Continent. As he passed on the local store, he chanced a mysterious stone before colliding with his fatty and fainted. The mysterious stone merged with him and his legend will now start !
- 1 1 The Mysterious Stone
- 2 2 Fatty's Crash, Merging into One
- 3 3 Awakening just to see a fatty face's
- 4 4 Home and embarrassing himself in the Game World
- 5 5 Rewards of the System Apology
- 6 6 Returning to Reality
- 7 7 I choose to beat you up !
- 8 8 1st Fight in the Game World
- 9 9 Even after facing death, wine is still the best ~!
- 10 10 Flame Art Manuel
- 11 11 Farming in Beginner Village to obtain Martial Arts
- 12 12 Baijiquan
- 13 13 Accelerate Time and Final Exam
- 14 14 Poking into the hornet nes
- 15 15 Samishira Inten
- 16 16 Blazing Heart of Youth and Departure
- 17 17 Journey to God's Blade
- 18 18 Red Pass
- 19 19 Jugun
- 20 20 Orderers
- 21 21 Regeants
- 22 22 Intelligent Scheme ?... Impossible !
- 23 23 Broken Vessel
- 24 24 Hunter
- 25 25 Bow
- 26 26 Outside World
- 27 27 Lawless Zones
- 28 28 Beast 1
- 29 29 Beast 2
- 30 30 Hunter Association
- 31 31 Sects 1
- 32 32 Sects 2
- 33 33 Wandering Sect 1
- 34 34 Wandering Sect 2
- 35 35 Wandering Sect 3
- 36 36 Odd Sect Among Many
- 37 37 Preparation to Ducke's Gift or Introduction to a piece of made-up gun law
- 38 38 Art of Tea
- 39 39 Concentration
- 40 40 Concentration 2
- 41 41 Insigh
- 42 42 Insight 2
- 44 44 Manor Lord Wu Wutian
- 45 45 Disciple Borrows Manuals
- 46 46 Arrows
- 47 47 Pauli's Roo
- 48 48 Unexpected Meeting
- 49 49 Beginner Hunter Guide
- 50 50 Expedition
- 51 51 Expedition 2
- 52 52 Expedition 3
- 53 53 Anticlimactic Figh
- 54 54 Combat Examination
- 55 55 Dumpster Diving
- 56 56 A Fight for A Roo
- 57 57 Being Ambushed by Rats; it's quite frightening!
- 58 58 Preparation of War
- 59 59 War is coming?
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