The relevant person in charge said: Although in recent years, relevant departments have insisted on governing the Internet according to law, disposing of illegal accounts and information according to law, and strictly governing content ecology, the chaos of self-media has been initially contained.

However, the self-media dissemination of false information, promotion of wrong values, malicious marketing, extortion and other phenomena have been repeatedly prohibited...

After counting a series of evil deeds in detail, the person in charge emphasized that it is necessary to grasp the key links, pay close attention to the implementation of tasks, based on comprehensive investigation and cleaning of problem accounts, and focus on promoting hierarchical and classified management to further tighten the compaction platform, User and territory management responsibilities.

Although the official language is a bit long, the words "grasp, comprehensive, and investigation" in the words are like Huang Zhong Dalu, which makes people feel physically and mentally shocked.

For Gu Qing, who is familiar with official speeches and ways of doing things, this is simply "flattering".

What is "speaking the law to follow"?

When this news was reported, many platform executives immediately held an emergency meeting. Some of them knew that the above might be serious, or maybe something happened recently that should not be touched. Anyway, social platforms and entertainment platforms , At least one layer of skin must be pulled out and handed over to work.

For a while, Weibo, Douyin and other platforms were rampant, and most of the ups and bloggers who often advertised that the moon in foreign countries was rounder were almost killed by the crabs.

No major action is as fast as this top-down operation.

It is simply impossible to do this in a foreign country.

This is the power of the system.

In fact, a considerable number of netizens do not have firm views and self-awareness, and often think about problems through public opinion articles and the induction of others.

Therefore, the remarks of some demons and ghosts fell into a trough not long after they were in the hustle and bustle.

This is not because netizens have awakened, but because the "hotness" has passed, and there are not many newcomers.

In the past two years, with the suppression of external forces, as well as the resistance of companies such as Kyushu Technology, Xia Wei, and Xia Xin, more and more people have realized from the vague ideas of the rise and revival of the Celestial Kingdom that down-to-earth importance.

Of course, this down-to-earth concept is not empty real estate finance, but the soil of knowledge and the cornerstone of technology.

Dignity is only on the edge of the sword, and truth is only within the range of the cannon.

If there is no Kyushu Technology to supply wafers and authorize these domestic companies, Hanxing Semiconductor will be able to earn a lot of oil and water from the very beginning.

If Pudong Microelectronics hadn't come up with a lithography machine in time, then all domestic companies that need to use mid-to-high-end chips would have to rely on others, and they would be their own fish.

In these incidents, although Kyushu Science and Technology did not make some pretentious remarks on the face of it, its actions have set an example for everyone to be a real tough guy in China.

Moreover, many industry leaders and internal reference experts and scholars have used video platforms to popularize the real national conditions and the battle between enterprises to netizens, so those who were once very angry have finally repented.

The Great Wall was not built in a day. To resist that bandit country, not only the force of Dongfeng and Beidou is enough, but also the real basic technology under these forces.

Otherwise, it will become like Russia, which has military power but no scientific and technological achievements. To make money, it can only rely on low-end methods such as selling resources.

Even in terms of civilian technology industry, Mao Xiong is no match for Neon Island. (Here we are only referring to civilian and private enterprises)

Russia's current industrial chain is extremely imperfect. In most areas, many basic industrial products cannot be self-sufficient. Its domestic home appliance stores are all foreign brands such as Europe and Daxia. Even if you buy chainsaws, they are all foreign brands, or Daxia's domestic OEM.

Although Nihong is a small place, its national economy does not rely on selling resources at all. Of course, it has no resources to sell. In 2019, Nihong Island was the third largest economy in the world, with a GDP of 5.08 trillion US dollars , the per capita GDP is about 40,000 US dollars, which is achieved by exporting industrial products and making profits from technology companies.

And in the field of semiconductors, although the foundation of Neon Island was chopped off by a certain country, and its wafers were chopped off by a small boss, its semiconductor chip manufacturing technology is still at an advanced level in the world.

And when Pingguo, Google and Daxia Enterprises were inextricably fighting each other, Nihong people, who lived a good life on a small day, were still developing secretly.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology released the "1020 Science and Technology White Paper", in which there are some projects that were interrupted in the last century and now they are picked up and want to continue.

Such as the "moon landing" research and development system.

At the beginning of 2019, Neon launched a new project aimed at revitalizing the country through technological innovation - the "Moon Landing" R\u0026D system,

The system defines six goals:

One is to develop robots and virtual avatar technology for multi-person remote operations to perform large-scale and complex tasks;

The second is to realize the ultra-early prediction and prevention of diseases;

The third is to realize the common progress of artificial intelligence and robots, which is specifically manifested in the development of robots that can learn independently, act and live together with humans, and develop AI robots that have the same or higher physical capabilities as humans and can grow together with humans;

The fourth is to achieve sustainable resource recycling for the global environment;

The fifth is to make full use of the biological resources to be developed, and create a reasonable, waste-free and sustainable food supply industry on a global scale;

The sixth is to realize a universal quantum computer that can drive economic and industrial development.

This is what it means to have a heart higher than the sky.

If these goals are achieved, Nihong may really be able to make the traditional move again.

After all, none of these projects are "small environmental protection projects". As long as one can be realized, it will be invincible, and it will have a huge impact on the future industry and society. Appreciation may change the future social system.

The time limit given by the relevant departments of Ni Hong Island for these goals is that they will all be achieved before the middle of this century in the 1950s.

Therefore, on the road of great revival, it is not only the arrogant and savage robber who stands in front of Daxia, but also those friendly or sinister villains around him, who may be plotting something in the dark.

Of course, this is also the tragedy of this island country.

Without the land area of ​​a land country, that is to say, there is no vast strategic depth and no solid natural resource base.

Island countries can win in a short-term battle, but as long as they fall into the dilemma of being unable to develop outward for a long time, they must not only move around in the strategy of a major country, but also must continuously strengthen their basic strength in technological innovation.

Therefore, in order to let the neighbors have a good night's sleep, the young Boss Gu has achieved good strategic results in these several projects.

Whether Neon Island will develop it by itself in the future, or consult Kyushu Technology, that is uncertain.

PS: Joking nonsense, thank you for recommending monthly tickets, good night everyone.

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