Technology: breaking the hegemony that monopolizes the world

Chapter 296: The Semiconductor Controversy

When looking at problems, you should put yourself in their shoes and look at them from the environment where others grew up and lived.

Daxia's unique system is to rely on collective strength, concentrate on one point, and assign tasks to do big things. Under the leadership of the red faith, the originally slightly chaotic forces can be quickly gathered together, and the project can also achieve great breakthroughs.

However, in the existing economic system under the leadership of Western capital, including Neon Island, when the research and development task or planning is completed, the process of the research topic is generally led by the enterprise to conduct industry-research cooperation.

The former has too high requirements for belief, self-discipline, and zhi, while the latter has high requirements for investing resources and mobilizing the inner desire of R\u0026D personnel.

Of course, there are also many forces that are inseparable between the two. One day they are friends, but tomorrow they are enemies. If you hit me, I will hit you.

When Han Xing merged with GlobalFoundries and wanted to break through the restrictions and become the overlord in the semiconductor field, but was attacked by Kyushu Technology halfway, Neon also controlled the export of a wave of advanced materials to Korea in order to prevent Han Xing from getting better, and waited for Han Xing to develop the semiconductor industry. At that time, he did not turn his hand to deal with Daxia, but increased the sanctions against Goryeo, and launched a second wave of bans. It is estimated that as many as 857 important materials will be restricted from exporting to Goryeo. Seriously affect Korea's semiconductor and panel industries.

It was also this second-round move that was suspected of beating the dog in the water, and it became a hot news in one fell swoop.

The outside world has many speculations about the dispute between the two, but when Gu Qing mentioned this matter at the company meeting, he was chatting and laughing.

Today is the regular meeting of Kyushu Technology's middle and high-level management. Boss Gu talked about some old history of the industry, so as to let the executives "don't forget the history".

Taking a sip of hot tea, Gu Qing looked at all the managers and said with a smile:

"Koryo and Neon have fought fiercely for half a century in the semiconductor industry.

Therefore, the recent restrictions imposed by the relevant departments of Neon on the Korean semiconductor industry are actually not new tricks.

Even if the prince of Han Xing came to visit, he would probably be rejected by the devil. "

"Hahaha." The audience laughed tacitly.

Gu Qing always tells some unpopular stories in the industry at the meeting, so when this kind of meeting is held, the atmosphere is not serious.

Boss Gu sighed and said: "There is a saying that fits the situation, friendship in summer depends on Han, and the semiconductor dispute between Neon and Korea is also the same.

In the 1950s, a neon young man knocked on the door of Bulova America to purchase. He wanted to promote the company's newly developed small radio. Of course, the small radio research and development company later changed its name to SONY. (Sony's heinous crime)

This is a somewhat clichéd plot. After the defeat of the Great War, neon began to gradually spread to the United States and the world through the progress of the low-end industrial chain in semiconductor products such as radios and televisions.

In the 1960s and 1970s when the neon economy was the most prosperous, neon's semiconductor products had already swept the home appliance market in the United States.

At this time, the neon people began to carry forward the old traditions. "

Gu Qing took the time to continue saying:

"In order to catch up with the world leader, the government of Neon Island took the lead and invested more than 70 billion yen in the research and development of integrated circuits.

This project is successful and has brought many dividends to the neon semiconductor industry.

Various chip manufacturing technologies, including lithography, etching, equipment, process and other patents, have been collected by Neon people.

The new products brought by these new technologies began to crazily impact the global semiconductor industry. At that time, Intel, which was still in full swing, was quickly put down by Neon Semiconductor. Under the huge financial loss, Intel laid off employees. More than seven thousand people.

At this time, Neon came to a situation similar to our current situation in Daxia.

Normal competitions in the industry cannot win, and the United States chose to move outside the market.

At the end of the 1980s, the American Semiconductor Industry Association complained about unfair competition in the neon semiconductor industry, and with the help of many forces, the famous "Guangchang Agreement" was signed.

The official currency of Neon began to appreciate, and all the commodities exported by Neon increased in price.

This blow to foreign trade is not so big, but even so, the robbers are still not satisfied, they ruled that there was dumping of Neon chips, and imposed 100% anti-dumping duties on Neon.

And forced Neon to sign the "Semiconductor Guarantee Agreement", requiring Neon to open the intellectual property rights and patents of the semiconductor industry to the United States.

Afterwards, a series of events happened, which made Neon completely reduced to a wage earner under the gangsters.

And in order to prevent Nehong from going overboard again, Murray also supported another wage earner—Korea Hansung.

After obtaining investment and technology, Han Xing not only made products obediently, but also vigorously tapped talents in the neon semiconductor industry.

At that time, Neon was suppressed, and the economy of the island was devastated. These talents were easily poached.

Han Xing is like eating Shiquan Dabu pills, absorbing the technology and talents of the two countries, and started to make a difference in the semiconductor industry.

Of course, there are still three pounds of nails in the bad boat. While Neon dominated in the early stage, it also allowed its semiconductor material company to occupy a larger share in the chip manufacturing material link.

For example, important materials such as silicon wafers, synthetic semiconductor wafers, photoresists, protective coatings, ceramic plates, thin-film polycrystals, and packaging materials all accounted for more than 40% of the world's share before our semiconductor sector made efforts.

And these "inheritances" are also weapons used by Neon to limit the development of Han Xing's semiconductors, so Neon will not let Han Xing go so easily. "

After briefly talking about some important points, some of these executives who didn't know the reason at first also knew the competition between these two forces.

"It's like a dog eats a dog."

A young manager under the stage sighed softly.

It's a pity that he ignored the atmosphere in the meeting room at the moment, so this sigh was heard by many people.

"Hahaha, that's right, dog eats dog."

"It makes sense!"

"First I raised a white-eyed wolf, and then I raised a dog with sideburns, and even took advantage of your illness to kill you, incisive and incisive."

Boss Gu glanced at the young manager who was getting red-faced by being teased, and smiled softly: "It's true that it's not rough."

Seeing that the atmosphere was mobilized, Gu Qing's demeanor changed, and he said quite seriously: "So trade friction and technological innovation are not routines that only exist today.

There used to be, there is now, and there will be in the future. With the rapid development of Great Xia, the overlord at the top will feel more and more threatened, and there will be more challenges in the future.

Taking the semiconductor industry as an example, Nihong wants to climb up and return to its dominant position. The same is true for Han Xing, and so are we.

But I believe that we will win in the end, because our lithography machine has broken through the limitations and made a way with new light sources, while Han Xing and Neon still have to rely on others in this regard. "

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