Everyone looked at Mu Shijun, who was like an iceberg in his usual life, and smiled at the way Wei Hong’s little face was trying to justify at this time.

Nor did he make any more jokes about Shi Jun.

Li Yumin looked at Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun, who had already assigned their work without authorization, and smiled helplessly.

Now that the work has been assigned.

It seems that it can only be done according to Jiang Chen’s arrangement…

After all, he and Wei Fengxian, the two old guys, were almost seventy years old.

Maybe I will stay up a few more times and say goodbye to this world…

It is not that they are not willing to dedicate their lives to national scientific research, mainly to see the prosperous tomorrow of the lithography machine of Longguo’s independent research and development!



The research and development of the 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine has also officially begun.

Because of Jiang Chen’s excellent explanation last night.

Coupled with the detailed analysis of Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian during the day.

All researchers can be said to be in the development of 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine on the road.

To say that the only difficulty is really Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun’s side.

To complete a task that the supercomputer completes in three days.

But it wasn’t as simple as Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun said.

Not to mention the four systems of Maxwell’s equations, the errors they need to eliminate just one Gaussian law are geometrically level!

Day after day.

The scratch paper in front of Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun piled up more and more.

The staff beat Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun to the meal.

The water is also dry before you drink a sip of water!

Because Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun must race against time to eliminate the error to 0 before the lithography machine is aligned to the system.

Penultimate day.

An all-nighter.

The penultimate day.

Another all-nighter.

The two had almost two or three hours of sleep each night.

On the last night…

Everyone looked at the blood-red threads in the eyes of Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun, who had dark circles, and they were worried that they would not be able to do it.

Li Yumin walked over to Jiang Chen.

Looking at Jiang Chen’s time at the end of an arithmetic process, he hurriedly said:

“Professor Xiaojiang, let’s take a night’s rest first.”

You guys are so worried that you will just faint on the job!

If something really happened…

I am sorry for the country and the people! ”

Jiang Chen looked up at Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian and the others with worried eyes and smiled:

“Elder Li, you can rest assured.”

My own body is clear to me.

I was fine in middle school playing a few all-night games…

It’s only two all-nighters, and I have rested for an hour or two, I’m afraid of something!

If I don’t complete the elimination of errors within the specified time.

I am sorry for the expectations of the country and the people! ”

Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian looked at Jiang Chen’s confident appearance and knew that Jiang Chen could not listen to their advice.

Then he looked at Mu Shijun.

Mu Shijun forcibly widened his eyes and said not to be outdone:

“I stayed up late every day after doing experiments abroad!”

This is not a quota!

As a teacher, I want to live and die with my own teacher! ”

A group of people looked at Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun’s sworn appearance and sighed helplessly, and could only leave the laboratory first…

After all, according to the previous work schedule, their working hours until this point.

But they all know it.

Where there are quiet years, only Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun carry the weight for them to move forward…


The scientists in the laboratory disappeared after more than ten minutes.

The lights of the house are gone.

The lights of the Ninth Research Institute of Extreme Ultraviolet Light Source Lithography Machine of Yanda School of Physics are still on!

Mu Shijun took a deep breath as he looked at the almost 30% of the remaining calculus material in front of him, and turned his head to look at Jiang Chen, who was struggling to write a book.

The whole person is far different from the previous strength and coldness.

At this time, she is weak like a little girl who wants to protect at a glance.

“Jiang Chen.

Do you think we can really do so many operations on time? ”

Jiang Chen looked at Mu Shijun, whose eyes were covered with blood, and Mu Shijun, who was exhausted, smiled and nodded.

“Of course you can!”

As soon as Jiang Chen’s voice fell, Mu Shijun was already lying on the table.

I don’t know if she heard it or didn’t hear it.

Jiang Chen hurriedly put his hand to the tip of Mu Shijun’s nose…

Jiang Chenchang, who felt his breathing, breathed a sigh of relief.


He also thought that Mu Shijun was so GG…

Fortunately, I was just tired and slept over.

Smiling, he draped his clothes on Mu Shijun’s body.

Proceed to the calculus.

In the first two days plus today, he and Mu Shijun have basically eliminated the error of bad calculations.

What follows is basically a set of formulas that directly eliminate a large piece of the kind.

Even if there is no Mu Shijun tonight, it is completely enough!

While Mu Shijun was asleep, Jiang Chen continued to calculate.

5 a.m.!

All errors in the alignment system are eliminated!

Jiang Chen looked out the window at the black and white Yanjing sky with a little fish’s belly and stretched out.

Thanks to the experience of playing games all night in college before, I exercised my body.

Otherwise it would not have lasted so long now.

He yawned and fell back on the couch.

Two hours later…

The lab kept coming, even though the working hours were set at 8 o’clock.

But there are still two people in the lab who stay up late every day.

How they are so kind to step on the point to work…

When the researchers entered the laboratory, they saw Jiang Chen sleeping upside down on the sofa.

The relics of Mu Shijun who slept on the job wearing Jiang Chen’s clothes.

Everyone looked at this pair and showed respect and admiration from the bottom of their hearts.

“Is this what I have as a soldier and are unparalleled in the world?”

“Professor Koe is really my idol!”

“Professor Xiaojiang can contribute to the Dragon Kingdom, which is really a blessing for our Dragon Kingdom!”

“I’m proud to have worked with Professor Koe!”

“When the lithography machine is over, I must give birth to Professor Xiaojiang!”

“Big sister, where did you put Professor Xiao Mu…”

“These two gods and immortals, don’t break up…”


Although everyone’s voice has been as small as possible.

But Mu Shijun, who was concerned with arithmetic, was still woken up by these whispers…

As soon as the eyes are opened, the mechanical beginning begins to prepare for error elimination with experimental data.

But when Mu Shijun held out his hand again.

The data was not available.

However, I got the result of the alignment system with the error eliminated to 0%!

As soon as Mu Shijun saw the result of the completion of the error elimination, he still cared so much, and immediately woke up Jiang Chen with excitement:

“Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen.”

Our alignment system error is eliminated!

Do you think there are gods and immortals to help? ”

Jiang Chen, who was woken up, looked at the confused Mu Shijun and smiled unhappily.

“Teacher Mu!

Hello good villain is also a scientific worker, how to open your mouth and close your mouth is a god?

That’s what I did last night after you slept…”

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