As soon as Mu Shijun heard Jiang Chen’s words, his face immediately turned red.

The memory of last night finally came to mind…

It seems that after she asked Jiang Chen a question, she directly fell asleep on her head…

Then Jiang Chen seemed to have dressed her.

I looked over my shoulder.

Sure enough, this dress on the body is this Jiang Chen’s…

That is to say, last night Jiang Chen alone completed all the errors of the alignment system clearly!

Oh my God, she had sworn to live and die with her students.

But he fell at the last level!

Not only that, but he was also taken care of by his own students…

She was also too a failure of this mentor…

Jiang Chen seemed to see Mu Shijun’s loss and smiled and comforted:

“Teacher Mu, what you have done is already great!”

If it weren’t for your help, such a huge work would certainly not have been completed in such a short time! ”

Mu Shijun looked at Jiang Chen with a comforting look but the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

Who is the teacher…

While Mu Shijun was sulking, Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian also arrived at the research room.

Upon seeing the calculation scratch paper in Mu Shijun and Jiang Chen’s hands that eliminated the error.

Coupled with the onlookers of the surrounding scientific researchers.

The two of them immediately looked happy.

“Professor Xiaojiang, isn’t it… Already done? ”

Jiang Chen laughed and said:

“That’s right!

Living up to expectations, the error of the alignment system was successfully eliminated to 0! ”

Li Yumin looked at the results handed over by Jiang Chen, and after watching Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun’s tired physical and mental outlook, he gratefully shook their hands.

“Xiao Jiang.

Xiao Mu you have made outstanding contributions to the research and development of lithography machines!

I really don’t know what to say…”

Li Yumin had lived for so many years, and finally felt the feeling of speechless condensation.

There are thousands of words of gratitude in my heart, but I just can’t say them.

Wei Fengxian patted Li Yumin’s shoulder and smiled:

“Old Li, don’t get excited, be careful that you burp and don’t see our dragon country at the World Semiconductor Conference!”

Jiang Chen also laughed at the side:

“That’s right, Elder Li, we young people don’t have much trouble staying up late.

Don’t get too excited.

You’ll have to watch us hang the world at the World Semiconductor Congress! ”

Li Yumin listened to Jiang Chen and Wei Fengxian’s words and also took a deep breath and nodded.

“Xiao Jiang, I will certainly live up to your expectations.”

The Dragon Guoxin engraved with a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine showed its dragon kingdom heroism at the World Semiconductor Congress! ”


Jiang Chen took the lead in overcoming the key technical barriers of the 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine.

The research and development of lithography machines is naturally very familiar with the road.

When there are five days left in the one-month period.

The 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine has been successfully launched.

Jiang Chen and Li Yumin, Wei Fengxian, two old academicians, immediately led the team to Huawei, who had declared war on the bald eagle and was in the middle of the water, for Amber, a subsidiary in charge of researching chips.

There is no other task in this trip, that is, to represent the country to give Hua a reassuring pill for this company!

Don’t be afraid of a war with Bald Eagle without smoke.

There is a motherland behind you!

This reassuring pill is nothing else, naturally it is the 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine!

With the technical support of 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine.

Flower for the current chip crisis can be solved!

There was also a small episode when building the chip.

That is, the 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine developed by Jiang Chen is too advanced…

Amber’s chip architects even had to redesign the chip architecture once to accommodate the fine engraving of a 1nm polar UV light source lithography machine.

Four days of collaborative design and development.

The 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine and flower led by Jiang Chen successfully created the first chip below 22nm independently developed by Longguo for the company.

This is also the first chip built by Hua for the first lithography machine to be separated from Western countries since its inception.

It is the world’s first chip with 1nm process!

Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian were both extremely excited to see the chips created.

The success of the chip represents that the 1nm pole ultraviolet light source lithography machine has been certified by practice!

Jointly building a chip with Hua Wei is just the beginning of a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine.

In the future!

1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine will be used in all fields of Longguo, computer chips, military chips, medical chips…


Flowers for the company’s chip research and development room.

Ren Dafei, the head of Huawei, watched the 1nm process chip created by the 1nm extreme ultraviolet light source lithography machine.

The whole person held Jiang Chen’s hand and was already crying with excitement.

“Professor Xiaojiang.

We have spent more than twenty years since its establishment, and we do not want our Longguo chip to be completely independent of research and development.

We’ve invested too much in that.

However, in the field of lithography machines, it has always been the Western countries that occupy an absolute monopoly.

And now.

With your help.

We have finally built the first chip to ask the West to sanction.

Most importantly, our chips are even more high-end than those built with AWSL’s lithography machine!

You are the savior of Huawei, and you have brought the future and hope to the Longguo chip field outside of Huawei! ”

Jiang Chen looked at the weeping and weeping old man Ren Dafei and smiled:

“Ren sir.

When you led the flower to declare war on the bald eagle, we were all impressed!

Before you, there are countless Dragon Kingdom enterprises that have chosen to kneel.

Surrender to the order created by the Bald Eagle.

From the moment you die with the flower and the bald eagle, you not only represent the flower for the sake of the flower, but also represent the backbone of the dragon country!

The reason why the country has invested so much in the field of relithography machines day and night is to live up to your expectations.

Now I can tell you that the monopoly of lithography machines in the world has been broken from this moment on.

Our Dragon Kingdom will become a giant in the new era and establish a new order! ”

The moment Jiang Chen finished speaking.

Many researchers in the chip research and development room cried out.

Even if the vast majority of people are big bosses.

Being sanctioned by the bald eagle for so long, it was too difficult to spend it.

Foreign sanctions have left them scratching their heads.

However, there are still many kinds of black dogs in China and the public does not support it…

They spent it before this can be said to have been a constant panic…

And that’s when it happened.

The country’s 1nm extreme ultraviolet light source lithography machine came out at the first moment to rush to their flowers!

How can they not be grateful to Zero?

Now, they spend it on fighting against the sanctions of the Bald Eagle with the support of the state, surviving from adversity and nirvana!

Longguo’s lithography machine technology in the field of semiconductors will also break through the once insurmountable mountain.

Tomorrow’s World Semiconductor Congress.

The Dragon Kingdom will announce to the world the arrival of a new order in the fifth round of the information age!

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