On the eve of the World Semiconductor Congress.

Bald Eagle Commerce Department is preparing for a press conference.

Minister Bryce was overjoyed as he held the ordinance he had just passed from Congress.

Terms and regulations are as many as dozens of pages.

But the content is actually very simple!

It is about the comprehensive sanctions in the true sense of the word through the “Wassener Agreement” for the military and civilian enterprises of Longguo in the semiconductor industry, especially in the field of chips.

The sanctions that have been mentioned before have been uninterrupted delays in the procurement of semiconductor products by Longguo enterprises.

But just now.

Parliament finally passed the regulations.

The deadlines for the postponed purchase of all countries, including the Wassener Agreement, will officially expire after tomorrow’s semiconductor conference!

Other words.

After tomorrow, Longguo will be a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise.

There will be no more buying a chip for Bald Eagle.

And any country in the Wassener Agreement cannot OEM its semiconductor products without the consent of Baldhead!

The big secretary Rona on the side also laughed and laughed:

“Minister Brays.

The old people in parliament can finally understand how big the threat to our country is now!

Once Dragon State Enterprises gained a firm foothold in the world in the fifth generation of information technology.

Doesn’t that mean that the order that we Baldeagles spend so much energy on the world and this Ali has built for so long has not been destroyed?

I don’t see the chip supply.

What can this flower of Longguo still do on 5G?

There are two paths before the flowers now, either for the flowers to perish or to surrender to us bald eagles.

Whether they surrender or not.

As long as our country develops 5G technology by itself, it is the leader of the fifth round of information age.

Aren’t we bald eagles?

What is the name of our trick in the Dragon Kingdom?

Kettle…… Draw salary from the bottom of the pot, yes, focus on the bottom of the pot! ”

Bryce listened to his secretary Rhône’s unbridled smile and nodded approvingly.

The Dragon Kingdom, which had always been the second eldest, actually wanted to overthrow the order of their bald eagle construction.

Isn’t that a dream?

Obedient when the millennium old second he is not fragrant?

But Bryce smiled, smiled and was a little worried, and looked at Secretary Rhone and coughed softly:

“Doesn’t it mean that the Dragon National Academy of Sciences is building a lithography machine over there?”

What’s the progress now?

In the 5G era, there can only be one order in this world!

If the Dragon Kingdom developed the lithography machine before us, then this war would be the victory of the Dragon Kingdom.

If we develop 5G technology first, the winner is me…

If we open this press conference, it will represent the official start of war, and there is no room for turnaround! ”

Secretary Rona laughed without the slightest concern:

“Minister Brays.

You’re at ease!

As far as I know, the Longguo Optical Research Institute announced the latest news not long ago.

It seems to be conquering the 22nm lithography machine technology.

This AWS that we control is a dozen times worse!

In a few decades, it is impossible to catch up with the coachman! ”

Brees had already heard Secretary Rhone say this.

But I was still a little worried.

After all, three months ago, they Bald Eagle was planted on the sixth generation of fighters…

If there is any accident at the World Semiconductor Conference this time.

I am not sure that the mad commander-in-chief is going to dismiss him…

Ron patted his chest and snorted coldly:

“Minister Brays.

The sixth-generation fighter was indeed an accident.

But you must understand that the scientists of the Dragon Kingdom are indeed still very good in the field of military research and development, and they are not worse than our bald eagles.

But in the field of high and new technology.

Even the ten Dragon Kingdoms are probably not enough for us bald eagles to see, right?

I think you’re just worried!

Get ready for the peanuts and melon seeds little bench and wait to see the performance of tomorrow’s World Semiconductor Congress! ”

Rhone shot after needle on Brace.

The last worry in Bryce’s mind was gone.

“Yes too!

We bald eagles are the absolute king in the field of high and new technology!

In addition, the lithography machine is the crown jewel of the semiconductor industry, which is so easy!

Secretary of Rhone.

Hurry, hold a press conference! ”


Bald Eagle Ministry of Commerce press conference scene.

Brays, as a spokesman for Bald Eagle’s Commerce Department, announced the latest bill passed by the Bald Eagle Council.

“In view of Long Guohua, SMIC and other companies pose a threat to the national security of Bald Eagle.

The Parliament has adopted the latest regulations.

Bald Eagle will ban the procurement of any 5G information equipment from Dragon Country.

Dragon will also not be able to procure chips and foundry equipment from any of the countries in the Wasselner Agreement.

The bill will be implemented from tomorrow’s World Semiconductor Congress.

Please abide by the relevant countries of the Wassener Agreement, otherwise you will be sued by the Bald Eagle Court to the World Trade Tribunal! ”

Bald Eagle Commerce Department press conference, the moment Bryce finished speaking.

Journalists from various embassies were in chaos at the press conference.


Parliament is here for real!

The date of suspension of procurement that was previously agreed to be extended indefinitely is now directly prohibited…”

“What threatens national security, really don’t face!”

Obviously, 5G technology can not get the Dragon Kingdom, in this name to prohibit people from purchasing chips to stifle its development! ”

“Hey, Bald Eagle has always been like this, but isn’t that also true of the high-tech industries that used to engage in cherry blossom cranes?”

“Now all countries in the world are advocating coordinated development and building a community with a shared future for mankind, but it is the bald eagle as the hegemon who erects trade barriers …

Hey, the bald eagle is really getting worse and worse…”

“This time the World Semiconductor Conference was held in Longguo, and originally Longguo was ready to take advantage of this semiconductor conference to promote the import and foundry business of several chips.”

Now it seems that it is cooler than ice…”


The moment when the latest news of the Bald Eagle Commerce Department press conference reached the country.

The whole country was shocked.

Although many people are already asleep.

Still being woken up by the people around him to pay attention to this news that is enough to shake the world…

“In the past, the bald eagle had always been just hanging on its lips, just blowing the horn of war.

Now should it represent the official beginning of the war, right? ”

“The Bald Eagle of Dog Day can’t win our Dragon Kingdom’s 5G and starts playing tricks, it’s disgusting!”

“Although it is true that people are playing tricks, but we in the Dragon Kingdom just can’t counter it, who let us always lag behind the bald eagle in the chip field…”

“The most thing, tomorrow the World Semiconductor Conference will be held in Jinling.”

Bald Eagle Commerce Department deliberately picked tonight to hold a press conference.

It is to punch us in the face, to make us dumb and eat yellow, and there is pain that cannot be said…”

“Doesn’t it mean that the Institute of Optics of the Longguo Academy of Sciences has been involved in the research and development of lithography machines?” What are the results now? ”

“I have always been concerned about the research and development of domestic lithography machines, and not long ago the Longguo Academy of Sciences released the latest news…

It’s just a pity that it just conquered the 22nm lithography machine technology, which just caught up with the level of AWS more than a decade ago…”

“I actually heard my Yanda classmates say that recently the Yen University lithography machine research and development department has been lit up all night, and it seems that there is some major breakthrough…”

“Really fake?”

“True or false, don’t you know everything at the World Semiconductor Conference tomorrow?”

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