The moment Jiang Chen’s voice fell.

The entire academic forum was silent for three minutes without saying anything.

Then the whole venue exploded.

The elites in the semiconductor field around the world are laughing.

“What the heck???

What did Professor Xiaojiang say?

He said 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine they have built? ”

“Yes, you heard it right!

It is that the chip has been imported, and even the lithography machine with a precision of less than 22nm can not be developed by Professor Xiaojiang of Longguo! ”

“Is this the brain being caught in the door?”

AWS has only been developed to 5nm, Longguo’s 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine is out? ”

“It was definitely Bald Eagle’s launch last night that confused the scientists of Dragon Country.

A few months ago, the Longguo Academy of Sciences announced the 22nm lithography machine.

How long has it been since then?

Tell me about the 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine developed out?

Isn’t that what dreams are? ”


Asmail on the stage laughed even more:

“Professor Xiaojiang.

Originally, your Dragon Kingdom was the host, and I couldn’t say anything.

But I think it is still not unhappy, may I ask you Dragon Kingdom to participate in this academic forum purely by bragging? ”

Li Yumin’s face changed.

What does this Asmail mean?

It was originally the academic discussion of the scientific research community, how did these bastards get involved in the country?

I was about to get up and speak.

Jiang Chen signaled Li Yumin not to be impatient!

Then he walked slowly to the stage.

“Mr. Asmail.

And every researcher here except Dragon Kingdom.

Although you are guests, I should not be rude.

But I really have to say that you are not worthy of scientific research, Asmail is what it is, one mouth is an old licking dog!

I’m not targeting one of you here, but I’m saying you’re all rubbish and don’t deserve it! ”

Jiang Chen did not have the ambition of Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian’s great power scientists.


He does not yet have the title of professor of the School of Physics of Yanda University, is not an official figure, but only participates in this forum as a citizen scientist.

How he wanted to scold these dog days.

Not even to the national height!

After Jiang Chen was finished, the experts of all countries present here were furious, and this Jiang Chen actually cursed people on such a serious occasion!

Doesn’t the organizer care?

Security guard?

What about security?

As everyone knows, at this time, the security guards outside are supporting Jiang Chen in their hearts.

Good scolding!

Thanks to the legal restrictions, otherwise they all wanted to rush in and beat up this group of people who had just scared their Dragon Kingdom!

In a way.

Jiang Chen also saved these short-sighted experts in the field of semiconductors…

Jiang Chen sneered and walked over to Asmar.

Pointing to the experimental data on extreme ultraviolet lithography in the playing PPT, he laughed:

“Mr. Asmail.

You say that the limit wavelength of a polar ultraviolet light source is 100nm.

I know you must be out of the fact that plasma is the basis of thermal equilibrium.

Because from this point of view, the velocity distribution of particles f(v) is the Maxwell distribution, for waves with a phase velocity of vp, there are fewer particles slightly larger than vp and more particles slightly smaller than vp, so the overall effect of the interaction between waves and resonant particles is to make the wave lose energy, that is, the wave is damped and attenuated…

That’s why you think that the limit of the extreme ultraviolet light source is 100nm.

But have you ever thought about it!

When the plasma is not in thermal equilibrium, f(v) is not the Maxwell distribution.

If there are more particles slightly larger than vp and fewer particles slightly less than vp, the overall effect is that the wave gains energy and grows, which is the inverse process of Landau damping, called Landau growth, which causes the instability of the wave …

Under the influence of Landau growth!

The wavelength of the extreme ultraviolet light source can be extended by 127nm!

Applying it to a lithography machine is 1nm engraving accuracy! ”

The moment Jiang Chen’s voice fell.

At first, many scientists who were still restless and ready to find the field were silent.

To be precise, almost all of them are confused…

All the elites here are from actual countries, and naturally understand the meaning of Jiang Chen’s words just now…


What Professor Xiao Jiang just said was not about Landau damping? ”

“That’s right! It is Landau damping, according to Landau’s law of damping.

Extremely ultraviolet lithography of plasma is indeed divided into two states

If it is really unbalanced, it is indeed possible to achieve an increase in the wavelength of the extremely ultraviolet light source! ”

“I rub!

Doesn’t this mean that what Professor Xiao Jiang said is true?

Is Asmail wrong? ”

“I realized that we were indeed too strong to think that Asmail was the father of the lithography machine, so everything he said in our bureau was right.

However, the actual situation is that Jiang Chen is right! ”

“Sleeper, this Professor Xiao Jiang has something!”

“I’m sorry for my previous harsh words against the Dragon Kingdom…”


When the whole venue fryer, the network live broadcast room is naturally not peaceful.

“wdnmd, who is this Jiang Chen?”

Such a cattle batch? ”

“emmm…… To tell the truth, Professor Xiao Jiang just said so much, I didn’t understand a word, but looking at the expression of the experts in the field, it seems that Asmail is indeed wrong…”

“What a role model for my generation!

Say the most tongue-twisting scientific principles, pretend the strongest force!

Professor Xiaojiang, always drip God! ”

“Call Professor Xiao Jiang crazy!”


The venue, the webcast room is in full swing.

Asmail on the stage listened to Jiang Chen’s words and knew in his heart that he was indeed wrong.

But as the father of the lithography machine.

If he is suppressed by a little fart in his early twenties…

Then how will he mix in the semiconductor field in the future!

I’m afraid that wherever he goes, when people see him, they will always remember this scene!

A slap on the podium coldly snorted:

“Simply ridiculous!

You’ve just said it yourself, Landau damping is to grow wavelengths in unstable situations!

The difficulty of plasma control is well known.

Do you know how many unstable errors you have to eliminate to achieve stable alignment accuracy? ”

As soon as Asmail said this, many experts present also nodded their heads.

What Jiang Chen just said makes sense.

But now Asmail is right…

How can we eliminate errors that are large enough to be unlimited?

All eyes were on Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen looked at Asmail with a sneering smile and couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

“Mr. Asmail.

I really doubt now that you’re the father of the lithography machine.

Don’t you know Maxwell’s equations?

By constantly superimposing and combining four systems of equations to perform the operation until the error is 0, won’t wavelength and alignment give the best of both worlds? ”

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