When Asmail heard Jiang Chen’s words, he was directly frightened and took several steps back…

Maxwell’s equations are clearly only the most basic electromagnetic principles, how can they be used to eliminate the error of unstable states…

Polydispersion uses Maxwell’s equations to eliminate instability.

The amount of computation is not at all the threshold that humans can reach at present…

Jiang Chen looked at Asmail Red as a pig’s liver color and smiled as he saw that his mouth had been shattered:

“It looks like our famous Mr. Asmail is in a bottleneck again.

I’ll just reluctantly tell you a how!

That is, after figuring out the rules of operation, write a program for the supercomputer to calculate, according to my estimation of time, it will be possible to completely eliminate the error within three days.

Of course, I can’t tell you what this rule of operations is, because it’s a state secret…”

The last line of defense in Asmail’s heart was broken by Jiang Chen.

The original pride has long since disappeared.

The whole person’s legs fell to the ground as if they were looking at Jiang Chen.

“It can’t be… That’s impossible……

You must not be human, you are a monster!

Yes, you are a monster! ”


Watching everything that happened on the stage and the live broadcast of the conference was stunned.

“Good guys…

Is this talking to Professor Xiao Jiang about going crazy after losing? ”

“So the final winner of this academic forum is Professor Xiaojiang of our Dragon Kingdom?”

“Big Brother, didn’t you notice that everyone in the audience was looking at Jiang Chen’s adoring expression?” This is obvious! ”

“Helpless I have no culture, a sentence in the world, in my twenties.”

Dare to challenge the authority in the field of lithography machines, and also successfully suppress it!

Oh my God, this Jiang Chen is only afraid that the future has a very deep achievement in the field of lithography machines, you say that the future boulder of our dragon country lithography machine is developed by him? ”

“The future?

Big brother, are you new here?

Professor Xiaojiang said before he took the stage that they have developed a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine! ”

“Sleeper! Is it really fake? ”

“Isn’t the academic forum followed by a new product launch?” What’s the rush? Good things always come out! ”


When the live room is hotly discussed.

The experts at the scene were even more excited about the upcoming new product launch.

What a joke, that’s a 1nm extreme ultraviolet light source lithography machine!

“Professor Xiaojiang, will our 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography opportunity in Longguo be released in a few days?”

“No wonder I saw this morning that the Minister of Commerce of the Dragon Kingdom was so confident today, it was so…”

“I can’t wait to witness the release of Longguo 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine technology!”

“Professor Xiaojiang, always drip god!”

“Asmail, no, Professor Koe, all right!”


The end of the academic forum.

It ends with Asmail’s medical treatment and Jiang Chen’s argument triumphant.

Jiang Chen looked at everyone’s excited and incredibly excited look and smiled:

“Don’t get excited.

The 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine is already in the exhibition hall, and at the same time, the 1nm chip created with Huawei is also released!

Those who are interested can go to the B2 conference to watch it live! ”


After the academic forum.

Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian walked over to Jiang Chen and gave him a thumbs up.

“Professor Xiaojiang.

You’ve just been so brave, my God!

Even if you fight for the motherland on stage, you actually dare to go on stage against Gang Asmar.

That’s the god of the world’s semiconductor field!

In such a realm of gods, not a word can be said to suppress it…”

Wei Fengxian was also excitedly pinching Jiang Chen’s shoulder:

“Professor Xiaojiang, you are really the future and pride of my Dragon Kingdom…”

Jiang Chen smiled and looked at Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian with excitement and smiled:

“Elder Li, Elder Wei.”

Don’t praise me so much, my line is also playing soy sauce.

The most important thing now is the line between the Bald Eagle in Hall A1! ”

Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian also looked worriedly at the World Semiconductor Summit being held in the A1 Hall.

Unlike their academic exchanges, product launches are not the same.

In Hall A1, there are all important business ministers from all over the world, and the business exchanges between countries and countries and enterprises are discussed.

Follow Bald Hawk’s press conference last night.

This is in Hall A1.

The Commerce Department of Longguo must be in a frenzied confrontation with the Minister of Commerce of Bald Eagle, competing for the identity of the order maker in the 5G era!

It was not much different from what Jiang Chen and others expected.

The business summit being held in Hall A1 is indeed one after another, and the climax is repeated, which is more exciting than Jiang Chen’s argument on this side.


Jinling Convention and Exhibition Center.

Inside Hall A1.

World Semiconductor Business Summit Venue.

Sitting in front of you are important officials of the Ministry of Commerce of various countries.

Sitting behind them are basically the helmsmen of companies in the semiconductor field of various countries, as well as the press corps.

The atmosphere at this time is somewhat chaotic.

In many countries, the commerce ministers and business leaders looked at Bald Eagle and the commerce minister Brees angrily.

“Minister Brays, is it too much for you to force up the price of goods in the semiconductor sector to double by as much?”

“Yes, double not one!”

A chip that used to be 120 meters now costs 240 meters, isn’t that killing us? ”

“Minister Brice, please think twice!

Otherwise we will not continue to purchase Bald Eagle low-pass chips! ”

“Minister Brays, please don’t go your own way!”


Bald Eagle Commerce Secretary Brace looked at the Commerce Department personnel and corporate executives who objected to his remarks.

Not only did he not panic at all, but he even intensified:


The price is really not high!

You must know that our Bald Eagle enterprise is also very expensive for chip research and development!

Whether it is AWSL’s lithography machine or low-pass chip, we have to spend money on research and development.

Of course, you can also choose not to!

But please figure it out, the whole world, only this one, after this village there is no shop!

Last night’s press conference scene I believe everyone has already watched.

Rao is the Dragon Kingdom, we all dare to impose comprehensive sanctions. You should know exactly what we mean.

Chips, or you guys add money!

Or don’t buy it, it’s that simple! ”

The moment Minister Bryce’s speech fell, the entire venue suddenly became full of complaints.

Because of the Baldeagle’s sanctions against the Dragon Nation, Bald Eagle’s corporate shipments will certainly be affected, and Minister Brace feels that only by raising the purchase price of other countries can he make up for the loss.

That’s why this one sits on the ground!

In Minister Brays’s view, there is no other way for this country to do it than to accept it!

At a time when other countries and enterprises were complaining, Zhang Qianqiu, Minister of Commerce of the Dragon Kingdom, who had been quietly watching Minister Brees, stood up while clapping…

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