Bryce listened to the words of the people around him and his face turned green.

“I’d like to see how cowhide the 1nm process chip in your mouth really is!”

Jiang Chen saw Bryce sit down.

It also continued the release of the 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine.

The awareness of lithography machines is very high.

But very few can understand lithography machines.

To say that the most intuitive can reflect the strength of the 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine.

And, of course, the chip made by it!

Jiang Chen smiled and took out a small metal suitcase from his pocket, and what was extracted from the suitcase was, of course, a chip of the 1nm process jointly created by the 1nm ultraviolet light source lithography machine and Huawei.

“In order to ensure the fairness of the test session.

We will randomly select mobile phones on the spot and install GEEKBENCH5, the software of the most widely recognized test chip, to test this 1nm process chip! ”

As soon as Jiang Chen uttered these words, everyone immediately became interested.

They also thought that Jiang Chen would use his own test methods to test.

I didn’t expect to directly find a mobile phone to install test software on the spot to test the chip!

This domineering level even the low-pass snapdragon does not dare to play like this…

You know, with your own equipment there must be a test effect bonus.

And with the public’s.

Too many influencing factors, temperature, compatibility …

Through a random program, a seat was generated, and a journalist sister from the Mao Xiong Kingdom was successfully selected by Jiang Chen.

When the young lady of the Mao Xiong reporter saw that she was selected on the screen, she covered her mouth with excitement.

With a rapid heartbeat, he walked up to the stage and handed his mobile phone to Jiang Chen.

Also whispered.

“Professor Xiaojiang, come on!”

As a girl with a bear, she has always been very hostile to bald eagles from the bottom of her heart.

Today finally employs people who dare to stand up directly against the line Bald Eagle.

She is of course extremely supportive!

Of course, and Jiang Chen is indeed very handsome, which is also part of the reason…

Jiang Chen smiled and nodded, and said thank you.

Then use the program to put the chip of the mobile phone of the reporter sister of the bear reporter temporarily like the chip of the 1nm process built for the purpose of exploration.

And downloaded the latest GEEKBENCH5 and began testing it.

Single core running score: 50,000w+

Multi-core running score: 150,000W+

5G peak download speed: 300Gbps

5G peak download speed: 100Gbps

Clock frequency up: 107Gbps


The moment the final test results came out.

Thousands of people here, watching the live broadcast, are stupid!

“I seem blind!”

Fifty thousand single-core running points, 120,000 multi-core running points…

My dear mother, if I remember correctly, the running score of AWSL’s 5nm engineering chip Xiaolong 875 seen before is also rapidly 4900+/14000+…

This Nyima has almost doubled 10 times! ”

“Brother, you’re not blind! We all saw it! ”

“The most important thing is that the test machine used by Professor Xiaojiang was randomly selected.

According to my visual estimation, the mobile phone of the young sister of the Mao Xiong reporter should be the first 5G mobile phone listed last year…

After more than a year of use, replaced by the 1nm process chip of the Dragon Kingdom, it can be so strong! ”

“Why do you all only notice the running score, the most important thing should be 5G upload download speed?”

The reason why chips and 5G technology is called the order of the 5G era is to serve 5G…”

“There’s nothing wrong with it, the peak of 300G/100G, it’s the same speed as 5G design.”

If I remember correctly, in fact, when applied to the chip, it is at least dozens of times lower…

And now under the blessing of the 1nm process chip, the speed is directly full!

I even suspect that if it weren’t for the base station, this thing might have supported faster! ”

“Oh my God, this is simply an all-round crushing of the 875 jointly built by AWS and Low Pass…”

“emmm…… Although our A14 does not compete with everyone for 5G order, but witnessed Professor Xiaojiang’s 1nm process chip, it can only kneel…”


Because the field testing of the chip has guaranteed absolute authenticity.

Now even a real fool can get out of the results of Brees’s questioning.

Obviously, Bryce mouthed the PPT chip.

Not a PPT chip.

It is a chip that is truly enough to cross the era and lead the world in the 1nm process!

The moment the 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine and the 1nm process chip are released.

Everyone present couldn’t sit still.

The 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine coupled with Longguo’s 5G technology that is already ahead of the world.

Do we still need to wonder about the identity of the order-makers in the future 5G era?

At this time, the ministries of commerce of various countries still care whether this is the summit site or not.

The Minister of Commerce of Mao Xiong directly shouted:

“Minister Zhang, Professor Xiaojiang!

I hope that Mao Xiong can become the first partner of Longguo 1nm Polar UV Light Source Lithography Machine!

Dragon country’s 5G base station, we Mao Xiong full support.

As long as we can join the first list of lithography machine foundries! ”

Are you kidding.

From the second generation to the fourth generation, their woolly bears have not been able to become one of the foundry countries of lithography machines because of bald eagles.

Want to get a chip.

It is always done under the countries of the Wasselna Agreement, or it is imported directly at Bald Eagle.

And now.

New overlords appeared, and they didn’t hug their thighs.

When to hug?

Waiting for the 5G base station of the family to fill the world, will they go to the afterthought?

The Minister of Commerce took the lead.

Many countries have also expressed their intention to import chips and 5G technology from Longguo…

The scene was tense for a while, and even some countries have fought for the cooperation of the Dragon Country Lithography Machine to break their heads and shed blood.

The most wavering of these is the countries of the original Wassener Agreement.

Before the advent of the Dragon Kingdom lithography machine.

They are all one of the components provider countries of AWSL, so they have always enjoyed one of the rights and interests of AWS Lithography Machines.

And now the AWS lithography machine is not even qualified to lift shoes in front of the Longguo 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine.

They now have only two options.

One is to stick to the current AWSL and wait for Bald Eagle to develop 5G technology.

One is to catch the express train of the Dragon Kingdom directly.

After all, now Longguo is far ahead of both lithography machine technology and 5G technology!

The best and the worst, most of you here already have results in mind.

John Niu Minister of Commerce immediately shook the hand of Ren Dafei, the helmsman of the flower.

“Mr. Ren, we have always welcomed the construction of 5G base stations in John Bull China.

You look at the 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine there, is it a favor to us and said…”

Gaul chicken arrow John Niu direct defection to the organization, where can still endure.

Immediately began to kneel and lick.

“Minister Zhang.

I’ll let our Gaul chickens withdraw from the Wassener Agreement when I go back, and you must leave a place for our Gaulish chickens…”


The scene was once chaotic.

Bald Eagle’s Minister of Commerce clutched his head and shouted incredulously.

“How the is this!

That’s a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine!

How could Dragon Kingdom be developed so quickly?

Isn’t it only two or three months since the last 22nm technology was published? ”

Jiang Chen smiled and looked at Minister Brice, who was already stupid, and reminded him with a smile:

“Minister Brays.

Your feelings are a little wrong, I want to correct it for you.

Our Longguo Academy of Sciences developed a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine that only took 1 month! ”

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