Minister Bress, whose feet were already a little weak, was naturally even more foolish to listen to Jiang Chen’s words at this time.

It’s not just Minister Bryce either.

To be precise, all the key members of the Ministry of Commerce, entrepreneurs, and scientists of various countries who participated in the press conference, as well as the tens of millions of viewers who watched the live broadcast of the World Semiconductor Congress at the same time, were all stunned!

“Pure deaf people, just now Professor Xiaojiang said that he developed a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine in 1 month?”

“You’re not deaf, and I’m not a passerby.

Believe in yourself, Professor Xiaojiang really said so! ”

“I cracked on the spot, 1nm extreme ultraviolet light source lithography machine, a month is developed according to the development, is this possible?”

“It should just be to fight back at the press conference of the Bald Eagle Ministry of Commerce last night, right?” It really takes a month to develop a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine.

How horrible is that? ”

“Don’t hide from you, I am Yanda, because I have always been very interested in the research and development of lithography machines, in fact, the accuracy of lithography machines has indeed been very slow before the research and development of lithography machines.”

But a month ago, Yanda physics was often brightly lit, supposedly because of the addition of a young genius…”

“So you mean that Jiang Chen said that it is true that he developed a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine in another 1 month?”

“I’m just guessing, but I’m not responsible for this conclusion…”


There was an uproar at the scene.

Li Yumin stood up against everyone’s questioning eyes.

“Guys, in fact, not only do you not believe it, we did not believe that Professor Xiaojiang could develop a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine within a month. But after this month.

We know that there is a saying that makes sense.

If the effort is useful, what else does the genius do? ”

Li Yumin’s real hammer made the entire already lively venue even more outrageous…

Compared to 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine.

People are obviously more concerned about the people who developed it.

And it only took 1 month…

Mao Bear’s journalist sister has a unique advantage because she is still on stage.

The interview session began.

“Professor Xiaojiang.

How did you develop a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine within a month? ”

Jiang Chen did not arrive so quickly as the reporter’s interview.

I’m getting ready to start pretending.

Press corps from all over the world poured in.

“Professor Xiaojiang, what is your IQ?”

“Professor Xiaojiang, what kind of sensibility did you have to defeat Asmail in the discourse session?”

“Professor Xiaojiang, do you have any thoughts on the order of the 5G era that will soon be built by Dragon Kingdom?”


Originally, there were only two interviews for these reporters today.

One is an interview with the 5nm lithography machine technology released by AWSL.

The second is the terms and conditions agreements reached between the ministries of commerce of various countries.

And now, it has been revealed that Jiang Chen, who can lead the team to develop a 1nm extreme ultraviolet light source lithography machine within a month.

When is the interview not being interviewed at this time?

Jiang Chen looked at the excited reporters and smiled helplessly:

“Don’t get excited, don’t get excited, we have time, one by one…”

“First of all, answer the question of the reporter’s sister who just cooperated with me.”

Regarding the 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine, in fact, it is not a difficult thing in my opinion.

It was during the summer vacation dinner time waiting for graduate school admission that I saw the news that Hua Wei was sanctioned by the Bald Eagle.

I thought it was okay to be left and right, or try to conquer the lithography machine, right?

As a result, I accidentally reached an accuracy of 1nm…

Heck, I didn’t expect that! ”

Jiang Chen said this.

The whole audience was almost angry with this forced remark to vomit blood.

“WDNMD, is this the undertone of genius?”

The time to eat a meal will be 1nm extreme ultraviolet light source lithography machine technology to conquer …

Then join the team of Longguo Academy of Sciences and spend another month leading the team to develop …”

“The sky is not born Professor Jiang, scientific research is as long as a long night!”

“I always felt that Professor Xiao Jiang was pretending, but I couldn’t find any evidence…

After all, people are so good…”

“People are more popular than dead people, I am still selling houses in the chain house at Professor Xiaojiang’s age…”

“Brother is heartbroken, our profession is also not right, if you really want to find a corresponding job, the salary is not yet high in sales of the house …”

“I think your focus is really a bit of a problem, Professor Xiao Jiang just said that he is waiting for graduate school admission during the summer vacation, that is to say, he has only studied for one year…

Still a new student, the most cute kind of cute new! ”

“I’m not deaf, so why don’t I leak my Ph.D. identity and get punched in the face?”

“Helplessly, I have no culture, a sentence lying in the groove to walk the world, this is the pride of heaven, right?”

“Yanyi has conquered the 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine, and the future is unlimited!”


With the public hot discussion.

The reporter’s interview session lasted for more than half an hour.

Jiang Chen finally knew the pressure of Lu Yushan, vice minister of the Ministry of Military Armed Forces at that time, standing on the stage…

In the future, this kind of link should not be personally attended.

Or obediently push the person in charge a little better…

The interview session with reporters here has just ended.

Many of the experts from all over the world who participated in the World Semiconductor Conference are deans or professors from world-renowned universities.

If Jiang Chen was a member of the Dragon Kingdom, they wouldn’t have thought about it.

But they had just heard that Jiang Chen’s identity was actually only a new student of Yan Dayinyi?

Suddenly, I had the intention of soliciting.

Professor Tolfoe, dean of the Royal Gaul Rooster University of Technology, rushed directly to Jiang Chen and shouted directly:

“Professor Xiaojiang.

Our Gallic Rooster University of Technology is one of the top 30 universities in the world!

What does it mean to study graduate at Yenching University!

I would like to invite you to teach at our school, and you can pay as much as you want! ”

John Oxbridge the dean of the School of Physics at Cam University waved a big hand and sneered.

“Teaching sent us Professor Xiaojiang away?”

Who do you look down on?

Professor Xiaojiang, come to our Qiaojian University, I will give you the dean of the School of Physics, and I will make you the vice dean!

Research funds you can report at will, we John cattle will definitely give you a batch down!

By the way, we can also set up a special Jiangchen scholarship for you to motivate every student who comes to Qiaojian University to study! ”

Tsu Niu University, which was also a world-famous university within John Bull, was not happy at that time.

If Jiang Chen went to Qiaojian University.

So they still have someone to report?

Not all of them ran to Qiaojian University to see Jiang Chen, the great god!

“Professor Xiaojiang.

Don’t listen to Qiaojian University blowing with you!

Their last promised scholarship has not yet been awarded!

We are not the same, the world’s top five, annual scientific research funds to explode!

As long as you go to our Jinniu University, I can even report a new teaching building to you directly, called Jiangchen Building! ”


Just now I was still in the interview with Jiang Chen.

In an instant, it became a battlefield for the world’s major scientific research highlands to compete for Jiang Chen.

At this time, the major famous schools can be described as inseparable, and their heads are broken and bleeding.

To say that the most nervous thing about watching such a big scene at this time is Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian, two academicians of Yan University.


A good interview instantly turned into an olive branch conference!

Now in front of Jiang Chen is a famous school in the whole world, which is better than Yan Dahuaqing and does not know where to go…

If only Jiang Chen had been attracted to the past.

How can they keep up with the above…!

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