Unlike Minister Bryce and Secretary who fled back to Bald Eagle with Pale Yellow.

Jiang Chen and others here because of the operation of raising their eyebrows at the World Semiconductor Conference can be described as the stars holding the moon and the expectations of the people.

About what Jiang Chen did at the World Semiconductor Congress.

It was also spread throughout the Dragon Kingdom!

#World Semiconductor Congress Longguo released 1nm polar ultraviolet lithography machine#

#Genius scientist Jiang Chen rejects the Royal Academy of Sciences of Ryaldian

#5G New Era in Dragon Kingdom#


Such hot searches have been enduring to dominate the top five of the hot search list in the Dragon Kingdom.

It can be said that it is the longest news in the hot search list.

“Before going to bed.

I was watching the news that Bald Eagle had fully sanctioned the Dragon Kingdom.

How I lay down the corpse until the afternoon.

Our dragon country lithography machine has been developed ah? ”

“Upstairs please pay attention to your words, is the 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine!

Not a AWSL garbage lithography machine above 5nm, understand?

Don’t lower our level, hahaha! ”

“At the scene, Professor Xiaojiang and Asmail talked about it at that time, I was really kneeling and singing conquest!

The god of the semiconductor field, Professor Xiaojiang here has not even walked the triple!

Professor Xiaojiang, always drip God! ”

“I wonder now, what kind of immortal is this Professor Xiao Jiang?”

“Anyway, it’s not a being that can be touched between you and me, that’s a real god!”

“The scientific research strength is so strong that it explodes, the most important thing is that Professor Xiaojiang’s sense of belonging and identity to the country really gave me a big man to see and cry.”

The direction I aspire to is the direction of the five-pointed star.

Science knows no borders, scientists have borders…

These are all proper golden sentences!

I hope that those guys who are running abroad will compare their hearts to their hearts, do they have Professor Xiaojiang to be bullish? ”

“That’s not why, that’s the Royal Academy of Sciences of Ryerdianke…

What a place for scientists in the world!

Professor Xiao Jiang refused without the slightest hesitation…”

“My generation’s role model, the future and hope of the Dragon Kingdom!”

“You may not believe it when you say it, I have a college classmate named Jiang Chen, and I will be late for class every time!” The period must be hung up in a subject, the grade is counted down, and the proper waste wood college students …”

“Can’t it be a person?”

“I don’t believe it, the problem is that this Professor Xiaojiang is also from Donghuang University, also a [aircraft design and engineering] major, and his mother is exactly the same as my classmates, if you don’t believe yourself to see our graduation photos…”

“I made a big!

It’s exactly the same!

Therefore, this big country scientist who wins glory for the country and promotes the light of my dragon country is actually the same person as the waste wood college student in your mouth? ”

“You know a chicken, geniuses are so crazy!”

If you look at the great scientists in history, which one is not strange? ”

“I regret it now, if I could stutter and stutter when I was in school, I could blow this bull for a lifetime!”

“Ren’s research one, research lithography machine, participate in the World Semiconductor Congress and talk to a big god like Asmar, and line up with the Minister of Commerce of Bald Eagle …

My research one, who had just been abandoned by my mentor again, threw me a bunch of English literature for me to read…”

“Maybe this is someone else’s child?”


Jinling to Yanjing route.

Jiang Chen, who was flying back to Yanjing, looked at the replies and praise of the vivid netizens on the hot search of the mobile phone.

The face was involuntarily filled with satisfaction.

It seems that it is still very meaningful to come to this trip by yourself!

Putting a cup in a glass counts as a thing.

Most importantly.

Jiang Chen’s example reminded more scientific researchers.

Before being a scientist.

They are still a Dragon Man!

Mu Shijun beside him looked at Jiang Chen’s unconscious smile and covered his mouth and smiled:

“Jiang Chen.

Your appearance of not caring about sneaking comments behind your back is so humble, hahaha…”

Jiang Chen listened to Mu Shijun’s teasing old face and blushed.

“Teacher Mu, don’t talk nonsense!

I just accidentally pulled it down, who secretly read the comments …”

Li Yumin and Analysis on the side of the aisle looked at the two energetic young people and smiled helplessly:

“Xiao Mu.

That’s not right when you say that.

How could Xiao Jiang be humble?

I think he should be proud to read these comments…”

For a while, the old man and the two children talked about it.

Anyway, the package is also business class, but it does not affect others.

Wei Fengxian’s side was preparing to join the conversation as well.

There was a phone call in hand.

It was the Science and Technology Division he dialed before!

“Hello, Director Wu?”

Hmmm, it’s me…

What the…… Diaoyu Xuan State Guest House???

Good good!

I will definitely notify in place! ”

The moment Wei Fengxian hung up the phone.

Li Yumin quickly looked at Wei Fengxian.

Li Yumin knew that the call must have been Wu Sansheng, director of the Department of Science and Technology.

Because before they were worried that Jiang Chen would be snatched away by famous universities and academies abroad.

Only then did I call Director Wu.

Previously ordered by the Department of Science and Technology at the conference site to keep Jiang Chen, they immediately held a meeting to decide how to reward Jiang Chen.

This World Semiconductor Congress is also over.

Now it seems that the results of the Department of Science and Technology’s commendation on Jiang Chen have come out?

Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun looked at Wei Fengxian with a confused face.

After all, neither of them knew anything…

Li Yumin asked in a hurry:

“Old Wei.

What’s the situation?

What did Director Wu say? Tell us about it! ”

Wei Fengxian took a deep breath and looked at Jiang Chen and Li Yumin excitedly, Mu Shijun and the three people:

“Ten days later.

The Department of Science and Technology and the Department of Commerce held a celebration banquet for Xiaojiang.

The banquet is located at the Diaoyuxuan State Guest House!

In addition to our R&D team.

Invited to the celebration banquet to celebrate Professor Xiaojiang were many famous academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, military leaders, and business giants! ”

The moment Wei Fengxian’s voice fell.

Li Yumin was momentarily stunned!

What is Diaoyu Xuan State Guest House?

Ancient Diaoyuxuan is a famous imperial garden in the western suburbs of Yanjing, named after Emperor Jin Zhangzong who built a platform here for fishing.

The current Yanjing Diaoyuxuan State Guest House is an important place for the leaders of the Dragon Kingdom to carry out foreign affairs activities, and it is also a super-star hotel for the country to receive heads of state and important guests!

It is one of the venues of the state banquet together with the General Assembly Hall!

In addition, the Department of Science and Technology and the Department of Commerce jointly held a banquet, as well as the banquet of academicians of the two academies, military leaders, business giants…

Although this is just Jiang Chen’s celebration feast!

But this card is not much lower than the state banquet!

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