When Jiang Chen heard Wei Fengxian’s words, he didn’t expect that the Science and Technology Department and the Commerce Department had made such a big pomp for themselves!

But he didn’t have any reason to refuse.

Speaking of which, he hasn’t been to the Diaoyu Xuan State Guest House yet…

This time it is not an incomprehensible thing to be a protagonist once.

Indeed, as Li Yumin said, the Dragon Kingdom has been around since its founding.

Even Old Master Yuan, who had solved the population and food crisis in the whole Dragon Kingdom, had never sat at such a large banquet of noodles!

Now, Jiang Chen was actually in his early twenties and was jointly held by the Department of Science and Technology and the Department of Commerce.

Or at the Diaoyu Xuan State Guest House…

I really don’t blame Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian for being stunned.

Is it true that this treatment is also too good?

However, it is normal to think about it carefully, first of all, Jiangchen’s development of a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine is a breakthrough in Longguo Semiconductor and even the entire high-tech field from 0 to 1.

The 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine has broken the comprehensive sanctions of the bald eagle!

Paved the way for Dragon Kingdom to become the order-maker of the 5G era.

In addition, it has helped the Department of Commerce to win orders of hundreds of billions of meters…

This achieves…

Even the chief personally feasted, and both of them could think of it.

Of course.

Even if he knew Jiang Chen’s merits and was grateful, he would not have so much time to hold a celebration banquet for Jiang Chen…

At the thought of going to the Diaoyuxuan State Guest House to attend Jiang Chen’s celebration banquet, Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian were a little excited.

“Professor Xiaojiang, to tell the truth.

Old Wei and I hadn’t been to the Diaoyu Xuan State Guest House yet.

This time it dragged your blessing…”

Jiang Chen smiled helplessly:

“Elder Li, Elder Wei, you have tormented me.”

I couldn’t develop a lithography machine on my own.

Developed out, that is also the credit of the entire R & D team! ”

Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian blushed when they heard this.

Jiang Chen’s words really embarrassed the two of them, if it wasn’t for Jiang Chen, the ghost knew when this lithography machine was going to be developed…

“Xiao Jiang, you are the other two of us.”

If it weren’t for you, I’m afraid this lithography machine wouldn’t have been able to take it down in 10 years…”

Mu Shijun on the side looked at the modest look between Jiang Chen and Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian and smiled unkindly.

“Didn’t you just go to the Diaoyuxuan State Guest House for a meal?”

Don’t thank you here, I want me to say that we should all go to eat, but Jiang Chen, you really should still be the protagonist!

After all, as Elder Li and Elder Wei said, you are the greatest hero…”

Mu Shijun’s grandfather was a big hand in the Longguo Military Region, so when she was a child, she often carried it to eat and drink at the Diaoyuxuan State Guesthouse, but she didn’t have much concept of this.

When Jiang Chen and the three of them heard Mu Shijun’s words, they didn’t push each other anymore.

Professor Xiao Mu was right!

We all have merit in this celebration banquet, but Jiang Chen is the greatest hero, ahaha! ”

“Right, right, right!”

Jiang Chen looked at the two old men and smiled helplessly.

Nor did it emphasize anything more.

Of course, the main thing is that he doesn’t have much time to chat with these people.

Because the system announcement about his completion of the lithography machine has been refreshed!

【Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the main line task (2): within one month to complete the 1nm ultraviolet light source lithography machine research and development task! 】 】

[Success: 3000 science points + scientific research blind box. 】

Jiang Chen looked at the refreshed system announcement and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Get up early and be greedy, and count all night.

In addition to the breakthrough of the Dragon Kingdom chip from 0 to 1, is not this little thought?

3000 science points in hand!

After seeing the previous 3000 science points, you can upgrade your 6 subject coefficients in a round!

Full LV.3!

【Congratulations to the successful upgrade of the host mathematics discipline to LV.3 (61/1000)! 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Nonlinear Damping and Convergence in Equilibrium of Boltzmann’s Equations]

【Congratulations to the Host Physics Department for its successful upgrade to LV.3 (91/1000)! 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining: The Nature of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking Based on Four-Dimensional Relativistic Canonal Field Theory and the Continuous Conservation of Vector Boson Mass]

【Congratulations to the successful upgrade of the Department of Host Chemistry to LV.3 (82/1000)! 】 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining: “Method for using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to analyze the three-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules in solution”]

【Congratulations to host biology…】

【Congratulations to host astronomy…】

【Congratulations to host Earth Sciences…】


A series of system comrades brushed Jiang Chen directly at the overwhelmed look.


When Jiang Chen saw the rewards issued by the discipline upgrade.

Jiang Chen almost jumped out of the plane with excitement!

Isn’t the upgraded physics “Nature of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Continuous Conservation of Vector Boson Mass Based on Four-Dimensional Relativistic Canonical Field Theory and Continuous Conservation of Vector Boson Mass” fucking talk about the discovery of the Higgs boson?

What is the Higgs boson?

Use the knowledge of physics to explain the words.

It is a boson with zero spin predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics, which is not charged or colored, is extremely unstable, and decays immediately after generation.

In 1964, the existence of the Higgs field was proposed by John cattle scientist Peter Higgs, and thus predicted the existence of the Higgs boson.

The Higgs boson was proposed.

It is very popular with physicists around the world.

For more than half a century, in the historical development, it is called the existence of God particles!

As for why it is called the God particle, it is actually easy to understand.

Because it is the Higgs boson that gives mass to other particles, gravity can be hailed as the force of natural selection as the only force that is not affected by time and space.

If only it were possible to make a Higgs boson.

Space motherships, star destroyers, deep space travel…

These may become a reality!

More and more countries want to build large particle colliders.

Nominally to study high-energy physics.

In fact, everyone knows it in their hearts.

It is to crash into the Higgs boson, after all, mastering the Higgs boson, I think I will become a pioneer of future technology!

Jiang Chen smiled helplessly as he put away his fascination.

Because the system does not give the Higgs boson production method…

Just a thesis proving the prophecy of the Higgs.

As far as he knows, this paper should be able to win the Nobel Prize in Physics…

Although the Nobel Prize in Physics is a lot worse than before the technology that took control of the future.

But Jiang Chen didn’t think he was really far away from the Higgs boson, after all, he was only LV.3 in physics.

Maybe the artificial production method of the Higgs boson is in LV.4/LV.5?

Putting away his thoughts, he smiled and looked at the papers of other disciplines.

Most of them are also at the level of Nobel Prizes!

He roughly calculated that when LV.1-LV.2 was at the same level, it was probably between international journals and international second-rate awards.

The scientific research results of LV.2-LV.3 are already world-class papers.

This also makes him look forward to the rewards behind the system more and more.

Putting away his imagination, he smiled and looked at the scientific research blind box that lay quietly behind.

This time, what treasure can the scientific research blind box open?

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