You should know that the previous [scientific research blind box] can be opened in the six-generation fighter, 1nm extreme ultraviolet light source lithography machine and other cross-era masterpieces.

Compared with the thesis awards brought by the upgrading of disciplines, the scientific research program is naturally more attractive to Jiang Chen.

【Congratulations to the host for successfully opening the blind box! 】 】

[Congratulations to the host for its success: the fifth generation of nuclear submarine research and development program: high temperature gas-cooled reactor, new weapon system, new stealth noise reduction system, new marine electrical system…]

The moment the system’s announcement brushed out.

Jiang Chen’s two eyes instantly stared like copper bells.


High-temperature air-cooled reactors!

What shocked Jiang Chen was not the research and development plan of the nuclear submarine.

Although the scientific research technology of this blue world is generally lower than their original world.

But the technology of nuclear submarines is still basically not much behind.

The world still has nuclear submarines and the “five rogues”.

What really shocked Jiang Chen was the core of the new nuclear submarine.

It should be known that the nuclear reactor program of the world’s most mainstream nuclear submarines is basically a pressurized water reactor.

High-temperature air-cooled reactors are the ideal power for fifth-generation nuclear submarines!

As the name suggests, a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor is a reactor that uses granular fuel and graphite as a moderator.

The method of distinguishing from ordinary PWRs is not particularly difficult.

The advantages are mainly reflected in the higher safety, higher energy conversion efficiency, and simpler system operation…

However, it is not without a little harm.

That is, the technical difficulty is too great…

It is not that there are no high-temperature gas-cooled reactors in the world today.

But even the rare presence of high-temperature, gas-cooled reactors is used in large nuclear power plants.

It is necessary to adapt the huge high-temperature gas-cooled reactor of the power plant to a nuclear submarine more than 100 meters long.

It’s not easy at all.

In other words, it should be called difficult as ascending to the sky!

At present, countries around the world are indeed following up with high-temperature gas-cooled reactors.

The ideal is beautiful.

But the reality is also very bone…

Even the technology overlord Bald Eagle is still playing soy sauce…

It simply slowed down the accuracy of the high-temperature gas-cooled reactor and continued to build its own pressurized water reactor.

Thanks to the strong scientific and technological strength of Bald Eagle.

They are really higher than the new pressurized water reactor, although the increase is not large.

But compared to the fourth generation of PWRs.

It is indeed a lot stronger!

So Bald Eagle is now also the first country to have a fifth-generation nuclear submarine!

For other countries that only have fourth-generation nuclear submarines, there is naturally pressure.

And, it is in this situation.

He actually got the high-temperature air-cooled reactor technology and other core technologies of the fifth-generation nuclear submarine!

Didn’t heaven send him to bring about earth-shaking changes to the fifth-generation nuclear submarine of the Dragon Kingdom?

It’s a time of unbridled laughter.

A hand in front of him kept coming and going, directly waking up Jiang Chen.

Whoa, whoa???

Between Mu Shijun’s small hands pinched Jiang Chen’s ears and was preparing to shout, the moment Mu Shijun’s small face was red and let go of Jiang Chen’s ears.


I thought you were crazy and couldn’t wake up…”

Jiang Chen heard this awkward smile and smiled.

“No, I just dreamed of something happier, Teacher Mu, don’t curse me crazy all day.”

I’m your student!” ”

Mu Shijun looked at Jiang Chen curiously.

She thought that even when the 1nm ultraviolet light source lithography machine was developed, Jiang Chen did not smile so happy.

Now I was laughing so happily in my dreams.

“What dream?”

Do you share it with teachers? ”

Jiang Chen looked at Mu Shijun’s curious appearance and smiled:

“I just dreamed that I was married, and my wife was a good thief, and it seemed that there was a small mole at the back of her ear…”

As soon as Mu Shijun heard this, the originally curious kitten-like face immediately turned red.

Doesn’t she have a small mole at the base of her back ear!

This bastard Jiang Chen is flirting with her again!

He grabbed Jiang Chen’s waist fiercely, looked at Jiang Chen’s expression of begging for forgiveness, and laughed:

“See if you still dare to flirt with the teacher?”

“Teacher Mu, I was wrong, I know I was wrong!”

After Mu Shijun triumphantly released his hand, Jiang Chen cracked open the seat and laughed:

“I know it’s wrong, next time I dare to!”


Jiang Chen, you bastard! ”


Jiang Chen looked at Mu Shijun from the original dislike of talking to people to now a lot of cheerfulness is also a lot of self-conscious credit.

Laughing and scolding for a while.

Jiang Chen also talked about serious things.

Curiously, he looked at Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian.

“Elder Li, Elder Wei.”

I ask you something, who is in charge of the research and development of the fourth generation of nuclear submarines in our country? ”

Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian looked at Jiang Chen with a confused face.

How could he suddenly ask about nuclear submarines?

Even if you want to ask, shouldn’t you be asking about his feast?

Mentor Wei Fengxian didn’t think about it that much.

“Xiao Jiang.

Your question is a bit embarrassing.

The research and development of military weapons is highly confidential, where do we know?

You’ve heard of the previous six generations of fighters, right?

To this day we don’t know who that genius deputy chief designer is…

The research and development of nuclear submarines is only higher than that of the previous sixth-generation fighters…”

Li Yumin echoed from the sidelines:


Jiang Chen looked at the admiration in Wei Fengxian’s eyes for the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter plane and laughed:

“Elder Wei, look at your expression.

It seems that the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter is very respectful? ”

Wei Fengxian glanced at Jiang Chen in a bad way.

“Xiao Jiang.

You may not know how awesome this sixth-generation fighter deputy chief designer is.

One person, two months.

Plasma stealth technology, variable-cycle adaptive engine, airborne laser weapon system …

All taken down!

Pick a random technology here, Bald Eagle can’t do it in 30 years!

Do you know what our Dragon Kingdom’s sixth-generation fighter is called now?

“The strongest fighter in the future world in 50 years, there is no one!” ……

But compared to the sixth-generation fighter.

The whole world is currently most concerned about the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter.

He is known as the Dragon National Treasure Scientist, and he is also a mysterious figure who has been rated as one of the top twenty outstanding talents in the world’s scientific research field by the unofficial Scientific Society! ”

When Wei Fengxian spoke, it was as if he had developed a sixth-generation fighter himself.

Li Yumin’s eyes also showed admiration and admiration.

Even Mu Shijun on the side had a small star in his eyes.

Such a genius…

I really want to see it, but unfortunately, before the sixth-generation fighter enters service, this person’s identity will definitely not be exposed!

Jiang Chen looked at the worship of these three “deputy chief designers of the sixth-generation fighter” with a strange face.


Was he so awesome outside?

He also thought that others only knew about the sixth-generation fighter, and did not know him?

It turned out that he was even more famous than the sixth-generation fighter!

Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian looked at Jiang Chen’s strange face and laughed:

“Xiao Jiang, you don’t have to be arrogant.

You’re still young!

Given time, we will definitely be able to catch up with the pace of this sixth-generation fighter deputy chief designer! ”

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