Jiang Chen couldn’t help but laugh when he looked at Wei Fengxian and Li Yumin cheering themselves up.

Because the real identity of these two extremely admired deputy chief designers of the sixth-generation fighter aircraft is his Jiang Chen?

However, because of the signing of the confidentiality agreement.

The identity of the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter plane could not be leaked out casually.

He said with a smile:

“Elder Li, Elder Wei.”

I’m not presumptuous.

I wondered if the deputy chief designer of these six generations of fighters might be as big as me, otherwise people wouldn’t be called geniuses, right? ”

Jiang Chen finished.

Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian actually thought so.

Jiang Chen did not seem to be unreasonable, after all, during the test flight of the sixth-generation fighter at that time, it could be heard from the mouths of which two pilots.

The deputy chief designer of this sixth-generation fighter is not very old.

If it’s really about the same size, it’s really a bit outrageous…

While the two were meditating, Mu Shijun looked at Jiang Chen with a little curiosity.

According to Jiang Chen’s nature, it was certainly impossible to tolerate others riding on his head.

Asmail is the best example.

Now Jiang Chen actually admired the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter plane that he had never met???

Mu Shijun suddenly had an inexplicable thought in her heart.

Jiang Chen this fucking egg will not be the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter, right?

After all, there’s nothing wrong with bragging about yourself…

This idea did not exist for a few seconds before Mu Shijun himself dispelled it.

After all……

The deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter plane is really Jiang Chen’s words.

Then the world is really going to be chaotic…

Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian were no longer entangled in the real identity of the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter.

Anyway, they can’t touch it.

But they were curious why Jiang Chen suddenly asked about the fifth generation of nuclear submarines in the Dragon Kingdom?

“Xiao Jiang, why did you suddenly ask about the fifth-generation nuclear submarine?”

Your boy won’t be ready to develop a nuclear submarine again, will he? ”

Jiang Chen laughed and said:

“Just read about our Dragon Kingdom’s fifth-generation nuclear submarines a little curious.”

You don’t know that, forget it…”

He had just asked on a whim, after all, he had just obtained the technology of the fifth-generation nuclear submarine.

Since Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian did not know.

After the celebration feast, he directly went to Director Qin Hao of the Military Martial Arts Division and squeaked.

Didn’t he enter the R&D unit?

As for why after the celebration feast?

Man is iron, rice is steel, and he also needs to rest!

Can’t always run on the road of scientific research all the time, Professor Xiaojiang?

When he followed Li Yumin and the others back to the Ninth Research Institute.

Almost all the researchers looked at Jiang Chen with a kind of resentment on his face, but more than that, he was excited and grateful.

“Professor Xiaojiang has such a fierce heart, and he has been together for a month without telling us that he is actually just a freshman of the first year…”

“But no, I thought Professor Xiaojiang was just looking young, but I didn’t expect that people were really young!”

“I blame Professor Li, and when I brought Professor Xiaojiang in, I didn’t introduce the real situation!”

“Hahaha, if I really told you that Professor Xiaojiang is a researcher, will you still listen to Professor Xiaojiang?”

Now that it’s all over, it doesn’t matter, after all, the 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine has been developed! ”

“Yes, I surged at the thought of Professor Xiaojiang carrying a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine to show his majesty at the World Semiconductor Congress!”

“There is a saying that Professor Xiaojiang is too top.

Directly crushed Asmar, that is Awsl’s Asmar…”

“I think Professor Xiao Jiang is more handsome when he rejects the Royal Academy of Sciences of Ryerdianke!”

Science has no borders, and scientists have borders.

It’s a classic! ”

“Call Professor Xiao Jiang crazy!”


Li Yumin and Wei Fengxian looked at a group of researchers who surrounded Jiang Chen like the stars holding the moon, and they were helpless to find it.

At that time, they really just forgot to introduce Jiang Chen’s identity.

After all, at that time, Jiang Chen was really perverted at the double election meeting…

As a result, when they brought Jiang Chen to the laboratory, they had almost forgotten Jiang Chen’s true identity…

When I came out of the Ninth Academy.

Jiang Chen was ready to rest for two days.

Mu Shijun chased him out from behind and gave Jiang Chen a stack of information.

Physics of Nuclear Engineering

Advances in Nuclear Physics

Physics of Low and Medium and High Energy Atoms


Jiang Chen looked at the book that Mu Shijun gave him with a confused face.

What does this mean?

Mu Shijun said with a smile:

“This is the teaching material that the teacher has carefully prepared for you.”

Staying in the Dragon Kingdom is your own choice.

I didn’t receive your waiver, so you can’t afford to leave your studies behind, and it’s been more than a month since school started.

Because you followed me, and I was in charge of the physics of nuclear engineering.

My requirements are not high, 4 core journal papers and four SCI papers in one semester.

Given that you’ve published several previous papers in Science, Cell, and the like, SCI is exempt.

We have 4 core journal papers left in the “Yanda Core” sponsored by Yanda!

4 papers only.

For you, it is a sprinkler thing, you should support the development of our domestic journals and the work of tutors…

If you don’t have enough 16 articles by the end of the term, I, as a mentor, will be called to talk…

Please, little brother Jiang Chen…”

Jiang Chen looked at Mu Shijun, who was spitting out lotus flowers, and almost suffered a direct brain hemorrhage.

Just developed a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine for the country.

The feast of celebration has not yet been eaten in the mouth.

He was begged by the goddess mentor to kneel down and ask to publish a paper…

Looking at Mu Shijun’s pitiful look, he smiled helplessly:

“Look at our teacher’s beautiful face, this journal’s paper, I Jiang Mou 3 voted!

By the way, how many more calls can you make?

It’s better to remove the small print again, after all, I’m not small at all…”

Although Mu Shijun has never talked about a boyfriend.

However, the concept of gender is still very clear, and when he heard Jiang Chen’s words, he immediately knew that Jiang Chen was talking about meat.

One grabbed Jiang Chen’s waist.

“Flirting with the mentor, is it to be postponed???”

“Wrong wrong, wrong wrong…”

“Do you want to change it?”



After watching Mu Shijun leave.

Jiang Chen helplessly smiled and clicked on the forum of “Yanda Core”.

Core journal papers or something.

At his level, wouldn’t that be published on the spot?

But just opened the forum.

There was a paper that was pinned to the top that attracted Jiang Chen’s attention…

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