“Yanda Core” forum.

The paper “Graphene-based Cooling High Temperature Air-cooled Reflection Reactor Effectiveness Conjecture of Neutron Moderator” has no hot comments in the comment area.

A long comment with an ID of “Uncle Jiang with low insurance” was suddenly topped with hot reviews.

Top of the top reviews.

However, the meaning of this “hot comment” is not like, but a piece of doubt and scolding!


Who is this Uncle Jiang?

Dare to question the paper of the Great God? ”

“Uncle can open his mouth and come?”

Do you think that the boron content should be around 13.3291% is the best is the best? It is also required that the accuracy be best controlled within 1 wire…

Do you know how high the precision of a trace is???

Are there any experimental data to support us? ”

“He’s a fart uncle, and Uncle Low Security is the stem of Douyin.”

I read the brother’s information, the registration time is the first half of this year, and downloaded a lot of papers, must have come to the forum to find information when writing the graduation thesis.

That is to say, this brother has just graduated from college, even if he is admitted to graduate school, he is at most a freshman! ”

“So a freshman dares to call out the gods???”

“Now the forum of “Yanda Core” has been invaded by forced people?

Brother, did you drop a few words, people in Bald Eagle, just got off the plane? ”

“Full of wind and pointing to the country, who are you going to see?”

“Has even the pure land of “Yanda Core” been polluted by the people who forced it to come?” The world is winding down! ”


In the whole “Yanda Core” Longguo scientific research circle netizens group ridiculed the long comment of this “Uncle Jiang with low security”.

Lantau City.

Longguo Shipbuilding Industry Qingyu Branch.

Dragon Ship 621 Research Institute.

A young girl with a ponytail is following the “Yanda Core” forum.

The young girl is named Huang Shiyao.

She is the granddaughter of Huang Shuxu, a legendary professor of nuclear physics at Yanda University, an academician of the Dragon Engineering Academy, and the chief designer of the fifth generation of nuclear submarines in Longguo.

Because the article “Graphene-based cooling of the high temperature gas-cooled reflection reactor neutron moderator conjecture” was just published on the “Yanda Core” forum.

Of course.

The paper was not written by her.

It was written by her grandfather Huang Shu’s preface…

Huang Shushu is an expert in nuclear physics.

However, it is impossible to consider all aspects of high-temperature gas-cooled reactors.

The reason why Huang Shuxu wants his granddaughter to help him anonymously publish a scientific research paper on the high-temperature gas-cooled reactor of the fifth-generation nuclear submarine in Yanda Core.

It’s about brainstorming.

I want to hear the opinions of the outstanding scientific researchers of Longguo on the high-temperature gas-cooled reactor…

After all, a lot of times.

One Zhuge Liang can’t stand up to three stinky cobblers.

However, this is unnecessary in Huang Shiyao’s view.

Are you kidding!

In her opinion.

Her grandfather was a legend in the field of the Dragon Kingdom’s nuclear reactors.

You know, the fourth generation of nuclear submarines was built by her grandfather!

With her grandfather’s strength, how could something go wrong?

As she expected.

As soon as the paper was published on the forum, it received a lot of praise.

Soon the likes and comments were all broken in an instant!

You know, this is an anonymous paper!

Without the blessing of the legendary professor of nuclear physics at Yanda, he could still get such an evaluation.

Isn’t it the best proof of her grandfather’s strength?

But just when Huang Shiyao was happy that her grandfather had obtained the paper and received the unanimous approval of the researchers of the Dragon Kingdom.

A long comment that gradually rose up attracted her.

“Uncle Jiang, who has a low guarantee???

What kind of weird ID is this? ”

When Huang Shiyao bypassed this strange ID and read the netizen’s comments, she was immediately unhappy.

Because this Uncle Jiang not only did not praise her grandfather, but pointed out 4 mistakes!

It’s not that pointing out mistakes doesn’t work.

But her grandfather even happened to make a small mistake.

How can it be as many as 4?!!

Isn’t that?

In addition, the reply below this long comment is basically all in the group to mock this Uncle Jiang.

Huang Shiyao was even more certain that this guy was here to brag.

However, Huang Shiyao’s good quality still did not let her ignore this comment.

“Hello netizen.

I’ve read all the suggestions you have made, but your statements only give results.

It is not given why such data should be achieved to be perfect.

Why don’t you mind going into details? ”

After Huang Shiyao replied, she grinned at the little tiger teeth and smiled.

Such a reply was simply perfect.

Not only did not appear to be rude, but also expressed their small dissatisfaction with this netizen.

If this Uncle Jiang could really say why, it would naturally be the best result.

If you can’t say anything.

She wouldn’t have anything to lose…

Looking at the state that the other party was already offline, Huang Shiyao did not wait bitterly.

After all.

In Huang Shiyao’s view, this netizen is purely looking for trouble.

Holding the information, he walked to the laboratory of the high-temperature gas-cooled reactor of the fifth-generation submarine.


Dragon ship 612 institutes.

High temperature gas-cooled reactor laboratory.

Chief Designer Professor Huang Shuxu and Deputy Chief Technician Professor Luo Ganglin are conducting the thirty-seventh test of the high-temperature gas-cooled reactor for the fifth generation of nuclear submarines.

“Xiao Chen, Xiao Liu, can the helium valve be opened?”

“Okay, Professor Huang!”

“And the moderator, the rod, are these checks good?”

“Check it out!”

“Test starts!”


Accompanied by Huang Shuxu’s order.

A mechanical sound was heard at the high-temperature, gas-cooled reactor in the laboratory.

Then a burst of blue light burst out.

The high-temperature gas-cooled reactor gradually enters the working state!

Because of the addition of the noise reduction system, the sound of the high-temperature gas-cooled reactor is very small and almost negligible.

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin were very excited to see the normal operation of the high-temperature air-cooled heap.

The data of the gradually climbing high-temperature air-cooled reactor looked at the two people’s hearts.

This is so far.

The longest time for a high-temperature, air-cooled reactor experiment!

Previously, the experimental duration of high-temperature air-cooled reactors has been around 3 minutes.

This time it ran for five minutes!

It was when the two were happy.

The lab’s alarm went off!

“Warning! Warn!

The reactor overheated… The reactor overheats! ”

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