The moment the warning sounded.

The smiles on Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin’s faces disappeared in an instant…

Huang Shuxu’s hand squeezed the railing outside the operating room tightly.

“Sure enough, did it fail again…”

Luo Ganglin looked at Huang Shuxu’s hand clenching the railing and smiled helplessly.

“Old Huang, it’s all right, we can definitely succeed!”

Huang Shuxu listened to Luo Ganglin comfort himself helplessly and smiled bitterly.

He knew he would succeed.

But the ghost knows when it will succeed?

You must know that the fifth generation of nuclear submarines on the Bald Eagle side has been developed for a long time…

These two years have been wandering around the world.

Everywhere you go, that country must not shake???

Luo Ganglin also smiled helplessly.

Everybody knows that.

But since they chose to continue to study high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactors, they only had a lonely way to go…

Two gray-haired old men lamenting life.

Huang Shiyao carried the information into the research room.

Looking at the expressions of the two men, plus several operators who were constantly cooling down, they knew exactly what was happening without asking.

Laughing, he ran to Huang Shushu and squeezed Huang Shuxu’s shoulder:

“Grandpa, it’s all right, failure is the mother of success!”

Every time we fail, we are closer to success! ”

The rogin acid on the side is just like the lemon.

“I really envy you, old Huang, there is such a small cotton jacket to warm you at any time, even like me, a lonely and widowed old man…”

Huang Shiyao listened to Luo Ganglin’s alluded appearance and his face turned red.

Laughing also gave Luo Ganglin a shoulder squeeze.

“Grandpa Luo too!”

The second elder looked at Huang Shiyao, who was busy and confused, and smiled.


Huang Shuxu looked at Huang Shiyao curiously.

“Shi Yao, the paper I asked you to send at noon, do you have any feedback now?”

There are so many people in our Dragon Kingdom, I don’t believe that everyone has any opinion on that paper? ”

Huang Shiyao thought in her heart.

It is indeed a large piece of applause, of course, that ID is called “Uncle Jiang with low insurance” is an accident.

Huang Shiyao thought about it.

Since that Uncle Jiang didn’t have any substantive arguments, those few suggestions should not be a big deal.

He shook his head directly.

“Grandpa’s thesis was perfect!

Everyone is praising it! ”

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin smiled at each other, but the smile was a little bitter.

It seems that the idea of brainstorming has also failed.

The thesis is perfect is perfect…

But the high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor just can’t be developed…

They don’t know what the problem is.

Huang Shiyao looked at the overheated high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor and asked curiously:

“Grandpa, Grandpa Luo.”

What is the cause of overheating of high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactors? ”

Although Huang Shiyao is specialized in nuclear physics.

But it was the first time she had studied a high-temperature, gas-cooled nuclear reactor for a nuclear submarine.

In addition, her time to Dragon Ship 612 is actually not long, although she knows that Grandpa’s research and development progress is not fast.

But I really don’t know what caused the high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor to overheat and not run…

Huang Shuxu smiled helplessly:

“As soon as I saw you little girl, I didn’t look closely at the information I gave you!”

The first is the purity of the nuclear graphite reducer, the boron content of 1×10 is equivalent to increasing the cross-section of lmb, high-temperature graphitization Most of the metal impurities volatilize at 2800 ~ 3000 °C, and boron above 3000 °C is difficult to remove, boron content we have not been in place…

The second is the density problem of graphite, the bulk density of graphite indicates the effective moderation rate of the moderator, the density reduction reduces the number of atoms per unit volume, and the slowing rate is reduced, but the density control can not find a precise degree.

As for the remaining two questions, you shouldn’t need me to remind you, right?

Anisotropy and machining precision of …”


While listening to the Huang Shu preface.

The look on Huang Shiyao’s face on this side became more and more strange.

Wait a minute……

Nuclear graphite density, boron content, anisotropy, machining accuracy …

Why are these words so familiar to her?

It was definitely not in the information that her grandfather gave her…

That’s right!

Isn’t the suggestion made in the hot review of Grandpa’s article “Graphene-cooled high-temperature air-cooled reflection reactor effectiveness conjecture of neutron moderators” that is not these directions???

Huang Shiyao thought of this and his brain buzzed…


What Uncle Jiang said was true???

Swallowing his saliva and looking at the Huang Shu preface:

“Grandpa, if the boron content of the high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor is adjusted to 13.339%, and the density of nuclear graphite is adjusted to 1.79/cm…

By the way, there is also an anisotropic slow structure, and the accuracy is improved to 1 wire!

Is it expensive to complete these processes? ”

Huang Shiyao’s sudden “solution” made Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin a little confused.

“Shi Yao, you are…”

Shi Yao looked at Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin and stomped their feet anxiously.


You say that the cost of such common sense is not high!

If it’s not high, give it a try right away! ”

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin, you look at me, I look at you.

Although I was very confused in my heart, I was also very interested in the plan that Huang Shiyao suddenly proposed.

After all, such anomalous data adjustments.

They’ve never tried it yet.

In fact, the cost of data adjustment proposed by Huang Shiyao is the same as the cost of their experiment, anyway, it is common sense.

Or should we try it according to the data given by Huang Shiyao?

The two hit it off.

Immediately prepared the thirty-eighth experiment of the high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor!

According to the conditions given by Huang Shiyao.

We have re-prepared neutron moderators, the density of nuclear graphite, and the processing accuracy of fuel rods.

A group of people looked at the regrouped high-temperature, gas-cooled nuclear reactor with some curiosity.

This is the first time they started the experiment immediately after the experiment.

Before an experiment to say less than have to wait for ten days and a half months?

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin looked at the high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor that had been reorganized.

“Do you think this time it will work?”

“No, although the data given by Shi Yao is very unique, but the actual effect is not good.”

How to say it, or it is worse than the 5 minutes of our experiment.

Or at least twice as long…”

The two old academicians held a skeptical attitude, but Huang Shiyao, who was on the side, looked at the high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor nervously and could not speak.


That Uncle Jiang’s advice must not be true…

“Grandpa, let’s start experimenting!”

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