None of the four papers are large-scale dissertations, but are mere scientific research papers.

So people don’t read for long.


But only a handful can be understood.

Let’s not say that there are not many scientific researchers in nuclear physics in the Dragon Kingdom…

Take how hard Uncle Jiang’s thesis is.

It is definitely only high, not low, and many doctoral students in nuclear physics have almost turned their heads to the bald skin when they read these four papers…

The comment section also exploded in an instant.


Do you have a big guy who understands to explain it?

Is this Uncle Jiang’s thesis forced or learned by real talent?

The younger brother watched for half an hour, and found that he only knew the dragon text, did not understand the meaning, and to be precise, I did not know many dragon texts directly! ”


Who the fuck dares to say that Uncle Jiang pretended to force Lao Tzu to be the first not to agree!

These four papers simply open a new door to nuclear physics in the Dragon Kingdom! ”

“Although the upstairs is a bit extreme, I have to deny that the scientific research level of this Uncle Jiang’s thesis is really a bit high!”

If it hadn’t been for years of invading nuclear physics, it would never have been possible to reach such heights!

I thought about this to say less, but also an academician of the two academies…

Don’t bar, my dad is an academician, but I think my father’s level is not as good as this Uncle Jiang…”

“These four papers on nuclear physics will be published once published.

It will absolutely shake the entire nuclear physics community of the Dragon Kingdom!

If it is published in an international journal such as SCIENCE, it is for the glory of the Dragon Kingdom!

However, I think the reason why this Uncle Jiang published his paper in the “Yanda Core” forum should be to support the growth of Longguo’s local journals! ”

“Uncle Jiang’s academic attainments are so strong, and he still pays so much attention to the growth of national journals, which is simply a model for my generation!”

“Helplessly, I have no culture, and I am a grass in the world, so before Uncle Jiang was really forced to pretend to be with that big god.”

People really just put forward their own opinions??? ”

“Uncle Jiang came out and was beaten!”

“Uncle Jiang, always drip God!”


Just when the Longguo scientific research circle represented by “Yanda Core” was shaken.

The two academicians of the Dragon Ship 612 Institute here looked at the paper that Huang Shiyao had opened for them.

If not sitting in a chair.

Now the two of them are afraid that they have already knelt on the ground and read the paper again…

There was a sentence in the comment section that they thought was really good.

That is, the level of academician is probably not as good as this Uncle Jiang…

Huang Shuxu looked at Luo Ganglin with a long sigh.

“Lao Luo, why did you say that the country did not find this Uncle Jiang to serve as the chief designer of the fifth-generation nuclear submarine?”

Luo Ganglin smiled helplessly;

“You ask me, who do I ask…

Maybe it’s the old senior’s physical condition that doesn’t allow it to support such research and development…”

Huang Shuxu nodded.

That’s right.

The old man who was able to write such a shocking four papers…

At least it has to be around 90 years old.

Even academicians like them.

In front of this Uncle Jiang, I am afraid that I will have to call out to the seniors!

Huang Shiyao on this side looked anxiously at Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin.

“Grandpa, Grandpa Luo, what is this Uncle Jiang’s thesis?”

Although Huang Shiyao was already a doctoral student at Yanda University at a young age.

But to finish the four papers of this Uncle Jiang, it still takes some time.

Obviously, such a hurried side is not enough…

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin glanced at each other.

Helplessly smiled.

“Shi Yao, you can’t just call Uncle Jiang anything.”

Even Grandpa Luo and I are afraid that I will have to call the seniors…”

Although I already had a certain conjecture in my mind.

But Huang Shiyao was still surprised when she heard this…


Even her grandfather and Grandpa Luo had to call out to their predecessors…

This Uncle Jiang… How awesome are the elders of Jiang…

Huang Shuxu looked at Huang Shiyao in a daze and smiled:

“Shi Yao, from now on.

You don’t have to get involved in lab things!

You are responsible for squatting in the forum of “Yanda Core”, squatting down to the elder Jiang and then inviting him to meet with us.

We really have too many questions we want to consult with Elder Jiang…”

Huang Shiyao gathered her hands on her forehead.

Saluted a less than standard salute.

“Guarantee the completion of the order, General Manager Huang!”


This is when the entire nuclear physics community is being hyped up by four papers.

Jiang Chen, the owner of “Uncle Jiang with Low Insurance”, was still asleep.

Before going to bed last night, he took another look at the forum of “Yanda Core”, and the paper review was indeed not passed.

At that time, Jiang Chen originally thought about whether to buy a VIP to increase the following review speed.

Later, after thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no need for that.

There are still three months to go until the end of the period.

He didn’t believe that he couldn’t pass the audit in three months?

After getting up, I stretched out.

There are still many days before the celebration banquet, what is the time to do these days without taking a good rest?

He’s been spinning for months!

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen changed into a running suit and prepared to run.

Research is important, and so is the body.

When it’s time to exercise, you still have to exercise.

I changed my clothes and went to the playground, because it was a Saturday and Sunday, and there were not many students on the playground.

But a glance at the past.

Look at a familiar figure at the price.

Mu Shijun, who is running on the playground, wears a high ponytail, and her perfect figure shines dazzlingly under the outline of the running training suit and the illumination of the morning light.

Jiang Chen looked at it from a distance and couldn’t help but sigh.

He this mentor…

It’s kind of perfect…

Taking a step, he caught up with Mu Shijun.

After looking at Mu Shijun’s cold eyes and side face side by side, he smiled and greeted:

“What a coincidence, Teacher Mu!

You also run??? ”

Mu Shijun’s original frost face instantly melted as soon as he heard Jiang Chen’s voice, and he exclaimed:


Jiang Chen, how did you come too??? ”

Jiang Chen laughed unkindly:

“Why, Teacher Mu, only long and beautiful people can come to this playground, and the long handsome one is not worthy?”

Mu Shijun heard Jiang Chen’s words and immediately laughed at him.

Almost got out of breath.

Although this guy is indeed a little handsome, he can’t be so narcissistic???

Most importantly.

Mu Shijun found that Jiang Chen in scientific research and Jiang Chen in ordinary life are like two people…

But well…

She doesn’t seem to hate either…

It’s just that sometimes I inexplicably feel that this student is a bit angry!

He didn’t take care of Jiang Chen anymore and continued his training.

After all, it is easy to talk when running.

Looking at Jiang Chen provocatively:

“Jiang Chen, in scientific research I admit that you are better than me, but in sports it is not necessary, do you want to try who runs 10 laps first??”

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