Jiang Chen looked at Mu Shijun, who was eager to try, and smiled angrily.

It seems that this mentor is still very angry about his scientific research talent, such as himself?

“Okay, the loser invites the winner to watch a movie and have a big dinner?”

Mu Shijun didn’t even have time to think about it and directly responded, not knowing that this contest would be stable and profitable no matter whether Jiang Chen lost or won…

The last lap of 10 laps.

Jiang Chen looked at the breathless Mu Shijun and laughed:

“Teacher Mu, you seem to be very tired, or will I wait for you to take it?”

Mu Shijun: ………………

He gasped for breath from his waist.

This guy…

Scientific genius is enough.

Why is it so perverted in sports????

Run 10 laps without even breathing??

Jiang Chen smiled and supported the shaky Mu Shijun and laughed:

“Mu Mentor.”

Don’t look at me dressed and look pretty thin.

But when I was in college, I won the championship of all the athletics events in our school!

Although I haven’t exercised in a few months, the eight-pack abs should still be there, or I’ll show you…”

Mu Shijun’s running face was a little red.

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, his face turned red, and he quickly grabbed Jiang Chen’s hand that was ready to open his clothes.

“Farewell, farewell…

Teachers believe in you!

Today is my loss, the movie dinner I please good …”

Although she was half-convinced.

But looking at the abs of my own students in such a big public, I feel so perverted…

A few single-shadow students who were also running here were stunned when they looked at Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun, who were grasping and behaving intimately!


Isn’t that our goddess mentor Mu Shijun?

How can you have such an intimate action with an ordinary boy??? ”


You are afraid that there is some misunderstanding of ordinary boys.

That is Professor Xiaojiang, who took the lead in developing a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine…

Although it is a graduate student, I have already obtained the process of a full professor.

He is now the youngest full professor in the history of the Dragon Kingdom…”


O flower of my iceberg, Goddess Guru!

Was it just taken away? ”

“Although my heart is just lemon, I have to admit that these two are really a good match…”

“Although Professor Xiaojiang already has Teacher Mu, I still want to give Professor Xiaojiang a child.

“Sister, be a person…”


Mu Shijun listened to the whispers of past students and suddenly noticed that she was still holding Jiang Chen’s hand.

He hurriedly released Jiang Chen’s hand.

Somehow my heartbeat has sped up quite a bit…

After living for 21 years, this feeling is the first time it has happened…


This feeling seems to have been felt in the laboratory when Jiang Chen dressed her.

Mu Shijun, who has always prided himself on being rational, was a little flustered at this time.

She won’t like Jiang Chen anymore???

As soon as he thought of this, Mu Shijun’s face was a little hot.

Jiang Chen did not notice that Mu Shijun suddenly had so many strange thoughts in his heart, and looked at Mu Shijun’s face that was getting more and more wrong.

The hand touched Mu Shijun’s forehead and secretly said a bad word:

“Teacher Mu, you don’t have a fever, do you?”

Mu Shijun looked at Jiang Chen worried about his fever, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he stepped on Jiang Chen’s foot.

“Bastard Jiang Chen!”

Jiang Chen looked at Mu Shijun with a blank face, wasn’t it…

Didn’t you just lose a little game?

Is it necessary to be so angry?

Mu Shijun recovered his mood and looked at Jiang Chen with a snort:

“Have you finished reading the book I handed you the other day?”

Did you write a thesis? ”

Jiang Chen laughed unkindly:

“Teacher Mu, I am so sad that you said this.

Are you skeptical that I can’t write a paper in four core journals at my level? ”

Mu Shijun rolled her eyes in disgust.

Although I don’t want to admit it in my mouth, I have to say that Jiang Chen’s scientific research talent is the same.

Even if you have never been exposed to nuclear physics.

Four journal papers should be really difficult!

“Since this is the case, I am also relieved to be a teacher.”

Stretch out.

“Good disciple, mentor, I will go first!”

Jiang Chen looked at Mu Shijun’s lazy waist and swallowed the saliva for no reason…

Hemp egg, this is the temptation of red fruit ah…

Do you test the students with this thing?

“Then mentor, don’t forget my movies and dinners.

This feast is still a few days away, don’t starve your obedient disciple! ”

Mu Shijun: …………

When Mu Shijun slowly left.

Jiang Chen also took out his mobile phone and prepared to browse the important news of these days.

Jiang Chen, who pulled out his mobile phone, naturally found that his four papers had passed the review and were placed in the top area.

Look at a sheet of applause and amazed comments.

Jiang Chen didn’t feel much.

What a joke, he is also a man who has been on the international stage of the World Semiconductor Congress.

What’s the point of calling it nice?

It wasn’t for nothing that surprised him.

That is the friend application of the author of the article “Graphene-based cooling high temperature gas-cooled reflection reactor neutron moderator effectiveness conjecture”.

It seems that his reply has been verified!

It’s not impossible to add a good friend.

As far as scientific research is discussed, the other party is at least an academician-level veteran, and it is likely to be an elder-level figure in the field of nuclear reactors.

The more you connect, the better.

Just through the friend application, the message was sent to the convenience.

“Jiang Old Senior.

You’re finally online!

Can you give me your number, or prestige?

The chat on the “Yanda Core” forum is really too delayed…”

Jiang Chen thought about it, and it was like this really happened, last night’s application he only saw now…

Just thinking about the old academician calling himself an old predecessor, I couldn’t help but laugh.

It seems that his long review and those four papers have successfully shaped the image of a hundred-year-old scientist?

However, Jiang Chen did not explain his true identity.

After all, I said I was in my early twenties…

People just think he’s joking.

Helplessly, he smiled and sent his authority over.

Ten seconds before the release area, the prestige sent a friend application.

“Hello Elder Jiang.

I am the author of “Graphene-based cooling high temperature air cooling reflection reactor neutron moderator effectiveness conjecture”!

You can call me Xiaohuang, but our team is actually working on high-temperature air-cooled reactors.

Because of your advice, we have made a big breakthrough.

To add your authority is to think about communicating with you more…

If there are any disturbances, please understand. ”

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