Jiang Chen looked at Mu Shijun with a look of argument and smiled unkindly.

However, after thinking about it carefully, I found that there was something wrong with such a loss.

Mu Shijun, who looked sideways at the small blushing face, wondered:

“Teacher Mu, you won’t like me, will you?”

Jiang Chen’s question was not yet finished.

The waist was grabbed by a small claw.

“Get me out!”

I’m just worried about your danger!”

Now many foreign spies are disguised as young girls to deceive the information of young scientists in our Dragon Kingdom! ”


Jiang Chen took a deep breath and begged for forgiveness.

“I get it, I get it…!”

Mu mentor rest assured, I must not be online dating, even if I want to go to my wife, I also take Mu tutor as the prototype!

No Mu tutor is pretty, I am determined not to marry! ”

Mu Shijun heard Jiang Chen’s small face turn red and snorted coldly, this is like words!

In the end, I felt that something was wrong.

But I don’t know how to explain it.

He simply stomped on Jiang Chen’s foot and directly broke the road.

Jiang Chen can’t look at online dating, and Mu Shijun, who can’t do online dating, can’t laugh or cry…

How did he offend this little ancestor???

After watching Mu Shijun leave.

Jiang Chen also continued to refine his plan for nuclear submarines.

This time, with enough time, he could completely refine the technical plan of the fifth-generation nuclear submarine of the system reward of the Anu first.

When the time came, he would directly find Director Qin Hao with the plan.

In his name for developing six-generation fighters.

Say it casually.

Didn’t he go into the research and development department of the fifth-generation nuclear submarine?

Jiang Chen was not worried at all that he would not be able to enter the research and development department of the fifth-generation nuclear submarine, and stretched his loins.

Now all that’s left to do is wait to eat your own celebration feast…


A few days later.

Yen Ching Restaurant.

Diaoyu Xuan State Guest House.

Although the quaint Diaoyuxuan State Guest House has always been a state-level hotel responsible for welcoming foreign guests.

But in addition to welcoming foreign dignitaries to stay.

It is also open to the public.

It’s just that the price is a bit expensive…

Today, the entire Diaoyuxuan State Guest House was stopped inside and out.

The people responsible for guarding the Diaoyuxuan State Guest House are all special soldiers of the military region.

Only those with invitations can enter the interior of the Diaoyuxuan State Guest House.

Come and go, all are big guy brand plates like Leopard, 00001, Red Card Military Region and so on!

The people who came and went were also very curious to see such a feast.

“Why is the Diaoyu Xuan State Guest House so solemn today?”

I wondered if the leaders of those small countries who stayed at the Diaoyuxuan State Guest House in the past did not play such a pomp and circumstance! ”

“Yeah, look at that license plate, Yan A00001…

And the off-roader, which looks like the big guy of the Qingyu Military Region…”

“You don’t know that, do you?”

It is said that tonight is a celebration banquet for our Longguo Science and Technology Department and the Department of Commerce to jointly develop a 1nm ultraviolet light source lithography machine for Jiang Chen, a national treasure-level genius scientist! ”


Is the same god who recently released the 1nm extreme ultraviolet light source lithography machine at the World Semiconductor Congress?? ”

“Yes, that’s him!”

“Then it is no wonder, you must know that it is because of Jiang Chen’s 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine, the bald eagle is trapped for hundreds of billions of meters.”

Most importantly, with the help of the 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine, we also directly got the identity of the order maker of the 5G era!

From now on, all Western countries want to join the 5G team.

It all has to go through the hands of our Dragon Kingdom! ”

“Professor Xiaojiang, always drip god!”

“I hope I can join in such a celebration feast…

I only hate myself for not being capable…”

“It’s all right, brother, you still have time to learn mathematics, physics and chemistry now, and when you are fifty or sixty years old, you may be able to go to Professor Xiaojiang to play soy sauce…”


When people come and go.

Outside the Diaoyu Xuan State Guest House, there were many cars of people who used to be very familiar with Jiang Chen.

General Feng Chang’an of the White Dragon Military Region.

General Lü Wei of the Qingyu Military Region.

Lin Qingshu, head and vice minister of the Ministry of Military Arms, Lu Yushan.

Qin Hao, deputy director of the Military Affairs Department…

Liu Runzhi, deputy dean of the School of Astronautics, Donghuang University, Song Guosheng…

All of them are real big men in the military, political and scientific research circles.

However, a group of people who seemed to have no connection at all saw each other and showed a smile between their old friends.

The bond that connects them is simple.

Jiang Chen!

As soon as Lü Wei saw Feng Chang’an, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

“Old Feng, I wonder if you didn’t come to this celebration feast?”

Feng Chang’an’s old face turned red when he heard this.

“I didn’t know that this Jiangchen that developed the 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine is our Jiangchen …

If I knew, even if the Department of Science and Technology didn’t send me an invitation.

I’m here too!

Even if I look at the invitation card outside the door, I will definitely have to come to Chang’an! ”

When Feng Chang’an argued, a group of people laughed out loud.

Not seen for more than a month.

This guy is still so protective of Jiang Chen!

Lu Yushan, vice minister of the Ministry of Military Armed Forces, looked at the huge banner opening outside Building No. 2 and smiled helplessly:

“I really didn’t expect that.

Xiao Jiang just went to Yan University for a month of graduate school…

Directly led the team to develop a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine…

I thought this kid would be in a lot of trouble in graduate school. ”

Originally, state affairs continued to be entrusted to Jiang Chen after the sixth generation of fighters.

But considering Jiang Chen’s physical and psychological stressors.

I specially decided to give Jiang Chen three or four months of leave and then prepare to arrange work for Jiang Chen…

Who knew it was just over a month later.

Jiang Chen has made such a big move in the international community…

You must know that it is a 1nm ultraviolet light source lithography machine!

Technology ahead of the world!

Although the level is certainly not as good as that of the sixth-generation fighter, it is left to ordinary scientists to complete.

Less than ten years is certainly impossible to develop…

Lu Yushan finished speaking, a group of big guys you look at me, I look at you.

There is indeed some sigh…

Jiang Chen this guy is really outrageous enough.

When several people were talking about the past, the director of science and technology and the director of commerce personally came out to welcome the guests.

What a joke, the position of standing outside now is not weaker than theirs.

The two of them couldn’t hide in it and drink a little wine and wait for someone.

Everyone outside is in a high position.

But most of them don’t know each other, and they can’t snub these people…

However, when Wu Sansheng, director of the Department of Science and Technology, came out, he was a bit stupid.

Because he saw these big guys not only without embarrassment.

Instead, we had a good chat.

It seems that the object of the conversation seems to have been heard somewhere…?

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