Wu Sansheng stepped forward and looked at Qin Hao and the others with a smile and said apologetically:

“Director Qin, General Feng, General Lü…

Let you wait for a long time, we are slack…”

Qin Hao laughed and said:

“Director Wu, look at what you said, we still know that there are many people at today’s celebration banquet, and we can all understand that you just won’t come out to pick us up!”

Feng Chang’an laughed and said:

“Xiao Jiang’s celebration banquet, don’t say that you don’t come out to pick it up, even if you let me queue in, I don’t mind!”

Lu Wei nodded approvingly.

Wu San Province here was originally a little curious about what these people had just talked about.

Now when he heard Feng Chang’an and Lü Wei say this, he was immediately stunned.

Admiral of the White Dragon Military Region and the Qingyu Military Region.

He even said that he was happy to send a team to participate in Jiang Chen’s celebration banquet???

Professor Xiao Jiang has such a big face?

He wondered if the 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine had nothing to do with these two military generals.

It’s hard to do…

This Jiang Chen is actually a junior of a certain big man in the military region???

After Wu San thought about it, he didn’t expect Jiang Chen to be the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter.

After all, in its view, Jiang Chen, who has developed a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine, is already perverted enough…

If it is the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter, then it is still necessary?

Therefore, Wu San Province did not think about it in that direction at all.

However, Wu San Province did not ask much, and took a group of military and political bigwigs to the second building where the celebration banquet was held…


Inside Building Two at this time.

There have been quite a few guests.

Basically they are big men in the military, politics, and business circles.

You must know that this is the Department of Science and Technology and the Department of Commerce, not to mention the identity of the foundation.

A celebration banquet for these two departments.

How many people will not participate???

Huang Shiyao of the Dragon Ship 612 Institute had already rushed to the basic celebration banquet with excitement.

Of course.

What excited her was not Jiang Chen, who developed a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine.

This Professor Xiaojiang is indeed very powerful.


But it has nothing to do with her…

She was engaged in nuclear physics.

And Professor Xiaojiang is studying the 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine…

Eight rods can’t go together.

What about sentimentality?

Of course, she had come for the task given by her grandfather.

The “face base” of the “Uncle Jiang with low security” is the elder Jiang who helped them take a big step forward on the high temperature air-cooled pile!

She was responsible for inviting Elder Jiang to the office.

It’s just that she waited until now.

Jiang Lao’s predecessor still has no news…

While watching the guests entering the door, he suddenly walked into a beautiful man wearing a suit and a handsome man like he had entered no man’s land.

Rao is a science and engineering woman like Huang Shiyao.

Seeing the boy also felt handsome enough to explode.

He wiped his saliva and withdrew his gaze.

Her purpose was not to see the handsome man, but to meet Elder Jiang…

Some anxious sent a message past.

“Elder Jiang, have you arrived?”

“Cute kitten: Meow meow?.jpg”

When the message was sent, there was a wordless wait.

Jiang Chen, who was wearing a suit and had just walked into the lobby of Building 2, heard the prestige prompt of the mobile phone vibrate and quickly took out the mobile phone.

He was preparing to call the “Xiao Huang” academician with authority to say that he had arrived.

I didn’t expect the news to come now…

The moment he opened the unread message, Jiang Chen was suddenly a little confused…

How did this use the cute kitten emoji again…

This old man is very girly, huh?

Fortunately, Teacher Mu was not a celebration feast with him today.

Otherwise, it will definitely make the teacher angry again…

Jiang Chen helplessly smiled and replied to Academician Xiaohuang’s message.

“I’ve arrived too, where are you?”

I’m coming to you! ”

Huang Shiyao saw the reply and looked around excitedly, and quickly sent his position.

“Elder Jiang, I am in my seat on the second floor by the atrium, and I am alone here for the time being…”

Jiang Chen looked at the seat on the side of the atrium.

The old academician did not see it.

I saw a beautiful girl with short hair.

Helplessly smiled, it seems that this old man is a little old and dizzy, such a big yellow flower girl did not see…

But when Jiang Chen walked up to the attic on the second floor.

Just happened to meet the excited and incomparable short-haired girl with a delicate face…

Thinking back to that cute kitten emoji on my phone…

Hemp eggs.

Academician Xiaohuang will not be this girl, right?

Huang Shiyao was originally ready to greet Elder Jiang.

But it was the handsome guy who walked up to the attic.

Although her heart is a little flicky, but now is not the time for her to pamper…

After waiting for a long time, Elder Jiang still did not come up.

Sideways over the hair a sentence of speech.

“Elder Jiang, have you come up?”

There is still a big handsome guy standing next to me, which is very recognizable…”

Huang Shiyao deliberately suppressed the voice.

But Jiang Chen still heard…

Suddenly helplessly smiled bitterly and supported his forehead…

This is if Master Mu is here.

He was afraid that he would not be able to wash himself away even if he jumped into the Yellow River…

He went straight to Huang Shiyao and clicked on the voice sent by Huang Shiyao.

Huang Shiyao looked at Jiang Chen and looked confused.

What is this handsome guy going to do…

Suddenly, Cuicui’s voice came out of Jiang Chen’s mobile phone…

Then Huang Shiyao’s face suddenly turned red and transparent, and she looked at Jiang Chen with a confused face.


You won’t be Elder Jiang???

So young, are you teasing me? ”

Jiang Chen laughed unkindly:

“I didn’t admit that I was a hundred years old…

But you, the gap with my imagination is a bit big…

I thought you would have to be sixty years old to say less, but I didn’t expect to be in your twenties??? ”

Huang Shiyao looked at Jiang Chen’s young and handsome face, and his heart was already about to explode.


Help Grandpa solve the high temperature gas-cooled pile of Jiang old seniors.

It turned out to be just a young man in his twenties???

Listening to Jiang Chen’s words again, he smiled helplessly and bitterly:

“Not what you think…

I’m not as talented as you.

My name is Huang Shiyao.

My grandfather was the author of the article “Graphene-based cooling of high temperature air cooling reflection reactor neutron moderator conjecture conjecture” …”

She doesn’t know what she should call this now…

Is it called Jiang Lao?

People are only in their early twenties.

Name, right?

She didn’t know what his name was…

Jiang Chen seemed to see Huang Shiyao’s confusion and held out his hand with a smile.

“Hello Miss Huang.

My name is Jiang Chen.

Nice to meet you!

It’s fun to discuss academic issues with you, and don’t call me Jiang Lao anymore, otherwise I will really feel as if I am more than a hundred years old…”

After Jiang Chen half-jokingly introduced himself, he resolved Huang Shiyao’s embarrassment at all.

Looking at Huang Shiyao curiously, he asked:

“Miss Huang said before that she had something important to discuss with me, but I don’t know what important things are?”

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