Jiang Chen had to admit that Huang Shiyao was very beautiful.

And Mu Shijun is a different style of full score girl.

But Jiang Chen was not yet a bulldozer with a worm on his brain.

Obviously this is not the occasion of their wind and snow.

He was more curious about Huang Shiyao, to be precise, what was the important thing that the real Huang Academician wanted to discuss with him?

Huang Shiyao felt a little embarrassed when she heard Jiang Chen’s question.

Because she had not yet found Director Qin Hao, the fifth-generation nuclear submarine was top secret.

He didn’t get Qin Hao’s permission.

She can’t tell Jiang Chen yet…

“Mr. Jiang, I’m sorry.

I can’t tell you yet, or we’ll see you again after the celebration feast! ”

Jiang Chen smiled and looked at Huang Shiyao’s nervous look.

It seems that there is really something difficult for the time being, and he is not very anxious.

After all, it was a whole night tonight.

Are you still afraid that there is not enough time to say an important thing???

What kind of important things can be said in one night?

Jiang Chen shrugged his shoulders and nodded with a smile, asking for a drink for himself and Huang Shiyao.

He seemed to have come a little earlier, and it seemed that the celebration banquet would take a while before it officially began, and it was also good to take a nap now.

Here Jiang Chen and Huang Shiyao just got drinks.

A few more people came up from the attic, and several people looked at the dignitaries and dignitaries in the main hall and were shocked.

“You said that when you go to the celebration banquet tonight, how many big people will come?”

“This is not easy to say, although Professor Xiaojiang developed a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine, which won an order of 100 billion meters for Longguo.”

But he is still only a researcher in the field of lithography machines, even if the Department of Science and Technology and the Department of Commerce do the east.

Those real big guys shouldn’t come either…

You must know that the real big people are either nobles on one side or generals on the other side, and these people have long been piled up into mountains if they are not the things on their hands.

To meet them, it will have to be at least a few months later.

Although Professor Xiaojiang’s scientific research level is outstanding, his background is still too small…”

“What is said is not unreasonable ha…

However, I think that after decades of precipitation, Professor Xiaojiang will definitely be able to enter the real upper echelons of society. ”


Jiang Chen laughed as he listened to these young people’s comments on himself and said:

“I don’t think so.

Some people seem to have made a mark in only one area.

In fact, the field he did not disclose may be more successful, is it unimaginable? ”

A group of people listened to Jiang Chen’s words and nodded unconsciously,

It doesn’t seem to be unreasonable.

Then the bureau found a small problem…

Who is this guy talking to them???

Huang Shiyao on this side was quite surprised that Jiang Chen would help Professor Xiao Jiang to come forward.

Sure enough, as Grandpa said.

Do big guys like on-demand juniors?

In Huang Shiyao’s view, although Jiang Chen is young, he can solve the high temperature gas-cooled pile and write the four papers.

Such academic attainments are not comparable to Professor Xiaojiang who developed a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine!

After all, one is commercial communications.

One is a big country heavy weapon!

These two are comparable, and there is no comparison…

So her point of view was similar to that of a few young people over there.

There are many high-ranking officials and dignitaries who have been invited, but those who come to participate should not exceed 50%…

Several people were discussing the time.

The brush at the gate walked into a group of introverted, but clear-eyed people who were in a high position at first glance.

When a group of people walked in.

Many people were stunned!


Qin Hao, deputy director of the Military and Armed Forces Department!

General Feng Chang’an of the White Dragon Military Region!

General Lü Wei of the Qingyu Military Region!

Lin Qingshu, the head and vice minister of the Ministry of Military Forces, Lu Yushan…

This Nyima is a fairy fight! ”

“Obedient, compared to those nobles, this is the real official…”

“Sleepy Groove, Professor Xiao Jiang’s face is so big, which of these big guys is not a day to make sense?”

They actually came together to participate in Professor Xiaojiang’s celebration banquet??? ”

“If it weren’t for the direct descendants of the big guys in the military region, it would never have been possible to usher in so many big guys!”

Professor Xiaojiang’s true identity is debatable…”

“True to me, I was wrong, and I no longer dare to say that Professor Xiaojiang has no backstage.”

This is not only a backstage, this Nyima is simply a bedrock backstage! ”


A group of people were exclaiming when they were screaming.

Feng Chang’an, the general of the White Dragon Military Region in the hall, found Jiang Chen drinking orange juice on the second floor with a sharp eye.

“Xiao Jiang!

I’ll just say how you stinky boy is gone!

How to hide on the second floor to drink orange juice!

Hello good gangster is also the host’s family, don’t come down to receive us old men?? ”

The originally quiet hall was exploded by Feng Chang’an’s words…

Everyone followed Feng Chang’an’s gaze.

A handsome man who seemed to be flashing slowly stepped forward

“Elder Feng, you still have such a loud voice…”

This time, I was still discussing Jiang Chen in private.


The handsome guy who had just discussed Professor Xiao Jiang with them was Jiang Chen himself???


This is too handsome to change into a suit without wearing a study suit, right? ”

“No wonder I didn’t recognize it at first…

It turned out that Professor Xiao Jiang was wearing a suit today…”

“Did I crack on the spot, I actually said bad things about him in front of this Professor Xiao Jiang…”

“Professor Xiaojiang, always drip god!”


To say that the second floor crowd is the most stupid.

There is no one but Huang Shiyao…

Looking at Jiang Chen incoherently, the little hand holding the grape juice trembled a little.

She finally realized a serious problem.

It seems that Professor Xiaojiang, who developed a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine, is called Jiang Chenlai.


Jiang Chen, who helped the Dragon Ship 612 to make a major breakthrough in the high-temperature gas-cooled reactor, and Jiang Chen, who developed the 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine…

It’s the same person…???!!!

No wonder Jiang Chen introduced himself at the beginning.

She felt such a sense of loss of familiarity…

Good feelings, it turned out to be the same person!

Jiang Chen looked at Huang Shiyao with a dazed look but didn’t think much about it, and smiled and put down the orange juice.

“Miss Huang, then see you after the celebration is over!”

The shock on Huang Shiyao’s face could not be hidden after all.

Director Qin Hao, who looked at the immortal fighting downstairs, took a deep breath helplessly.

“It just so happens that I want to go down too, let’s go together…”

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