Jiang Chen didn’t think much about how Huang Shiyao would go down with him.

After all, the good villain is also the granddaughter of the academicians of the two academies, is it not normal to know a few people on such an occasion?

When the two men descended from the attic into the hall.

When Feng Chang’an and the others saw Jiang Chen from afar, they rushed forward excitedly and began to greet him.

“Xiao Jiang, I haven’t seen him for more than a month.”

You boy has made such a big move again!

Sure enough, where you are, where you are, will not stop! ”

Jiang Chen laughed unkindly:

“Elder Feng, listening to your words, it seems that I am a troublemaker???”

Lu Wei laughed and said:

“Xiao Jiang.

This is definitely what this means by the old Feng, and you must not doubt it!

This old guy can’t do the rules in front of you, and he always says bad things about you behind your back! ”

Feng Chang’an was immediately unhappy when he heard Lü Wei’s words!

This old bastard was ready to slander him in front of Jiang Chen at any time, and he had to be ready to clean up this guy.

Qin Hao, director of the Military and Martial Arts Department on the side, said with a smile:

“Today is Xiao Jiang’s celebration banquet, how can it be as if you two are the protagonists?” So many juniors look at it, not ashamed? ”

Feng Chang’an and Lü Wei blushed when they heard Qin Hao’s words.

Isn’t it a little exciting not to see Jiang Chen for a long time…

Huang Shiyao, who was beside Jiang Chen, also walked to Jiang Chen.

“Director Qin is good…”

Qin Hao hadn’t had time to respond.

A group of people looked at Jiang Chen and Huang Shiyao, who were “Lang Cai and Female Appearance”, as if they understood something remarkable in their hearts.

Feng Chang’an rushed to Jiang Chen.

“Xiao Jiang!

The reason why your boy wants to run to Yanda to study graduate school is to fall in love, right?

Before, I thought your boy didn’t like women, but now it seems that I am relieved…”

Lu Yushan also looked at Jiang Chen with a bad smile:

“Xiao Jiang, this little sister is very beautiful!”

Take a good grasp of it, if your boy enters the confidentiality agreement group in the future, he may not be able to find such a good-looking girl…”

Song Guosheng sighed “Desolate”:

“There is another sad girl in this world, Xiao Su is still waiting for you to see her in Longhang…”


Jiang Chen laughed when he listened to a group of old and unserious people saying old and unorthodox words.

Is it good that he and Huang Shiyao met for the first time today???

Jiang Chen was preparing to explain.

At the gate, a figure that Jiang Chen was familiar with could no longer be familiar.

Mu Shijun.

Mu Shijun wore a more solemn dress today.

Holding the old man in a Zhongshan suit who thought his hair was gray, he entered the door.

The originally very cold nature coupled with this dress will make Mu Shijun more like an iceberg goddess.

As soon as Mu Shijun entered the scene, she attracted the attention of many people.

“Who is this little sister?”

This aura is also too perfect, right? ”

“You don’t even know about Goddess Mu?”

You don’t know the old man in the Zhongshan suit next to you??? ”

“Of course, I know, Marshal Mu Yunhai of the Eastern Battle Domain!”

Wait a minute……

I heard that Mu Lao’s granddaughter returned to China not long ago, so this little sister is Mu Shijun, the granddaughter of Marshal Mu Yunhai of the Eastern War Domain? ”


Granddaughter of Marshal Mu???

The proud son of heaven, the talented woman who returned to China! No wonder it’s so pretty, this temperament is just perfect! ”

“Oh my God, if anyone marries the goddess Mu, this is too fragrant, right?”

Instantly harvest a marshal grandpa…”

“Brother, are you thinking about farting, is the marshal’s granddaughter so easy to marry?”

“Also ha…”


Why do I feel that the eyes of the goddess Mu are consciously or unconsciously as if they are looking for something?

Is there someone on the field she cares about? ”

“It seems like this is really the case!”


As the people who talked about it said, Mu Shijun was indeed looking for someone.

In the case of not caring she didn’t know.

But she wanted to see what the guy looked like in his formal clothes…

While she was scanning, a handsome man in a suit appeared in her eyes.


The way this guy took off his study suit and changed into a suit…

It’s pretty handsome!

Although Mu Yunhai was older, his eyes were not very good.

However, he still noticed the light in his granddaughter’s eyes, and the corners of his mouth looked slightly at Jiang Chen.

The two directors of the Laoyuan Science and Technology Department and the Commerce Department saw Mu Yunhai at once.

There was some shock on his face.

They are indeed an invitation sent by the Eastern Theater…

But it’s only polite.

After all, everyone has sent it, and it is not appropriate not to send the Eastern Theater.

However, they never expected that the Eastern Battle Domain was not only really coming, but also Mu Yunhai, a behemoth!

It should be known that since the founding of the Dragon Kingdom, the rank of marshal has only been sealed by a few people.

This old master of Mu Yunhai is one of them!

Even if the current leader saw such an old marshal, I am afraid that he would not be able to calm his heart.

After all, this is the grand marshal of the Dragon State!

How did Old Marshal Mu return to Jiang Chen’s celebration banquet?

Although Wu San Province and the Director of Commerce could not think of why, they still rushed to usher in a song.

“Marshal Mu!

We didn’t know you were coming…

I knew we would have picked you up in person! ”

Mu Yunhai laughed and brushed his beard and smiled:

“Don’t get in the way, I also came on purpose, there should be a place for this old guy like me, right?”

Wu Sansheng laughed without anger:

“Marshal Mu, look what you said!”

You are the only one who wants Building One, and we can get it for you! ”

This side is in the time of greeting.

Qin Hao, Feng Chang’an and others naturally noticed Mu Yunhai’s behemoth!

Lian Lian brought Jiang Chen and Huang Shiyao over to meet him.

Jiang Chen looked at the old man Mu Yunhai who was holding Mu Shijun.

At this time, no matter how stupid you are, you also know Mu Shijun’s true identity…

Although I have long been prepared in my heart.

But at this time, seeing Mu Yunhai’s old master was still shocked…

His mentor’s background is also outrageous!

It’s a sleeper.

Marshal of the Eastern Domain…

It is not an exaggeration to say that the foot tramples most of the Dragon Kingdom!

I haven’t had time to say hello yet.

Instead, Mu Yunhai held out his hand and smiled:

“You must be Jiang Chen Xiaojiang, who has made an excellent congratulations to our Dragon Kingdom, right?”

These days, my ears are almost cocooning with your name these months, and those old guys are always clamoring to see you…

As everyone knows, this small river is the other small river, haha! ”

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