Although Mu Yunhai said that he had the heart to come for his granddaughter.

But for a genius national treasure-level scientist like Jiang Chen, he also attaches great importance to it!

Others do not know that Jiang Chen is both the deputy chief designer of the sixth-generation fighter and the research and development leader of the 1nm extreme ultraviolet light source lithography machine.

He knew.

That’s why he took the initiative to shake Jiang Chen’s hand to express his gratitude!

Jiang Chen was flattered and shook Mu Yunhai’s hand.

“Old Marshal Mu, you are too honorable.

This is what our young generation in Dragon Kingdom should do!

Dedicate yourself to the country, at all costs! ”

Mu Yunhai listened to Jiang Chen’s words and laughed loudly with his beard!


Talented people have always been arrogant and proud.

Xiang Jiang Chen, a young man who is both talented and knows how to be humble, is really rare!

Here Mu Yunhai and Jiang Chen had not yet had time to have a deep level of communication.

Mu Shijun’s originally happy eyes instantly became a lot colder when he saw Huang Shiyao beside Jiang Chen.

The appearance of this girl next to Jiang Chen is not low, and she looks like that kind of well-behaved girl…

It turns out that Jiang Chen likes this one?

“Jiang Chen.

Didn’t you say that your netizens are old academicians?

This beautiful sister is the old academician in your mouth???

I think you guys are a good match? ”

Jiang Chen withdrew his mind from Mu Yunhai’s side before he noticed this problem!


Forget that Huang Shiyao is still in front of you.

“Cough, Teacher Mu, you listen to my explanation, this is…”

Mu Shijun looked at Jiang Chen coldly, and she didn’t know why she was angry.

She remembered that she had never been like this before…

However, Huang Shiyao, who was also a girl here, saw Mu Shijun’s jealous appearance at a glance.

Hurriedly waved his hand to help Jiang Chen explain:

“Miss Mu, you misunderstood…

I only met Professor Xiaojiang for the first time today!

Previously, academic issues were discussed online.

My relationship with Professor Xiaojiang is really not the kind of relationship you think…”

Mu Shijun looked at Jiang Chen and Huang Shiyao suspiciously, and she always felt a little catty.

But there is no way to say where there is cattiness…

Huang Shiyao was relieved to see that Mu Shijun seemed to believe in his own appearance.

If only she had pinched Professor Xiaojiang’s budding love.

Then she was really guilty of unforgivable sins…

He hurriedly went to Director Qin Hao and said that he wanted to discuss important matters and resigned…

However, this is such a seemingly bland scene.

But it gave the people around it a silly look.

“I just seem to be blind and deaf, may I ask if Lady Mu was just jealous?”

“From a psychological point of view, nine times out of ten, this is the case…”

“wdnmd, so the goddess Mu already has a heart to belong?”

It is also Professor Xiaojiang, the protagonist of this celebration banquet??? ”

“Good guys… It is indeed a talented woman! ”

“But I think that Miss Huang Shiyao is also very good-looking, and Professor Xiaojiang is also very good-looking…”

“Am I thinking about who people have to do with you?”

“Messing with the Mandarin Duck Spectrum, are you afraid that you won’t be able to get out of this door?”


Even the young people around them could see it.

Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun’s former big guys naturally also saw the current awkwardness between Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun…

Fang Wei and Lu Wei and others gave Jiang Chen a thumbs up.


A celebration feast.

Two girls who have fallen into the country and the city are jealous of it…

Jiang Chen’s charm is also a little too big, right?

Mu Shijun was still thinking.

With Mu Yunhai’s kung fu to see people, he could see at a glance that Jiang Chen and Huang Shiyao had nothing to do with each other.

Looking at Jiang Chen slowly smiled and asked:

“Xiao Jiang, do you have a marriage match now?”

A group of big guys around them were shocked when they heard Mu Yunhai’s words, and the meaning of these words seemed a little obvious to them…

Obviously, Mu Shijun introduced it to Jiang Chen!

Jiang Chen didn’t expect so much.

Very honestly shook his head.

“Girlfriends are not yet, where is the marriage match…”

Mu Yunhai heard this and laughed and pulled Mu Shijun to the front of him and laughed:

“Since Xiao Jiang you are not married.”

You have made such a great contribution to the country.

Your marriage problem, the state should help you solve it.

Old man, I will be a matchmaker, do you see my granddaughter Shijun is okay?

If you can, Ming’er, I’ll take Shijun to your house and get engaged! ”

Mu Yunhai said this.

The entire 2nd building was stunned!

“Twice, my ears were deaf again.

I’m afraid it’s time to go to the hospital and check it out…”

“Big brother, don’t fool yourself!

Since you didn’t hear me clearly, I’ll tell you again!

Old Marshal Mu said that he would take the goddess Mu to Professor Xiaojiang to propose to him! ”


After all, I mistakenly paid a piece of red heart…”

“To Grandpa Climb, you deserve the goddess Mu?”

“Or Old Master Mu is fierce, directly discuss the marriage …”

“I have to admit that Old Master Mu is a good chess player.”

According to Jiang Chen’s current talent, the future is absolutely unlimited!

If the two families of Mujiang are happily married, the scientific research community and the military circle are indeed terrible…”

“Obviously I didn’t eat lemon, I still want to shed tears, 555…”


Mu Yunhai took a mouthful.

The person concerned immediately panicked…

Mu Shijun’s small face immediately turned red and spread across the mountains, stomping his feet and looking at Mu Yunhai and saying:


What nonsense are you talking about!

Who is going to marry that guy! ”

Jiang Chen was also frightened.

Mu Shijun is indeed very beautiful, and her achievements in scientific research are also very high.

There is nothing wrong with his talent and appearance to describe him as a teacher.

To say that he doesn’t like girls like this is fake…

And the identity of the mentor has added a lot of points to Mu Shijun…

But he’s only 21!

First of all, he put aside his own idea of wanting to spend two more years, not to mention, the 22-year-old who received the marriage license stipulated by law has not yet arrived…

Hurriedly waved his hand:

“Elder Mu, please stop kidding me…

I am a small scientific researcher, where can I be worthy of Teacher Mu…

Besides, I’m not old enough to get married…”

Mu Yunhai looked at Jiang Chen and Mu Shijun and smiled unkindly:

“Don’t talk to me about the useless.

When I say that you deserve it, you say that you have no feeling for my family’s poetry! ”

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