The moment Director Leiluo’s voice fell.

The entire press conference was full of surprises.

Many reporters have been talking about it.


When a nuclear submarine is developed, it will take several years of experiments and test dives to enter service, right?

If I remember correctly, Bald Eagle’s fifth-generation nuclear submarine was developed less than two years ago, right? ”

“Are you stupid that you can’t see that the bald eagle is venting its fullness and trying to emphasize its supremacy?”

“Pure passers-by, why does the bald eagle emphasize its supremacy over it?”

Aren’t they already overlords? ”

“Haha, are you really stupid or fake stupid?”

Not long ago, the sixth generation of Dragon Kingdom fighters and 1nm extremely ultraviolet on the lithography machine were fiercely hit the bald eagle’s face.

So there were a lot of voices.

It is said that the hegemony of the bald eagle is no longer as good as it was then, and the Dragon Kingdom is becoming the biggest force in it…”

“Oh, I understand as soon as you say that.”

This is being punched in the face by the Dragon Kingdom, trying to get back to the field…

There is a saying that the fifth generation of nuclear submarines in the Dragon Kingdom has only been developed for more than a year, which can only be watched by it…”

“Well, this is a game between great powers, not something that we, little journalists, can understand…”


Bald Eagle Defense Division’s press conference ended.

At the same time, Binfeifei also released the news of the military exercise.

After all, as the little brother of the bald eagle.

Although Binfifi’s main business is to grow bananas, he still has a hand when licking dogs!

After the two press conferences.

Naturally, news came to the world with the hands of journalists.

It has caused widespread discussion.

After all, that’s the world’s first fifth-generation nuclear submarine!

Among them, the clearly targeted Longguo netizens naturally saw the idea of the bald eagle at a glance.

“Wori, where can there be no military exercises, it must be close to our western flat ocean???

Also with Binfifi, the banana monkey country??? ”

“Sleeper trough a groove…

Bald Eagle is looking for a scene? ”

“Just when Nishida Pingyang and Binfeifei held military exercises as the service ceremony of the fifth-generation nuclear submarine, that is not what is the fault of the search for ah…”

“Sure enough, as the Internet says, Plante is like a child…”

“It’s just like this child’s action, but we can’t counter it, hey…”

“There’s one thing to say, anyway.

I believe that once our fifth-generation nuclear submarine is developed, it will definitely not be worse than the Bald Eagle! ”

“That’s not why, our fifth-generation nuclear submarine is committed to the development of high-temperature gas-cooled reactors, can it not be bullish?”

“We put up with this hand, and sat back and waited for the fifth generation of nuclear submarines of the Dragon Kingdom to come out…”

“Manual Aite fifth-generation nuclear submarine project team, the people of the Dragon Kingdom will always support you!”


At this time, it was on the route from Yanjing to Qingyu.

Jiang Chen, Director Qin Hao, Huang Shiyao and others naturally watched the press conference of Bald Eagle and Bin Feifei on the plane.

Qin Hao slapped his face on the seat and shouted angrily:

“Ma egg, just conduct military exercises at our doorstep, this is the stubble of the red fruit!”

Huang Shiyao is also a pink-fisted Bang Tight.

The bald eagle is simply deceiving people!

Even if she is a female stream, she really wants to explode and scold the bald eagle.

Although Jiang Chen was angry in his heart, he did not show it at all.

In his opinion, being angry doesn’t solve any problems.

To punch Bald Eagle and Binfifi in the face.

Only by developing your own country’s fifth-generation nuclear submarine!

Looking at the two indignant looks, he smiled and comforted:

“Director Qin, Miss Huang, you are relieved.

It’s just that birds and little monkeys have been bouncing around in front of our dragon.

When our fifth-generation nuclear submarines come out, can they still jump? ”

Qin Hao and Huang Shiyao laughed helplessly.

The fifth generation of nuclear submarines was really developed, and I don’t know when it went…

However, they did not refute Jiang Chen’s idea.

After all, what Jiang Chen said is also the only solution, how, is it difficult to get angry and directly take a big bomb to blow up others?

That is unrealistic, after all, the nuclear warheads of several countries are now combined enough to make human civilization extinct…

Fight, for the time being, can not fight…



Lantau Coast.

Dragon ship 612 institutes.

As soon as Jiang Chen, Qin Hao and others entered the research institute, they felt an atmosphere of righteous indignation.

Because at this time the institute is in the main control room.

In the picture is the military exercise of Bald Eagle and Binfifi.

Bald Eagle’s fifth-generation nuclear submarine is like a nearly 200-meter-long blackfish floating beneath the surface of the sea, and the flag on the bridge exposed to the sea shows its belonging.

In general, nuclear submarines depart with aircraft carrier fleets.

But today, Bald Eagle directly attacked single-handedly in order to show his strength!

With just one fifth-generation nuclear submarine, it will conduct a huge military exercise with Binfeifei!

The target of the pseudo-positioning maneuvering target is like tens of nautical miles.

Floating above the sea.

These targets are actually Binfeifei’s destroyers, frigates…

Except for the fact that they are not real soldiers, the rest are basically equipped with the same equipment as the fleet!

Of course, these are sponsored by Bald Eagles.

To put it bluntly, it is the bald eagle that fights itself and makes a name for itself as a fifth-generation nuclear submarine!

Less than five minutes after the bridge disappeared above.

The deep ocean seems to have never been such a black fish!

Several ships could not detect the existence of Baldeagle’s fifth-generation nuclear submarine…

But in the next second.

More than ten ballistic missiles were fired from underwater!




Directly sank Binfifi’s fleet within the range that the ship’s proximal defense system could not defend!!!

The sound of explosions filled the entire live military exercise room like a flash crash.

The explosion like a god was frightening to the entire netizens watching the military exercise.


Is it so awesome?

I saw where the missile was fired, Bald Eagle’s fifth-generation nuclear submarine directly dived into the middle of several ships, and they didn’t find it! ”

“Then why do you think it is called a fifth-generation nuclear submarine…

The stealth strength of this submersible sea is really too strong! ”

“There is a saying that Bald Eagle’s fifth-generation nuclear submarine is indeed still a cattle batch, weapon systems, diving, sonar … It’s all awesome! ”

“It is worthy of being a deep-sea weapon for upgrading!”

If this thing is equipped with a nuclear warhead, it will be a fatal threat to any country…”

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