In the global hot discussion.

The White-Headed Eagle and Binfeiffy military exercises were over.

The fifth-generation nuclear submarine floated.

Just above the bridge, Bald Eagle’s military correspondent interviewed the captain of the fifth-generation nuclear submarine, Rear Admiral Mentel.

“Maj. Gen. Mentel, what are your thoughts on this military exercise?”

Maj. Gen. Mentel smiled and said:


I don’t think anything else, I think it’s the same as before.

Anyway, it’s our Bald Eagle Navy that crushes other countries! ”

The reporter smiled awkwardly and then asked the next question.

“As the first Rear Admiral of the Bald Eagle Navy to use a fifth-generation nuclear submarine.

Rear Admiral Mentelle, what do you think is different about this generation of nuclear submarines?

Now there is a consensus on the Internet that Dragon Kingdom will be the next country to have a fifth-generation nuclear submarine.

Who do you think will be the next country to be able to follow up with Bald Eagle with a fifth-generation nuclear submarine? ”

Upon hearing this, Major General Mentel, who had little interest at first, was immediately interested.

A handful of his big back head smiled:


The performance of the fifth-generation nuclear submarine is not the fourth-generation nuclear submarine energy ratio at all!

As for what you call the Dragon Kingdom that is most likely to follow up on the fifth-generation nuclear submarine?

Or wash and sleep, right?

If I remember correctly, they were still delusional and wanted to cool the pile with high temperature gas, right?

If they don’t want to give up, it will be more than ten years from now, right?

At that time, the broccoli was cold! ”


When the reporter interviewed the session.

Dragon Kingdom Domestic.

The entire control room of the entire research institute of Dragon Ship 612 naturally exploded long ago.

“The bald eagle is gone???”

“Loaded, hard installed, don’t give Lao Tzu the development of the fifth generation of nuclear submarines in advance!”

Otherwise we Dragon Kingdom will punch you in the face! ”

“Bald eagles are indeed hateful.

But one thing to say, many of the advanced technologies of Bald Eagle’s fifth-generation nuclear submarines, we are not up to ah…”

“After all, the overlord, hey, mom sells batches, the more I think about it, the more angry I become…”


The whole institute was angry when the mind was numb.

Huang Shuxu, chief designer of the fifth-generation nuclear submarine of Longguo, smashed his fist on the main console.

“Mom sells batches!

It’s just too deceitful!

Isn’t it just a half-way abandoned dog?

I dare to say that it will take more than ten years for our Great Dragon Kingdom to conquer the high-temperature gas-cooled reactor nuclear submarine! ”

Luo Ganglin was also so angry that his beard was almost cocked.

I don’t blame Huang Shupreamble, but it was really annoying for Major General Mentel and the reporter to sing and pretend to be forced to apply in the interview…

Luo Ganglin turned off the live broadcast.

He’s afraid he can’t help but smash the screen!

Qin Hao and Jiang Chen looked at each other, and then smiled bitterly.

This anger they already felt on the plane…

Huang Shiyao coughed softly and said:

“Grandpa, Grandpa Luo!

Notice the influence, Director Qin and Elder Jiang came in person, and you put on such a posture? ”

Until Huang Shiyao happened.

The crowd looked back and saw that the three of them noticed that all the researchers were coming.

Just really is too head-blowing.

Now that the screen is turned off, it is always a lot recovered.

As soon as Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin saw Qin Hao, they immediately went forward in embarrassment:

“Director Qin, I’m sorry…

I was so excited I didn’t see you coming…”

Qin Hao smiled and patted Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin’s shoulders:

“Don’t get in the way, don’t say it’s you.”

Yesterday I almost got angry and even flipped the plane, haha…”

As soon as Qin Hao said this, everyone present immediately laughed.

But the bitterness in the smile is something that everyone present can feel…

After all.

Bald Eagle’s fifth-generation nuclear submarine, but it is very good…

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin looked behind Qin Hao and looked at Huang Shiyao doubtfully.

“Shi Yao.

Aren’t you a stinky, or is the elder Jiang already here?

What about people?

Wouldn’t that be a lie? ”

Huang Shiyao looked at Jiang Chen, and Qin Hao also looked at Jiang Chen.

Laugh without anger:

“Grandpa, Grandpa Luo.”

This is the “Elder Elder Jiang” next to Director Qin…”

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin looked at Jiang Chen with a blank face.

This little guy is in his early twenties at best.

Is Shi Yao kidding them?

“Shi Yao, you stinky girl will still deceive people now???”

Huang Shuxu was ready to pack up this little girl.

Qin Hao hurriedly stopped laughing:

“Old Huang, Lao Luo, Shi Yao didn’t lie to you…

This is indeed your long-thinking Jiang elder, whether it is your evaluation of the “Graphene-based cooling of high-temperature gas-cooled reflection reactor Neutron Moderator Conjecture”.

Or the four papers on nuclear physics in the Yanda Core forum…

All written by Xiao Jiang…”

Qin Hao uttered these words.

The staff of the research institute here are stunned…


I just seemed to be deaf in an instant, did you tell me what Director Qin had just said??? ”

“My ears are good, let me repeat it to you!”

Director Qin said, the elder Jiang who made us make a huge breakthrough in the high-temperature air-cooled pile and wrote four shocking papers on the ruins…

It’s the young man in front of you…”

“My dear mother, a hundred-year-old national treasure-level scientist, instantly turned into a twenty-year-old boy???”

“My heart was already very uncomfortable because of Maj. Gen. Mentel’s push…

Now here comes another show, sooner or later I’m going to have a heart attack…”

“Elder Jiang is so young, I blew up…”

“People’s twenty years old, the style is unique, my twenty years old, college lying corpse and so on graduation…”


Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin were also momentarily stunned.

Looking at Jiang Chen incredulously, he said:

“You are…

Elder Jiang??? ”

Jiang Chen looked at the two of them and smiled a little apologetically:

“Elder Huang, Elder Luo, I really didn’t mean to hide it from you…

At that time, on the core of Yanda, I was thinking about explaining to you that you would definitely not believe it, so there was no explanation…

But your little yellow academician also frightened me…”

Qin Hao smiled and reminded the two of them with a bad smile when they saw that they still couldn’t react and refused to believe it:

“Old Huang, Old Luo.”

Forgot to tell you!

Xiao Jiang is the protagonist of yesterday’s celebration banquet of 1nm extreme ultraviolet light source lithography machine! ”

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