Although I was surprised that academicians of the two academies like Huang Shuxu did not understand much what he had just said.

But Jiang Chen did not have any contempt.

After all, not everyone has a plug-in like him???

Explained with a smile:

“Elder Huang, the question you just asked is actually very easy to understand.

The kinetic electromotive force is derived from the Lorentz force of the magnetic field on charged particles in a moving conductor.

By Lorentz force formula F=qvB, when a charged particle in a conductor is moving at velocity v in a constant magnetic field B, F=evB, the Lorentz force per unit positive charge is evB.

At this time, the Lorentz force is related to the non-static force that causes the kinetic electromotive force, but this Lorentz force is not a non-static force. According to the definition of electromotive force, non-static power moves electrons from the positive electrode to the negative electrode to work as E=BvL.

So the Lorentz force described above is not involved in the work…”

Jiang Chen was discussing with Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin.

The vast majority of people here are still blindfolded.

But Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin naturally already understood.

Huang Shuxu murmured even more excitedly:

“I get it!

According to the direction given by Professor Xiaojiang, you can prove that the above integral is equal to the negative value of the rate of change of the magnetic flux when the circuit moves in the magnetic field…”

Jiang Chen and Huang Shuxu Luo Ganglin were discussing this side of the time when it was rising.

The R&D staff below is almost collectively stunned.

“a chicken, I can’t understand a word.”

Why does it seem that Professor Xiaojiang and Mr. Huang and Mr. Luo are so happy when they discuss…”

“I also think I can’t understand a word they say…”

“Is this a discussion at the level of academicians of the two academies?”

Good guys, how can Professor Xiao Jiang be so good?? ”

“To be precise, Professor Xiao Jiang’s guides Huang Zong and Luo Zong are conducting academic discussions, so in the opinion, Professor Xiao Jiang’s academic attainments are only higher than those of academicians of the two academies…”

“I also agree with this, Professor Xiaojiang is really too perverted…”

“How can I say that people have developed a 1nm polar ultraviolet on lithography machine at such a young age?”

This academic achievement is really not covered! ”

“The twenty-one-year-old of the family talked freely with the academicians of the two academies.

My twenty-one-year-old is still playing soy sauce in the tutor’s studio, and the temperature of the cup of water is disgusted that the temperature is not appropriate…”


Jiang Chen’s discussion with Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin ended a few minutes later.

The expression on their faces was obviously that they had thoroughly understood Jiang Chen’s technical plan.

The two of them gave Jiang Chen a thumbs up from the bottom of their hearts.

At such a young age, there is such erudition.

Will you get it later?

In their view, Jiang Chen may even become a genius like Einstein, Newton and the like who can change the entire physics community!

Jiang Chen smiled embarrassedly as he listened to the two academicians of the two academies keep blowing themselves.

“Elder Huang, Elder Luo, don’t hold me up.”

Our task now is not to brag, we have to take down the fifth-generation nuclear submarine within 2 months! ”

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin looked at each other.

The old man blushed and nodded.

“Right, right, right!

The development of the fifth generation of nuclear submarines is important! ”


In the next meeting.

Jiang Chen led hundreds of R&D personnel to successfully complete more than a dozen technical solutions.

The next two months.

As Jiang Chen said.

It was two months of night and day, with bright lights.

All the people at Dragon Ship 612, both physically and mentally, were under tremendous pressure.

But today!

Everything will be a thing of the past.

Because the fifth generation of nuclear submarines has been successfully developed!

Looking at the completed 180-meter-long strategic nuclear submarine in the shipyard, everyone is not only proud but proud.

Of course.

Beyond pride.

Everyone is even more grateful in their hearts.

That is to thank Professor Xiaojiang for being able to take them to complete such a historic moment!

Many people looked at the strategic nuclear submarine in front of them and cried out at this time.

“Two months.

We can really develop a fifth-generation nuclear submarine in two months! ”

“All this is the credit of Professor Xiao Jiang!”

“Yes, if Professor Xiao Jiang hadn’t overcome all the technical barriers, we don’t know how many more years it would have taken to develop the fifth-generation nuclear submarine…”

“Now I think back to the questioning of Professor Xiao Jiang at the work conference.

We literally blinded ourselves in the dog’s eyes!

Professor Xiaojiang is simply sent down by heaven to let our Dragon Kingdom usher in a great leap forward in development! ”

“According to the data of the fifth-generation nuclear submarine designed by Professor Koe.

We are the fifth generation nuclear submarine that completely crushed the Bald Eagle, if I remember correctly, those stupid dicks are still dangling in the Western Great Plains, right? ”

“Yes, the strategic significance of Baldhead’s fifth-generation nuclear submarine is to deter the Dragon Country, the Sakura Crane, and the Baseball Country…

All day long with the little brother of Binfeifei in the West Dapingyang shopping, from time to time to come to a small military exercise, is simply to press our faces on the ground and rub …”

“Now our fifth-generation nuclear submarine of Longguo has been developed.

They’re just waiting to be punched in the face! ”


Developers look at the time when the fifth-generation nuclear submarine is hotly discussed.

Huang Shuxu and Luo Ganglin looked at the fifth-generation nuclear submarine in front of them and were already in tears.

Especially the Yellow Book Preface.

He is not only the chief designer of the fifth generation of nuclear submarines, but also the chief designer of the fourth generation of nuclear submarines.

Originally, the chief designer of the nuclear submarine was already very frightening to Huang Shuxu.

When he was developing the fifth-generation nuclear submarine, he was always worried about whether he could develop the fifth-generation nuclear submarine before he died…

Now under the leadership of Jiang Chen.

The fifth generation of nuclear submarines has been successfully launched!

Although it is not yet known how effective the test dive is, according to the design scheme and technical indicators given by Jiang Chen.

The fifth generation of nuclear submarines of the Dragon Kingdom will definitely be a strategic nuclear submarine that crushes the entire world!

“Professor Xiaojiang.

If not you.

We Dragon Ship 612 do not know how many years will be to develop the fifth generation of nuclear submarines…

On behalf of the entire project team and the country, I would like to say thank you to you! ”

Jiang Chen looked at Elder Huang and Elder Luo, whose eyes were about to cry red, and laughed:

“The fifth generation of nuclear submarines was developed, such a happy thing, how unlucky it is for you two to cry!”

We have to test dive the fifth-generation nuclear submarine, don’t cry, give me a laugh! ”

Jiang Chen said this.

Everyone at the institute was amused by this.

A group of developers are marveling at the power of developing a fifth-generation nuclear submarine in two months.

Huang Shiyao shouted excitedly:

“Professor Xiaojiang, Director Qin, Minister Lu, General Lu, they have arrived!”

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