Huang Shiyao’s voice sounded, and everyone’s eyes looked behind them.

Sure enough.

A bunch of big guys have heard about it!

Jiang Chen looked back and sure enough, he saw the old acquaintance.

However, there are still one or two strangers in the crowd, who belong to the raw faces.

Qin Hao originally wanted to introduce people to Jiang Chen first.

However, as soon as Lao Yuan looked at the fifth-generation nuclear submarine in front of him, he rushed forward excitedly and looked at Jiang Chendao:

“Xiao Jiang.

I know I’m not wrong, your boy said two months is really two months to get it done! ”

Lü Wei also rushed to the fifth-generation nuclear submarine and exclaimed:

“Xiao Jiang, I really don’t know how to describe you boy…”

As the commander of the Qingyu Military Region, Lü Wei certainly knew that Jiang Chen followed Qin Hao to the Qingyu Military Region to build a nuclear submarine.

Lü Wei knew that with Jiang Chen’s strength, there would be no problem.

It’s just that he never dreamed that Jiang Chen, the boy, had once again created the same brilliance as the sixth-generation fighter…

Do you know how big the size of the sixth-generation fighter is?

How big is the size of a nuclear submarine?

These two are not an order of magnitude at all!

Jiang Chen looked at the two old acquaintances who were excited and confused, and laughed without anger:

“I thought it was after the previous relationship.

You should have some trust in my strength.

I didn’t expect that after all, you would still look down on me in your hearts…”

Qin Hao and Lü Wei looked at Jiang Chen’s posture and were about to start the performance.

“You boy don’t pretend!”

We don’t eat your set anymore! ”

At the beginning, Du Shenghong, whose hair was black and white in the crowd, looked at the surface of the fifth-generation nuclear submarine in front of him as stable as Mount Tai, but his heart was already surging in his heart.

Standing on the fifth-generation nuclear submarine, the eyes of the teenager who had mingled with Qin Hao and Lü Wei were full of doubt and amazement.

He had heard of this little guy named Jiang Chen before…

But this time actually see.

It was really unexpected by him…

Slowly walked over to Jiang Chen, looked at Qin Hao with a smile and asked:

“Old Qin, don’t introduce ???”

Qin Hao patted his head and laughed:

“Sorry sorry!

Just too excited, forgive me ha…”

Hurriedly pulled Jiang Chen to the uncle dressed in a Zhongshan suit and smiled:

“Old Du, I’ll introduce you to you!”

Professor Jiang Chen of Xiaojiang, the leader of the research and development of the 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine, the specially invited expert of the research and development of the fifth generation nuclear submarine of Longguo…

There is another identity that you should also know.

There are many people here, so I won’t tell you in detail…”

Then he looked at Jiang Chen and introduced Du Shenghongdao:

“Xiao Jiang, this is Old Du.

It is Du Shenghong, director of the National Defense Department of our Dragon Kingdom.

This time, the test submarine mission of the fifth-generation nuclear submarine was personally supervised by this person! ”

When Qin Hao finished his introduction.

Both Du Shenghong and Jiang Chen were a bit stupid.

In Du Shenghong, all he heard about was the military and military circles.

It turned out that this genius even developed a 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine???


The study of military weapons is so good.

It can even cover commercial technology.

This Professor Xiaojiang is worthy of the talent of the country!

Jiang Chen was surprised by the presence of the director of the National Defense Department in person.

Are you kidding.

Although there are many departments and departments in the country, there is a gap in the value of the weight.

Some departments have few things in charge, light things, and no real power.

This is called the Shimizu Yamon.

Some departments are in charge of the lifeblood of the country and hold high authority.

Although they are also the divisions, they hold real power under their hands!

Among them, the most prosperous by the Department of National Defense!

What does the Department of Defense manage?

From the name, it can be seen that the defense of a country is in charge!

This thing is not called real power, what is real power…

This test dive was actually personally led by the director of the National Defense Department, which Jiang Chen did not expect!

Du Shenghong excitedly shook Jiang Chen’s hand:

“Professor Xiaojiang, I have long heard of your name.

When I saw it today, I was younger and more promising than I thought!

The Dragon Kingdom has you, the luck of Huaxia!

The development of the fifth-generation nuclear submarine in such a short period of time, these days and nights, you have worked hard…”

Jiang Chen listened to the praise of the director of national defense, although his heart was very fluttering, but he still smiled very modestly:

“Director Du is over-praised.

Carry out scientific research for the motherland and serve the people.

Not hard!

You guys are working hard all day to protect national security…”

Du Shenghong listened to Jiang Chen’s words and the more he looked at them, the more pleasing his eyes became.

Talentedness is commendable, and the small mouth is like smearing honey.

This boy really has an appetite for him!

An old and a small historic handshake.

All the R&D personnel here are stunned.


The Secretary for National Defense is here, and our face is too big, right? ”


I beg you to put yourself in the right place because Professor Xiao Jiang is well…”

“Also to Ha, otherwise Director Du would not have had to come to our Dragon Ship 612 Institute at all, and would have waited directly for the time of the test dive to appear…”

“That being said, when Director Qin introduced Professor Xiao Jiang just now, it seems that Professor Xiao Jiang still has a layer of identity?”

“Yes, I heard it too, but Director Qin didn’t reveal it, and you said that Professor Xiaojiang had made some big moves to hide from us???”

“Does this ghost know?”

However, Professor Xiao Xiaojiang’s talent is certainly not a small thing.

When it’s time to make it public, everyone will know! ”


When many R&D personnel are talking about it.

Du Shenghong also looked at Jiang Chen and Lü Wei.

“Professor Xiaojiang, General Lu, this time we Longguo fifth-generation nuclear submarine test diving means what you should all know.”

Only success is allowed, failure is not allowed!

Outside the dog skin plaster, this time we must be fiercely removed! ”

Du Shenghong said this.

Both Jiang Chen and Lü Wei knew Du Shenghong’s meaning.

Bald Eagle’s fifth-generation nuclear submarine has been wandering around the Western Plain for nearly two months.

Their test dive mission this time is to pull out this dog skin plaster!

Lü Wei raised his hand in salute and said:

“Director Du, rest assured!

This time I arranged for the trial dive to be Major General Li Yu of our Qingyu Military Region!

There is a fifth-generation nuclear submarine developed by Professor Xiaojiang in the development of a fifth-generation nuclear submarine.

Bald Eagle and Binfiffy must be frightened by the fart rolling urine stream! ”

Jiang Chen looked at the fifth-generation nuclear submarine next to him and immediately said:

“Director Du, you put a hundred hearts.

Anyone can drop the chain, but I have developed the fifth generation of nuclear submarines that cannot drop the chain!

This time to try to dive, our dragon country can not only remove the two pieces of dog skin plaster of the bald eagle and Binfeifei.

It can make the world realize.

Who is the overlord of the Navy’s nuclear submarine force! ”

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