Jiang Chen’s words almost revealed absolute self-confidence.

The research and development room of the fifth-generation nuclear submarine he followed from beginning to end.

Even if it is the existence of a screw.

It was also Jiang Chen who personally stared at the screwing of the fifth-generation nuclear submarine!

Therefore, in Jiang Chen’s view, this test dive can never have any problems!

Li Xuanbin, director of the Department of National Defense, nodded with satisfaction when he listened to Jiang Chen and Lü Wei’s words.

“Since this is the case, then this fifth-generation nuclear submarine will be handed over to our National Defense Department and the Qingyu Military Region!”


Li Xuanbin arrived at the evening of the Dragon Ship 612.

The Defense Department of Longguo held a press conference.

Director Li Xuanbin attended the press conference in full costume and watched as reporters from all over the world picked up microphones.

I thought of the two months of being harassed by the Bald Eagle fifth-generation nuclear submarine.

Li Xuanbin looked at all the shots with a raised eyebrow:

“A year and two months ago.

Dragon Kingdom opened the project of the fifth generation of nuclear submarines.

After countless scientific researchers day and night of research and development.

Our fifth-generation nuclear submarine of Dragon Kingdom has finally officially come out today!

The most prominent part of the fifth generation of nuclear submarines is the use of leading high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactors, in addition to high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactors, Longguo’s 099 strategic nuclear submarines also use a variety of new weapon systems, sonar systems, stealth systems, noise reduction systems…

The data level perfectly crushes the fifth-generation nuclear submarine of a country at present.

The pilot diving ceremony of the launching relics will be officially held at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow, and the 099 strategic nuclear submarine test military exercise will be held with the arrival at the East Dragon Sea border at about 15:00 p.m.!

At that time, the first test dive and military exercise of our Longguo 099 strategic nuclear submarine will be broadcast live to the world! ”

The moment Li Xuanbin finished speaking.

All the reporters present and all the netizens who watched the Longshi news live broadcast were confused.

“a chicken!

I thought the Dragon Defense Department was holding a press conference to say something about the boycott of Bald Eagle’s high-frequency appearance on the sea border in the past two months.

I didn’t expect it to be the test diving ceremony and military exercise of the 099 strategic nuclear submarine! ”


A year and two months ago, the project was established, and now it has been developed??

Fake it…”

“We don’t care if the research and development is fast or not, but this first test dive and military exercise are too confident together, right?”

Good guys, people’s test dives have to be tested countless times in the shipyard.

Dragon country is a convenience, direct test dive + military exercise together! ”

“It’s all a small thing…

Have you not heard Director Du say that this time the 099 strategic nuclear submarine of the Dragon Kingdom is suitable for using a high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor? ”

“Yeah, that’s the point, you know, the high-temperature, gas-cooled nuclear reactors that countries around the world were following up at the beginning.”

But because it was too difficult, even Bald Eagle gave up.

Pressurized water reactors were used directly.

And now the Dragon National Defense Department has announced so high-profile that its 099 strategic nuclear submarine has adopted a high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor! ”

“The scientific research strength of the Dragon Kingdom has always been inferior to that of the Bald Eagle, this should be false, right?”

“I also think that it is very likely that the reason why Dragon Kingdom released the existence of the 099 strategic nuclear submarine so quickly is to drive away the Bald Eagle and Binfeifei, which appear frequently in the Western Ping Ocean, right?”

After all, they all said that they are called strategic nuclear submarines, and the strategic significance is certainly greater than the actual combat significance!”


The press conference that Dragon Kingdom has just held is attracting widespread attention around the world.

Six-sided building.

Department of Defence.

Defense Secretary Bruno Green was looking at the dinner on the table and took a deep breath.

Not long ago, he was summoned to the Black House by His Excellency Prente after a bitter scolding.

His life has finally returned to normal.

Endless overtime.

And all kinds of nuclear submarines that will only be the fifth generation are looking for stubble near the Longguo Sea Line.

But lately, Dragon Kingdom’s consistent shrinking policy has made him feel very bored.

He must meet every day to find all kinds of reasons and methods to show the supremacy of the bald eagle…

In Bruno’s opinion.

His job as Director of Defence.

Busier than the dead fat boss Prente, who only talks about shows all day.

He is only in his fifties this year, and his hair is already white…

Wait until this year is finished.

He must resign and go home to recuperate!

Bruno was about to start dinner when Deputy Director Jonathan rushed into his office!

“Director, I have a very important document here that you need to review now!”

Bruno was upset with Jonathan’s intrusion.

“Your Excellency, Jonathan, didn’t you see me eating breakfast?”

Jonathan looked at the breakfast on Bruno’s table and pushed the tablet to Bruno.

“I think this document is more important than your dinner!”

Bruno looked questioningly at the message on the tablet.

That’s the latest news released by Dragon Country Dragon Chinese Society…

The longer Bruno’s gaze stayed on the tablet, the more dignified his face became.

In the end, all the eyebrows were almost wrinkled…

Dragon Kingdom’s fifth-generation nuclear submarine 099 has been developed???

How the is that!

One year and two months.

Even the donkeys of the production team did not dare to be so fast!

Jonathan took a deep breath and said in addition to his own opinion.

“Your Excellency Bruno.

I personally feel that this time it is clearly a bluff of the Dragon Kingdom!

Presumably, we can’t stand our frequent military exercises in the Western Daping Ocean.

Deliberately saying such news makes us retreat!

How many years has the navy armament of the Dragon Kingdom been in place?

When our nuclear submarine came out, they were still worried about how to fill their stomachs!

More than a year later, the fifth-generation nuclear submarine is still a high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor.

It’s simply not possible! ”

Bruno listened to Jonathan’s words without the slightest smile but rather a tight brow that did not change in the slightest.

Even more tightly wrinkled.

In fact, his inner thoughts are the same as Jonathan’s.

But the last one who thought so has now been court-martial…

Because it is suspected of damaging several F-series fighters of the Black Baseball Nation, and losing the face of the Bald Eagle Air Force overlord…

They are still asking lawyers to defend themselves.

He clearly didn’t want to be that kind of person.

He’s not an idiot.

Someone was fooled once and he didn’t know how to reflect?

Slapping the tablet on the table, he took a deep breath and looked at Jonathan and said:

“Your Excellency Jonathan.

Now go and ask the Bald Eagle Fifth Generation Nuclear Submarine R&D team.

Just say I have something important to ask them! ”

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