When the adjutant reported, the whole person’s face was miserable.

As he himself said, what a sight to behold!

The 099 fleet, which had just been on the sonar detection radar, suddenly disappeared!

Maj. Gen. Mentel frowned and looked at the report in the aide-de-camp’s hand.

How the is this possible?

Disappear out of thin air???

The officers and men in the submarine instantly fell into a strange atmosphere.

Hemp eggs…

Wouldn’t it be some supernatural event encountered?

But they are now in the Western Plain Ocean, and there is no more Bermuda Triangle…

The adjutant made a clever move and cut the main control screen of the Virginia-class nuclear submarine into a camera screen.

Then all the officers and men on the Virginia-class nuclear submarines discovered a shocking fact…

That is, the 099 strategic nuclear submarine of the Dragon Kingdom is not far in front of them!

And their radar has no presence of the 099 strategic nuclear submarine at all…

There is only one such result.

Or their sonar system is broken…

Or the stealth performance of the 099 strategic nuclear submarine has overtaken their sonar monitoring system!

Major General Montel threw the coffee cup on the ground in a fit of rage.

The smashed coffee cup was accompanied by the roar of Major General Mentel.

“Dragon Kingdom’s nuclear submarine could not have such outstanding stealth performance!”

There must be something wrong with our sonar system!

Hurry up and overhaul!

Within three minutes, I would know what was wrong! ”


The officers and men of the entire Virginia-class nuclear submarine were in a daze.

Viewers watching the live broadcast of Longshi also talked about the weapon system of the Virginia-class nuclear submarine exposed but delayed.

“Good fellows, torpedoes, missiles, Virginia-class nuclear submarines are going to make some big moves!”

“Wait, is there something wrong with that?”

Why hasn’t it been a launch for so long? ”

“What’s going on here???”

“Yeah, I’m also a little confused, my weapon system for the Virginia-class nuclear submarine has been lifted.”

Why not launch? ”

“I thought of a reason why there might be something wrong with the sonar radar system of the Virginia-class nuclear submarines.

I can’t lock it up…”

“Can’t you?

The Virginia-class nuclear submarines have been hidden here for so long, and those that should be overhauled should have been overhauled long ago.

There should be no such low-level mistakes…”

“I don’t think it’s a question of the Virginia-class nuclear submarines.

Rather, the stealth performance of the Dragon Kingdom’s 099 strategic nuclear submarine and its frigates was so outstanding that the fleet of Virginia-class nuclear submarines could not aim…”

“This is indeed more likely to be said upstairs!”


When there is a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

The aide-de-camp on the Virginia-class nuclear submarine also reluctantly took the maintenance report to Rear Admiral Mentel.

“Maj. Gen. Mentel, I am sure and sure that there is nothing wrong with our sonar radar system…

It seems that the stealth stealth performance of the 099 strategic nuclear submarine of Dragon Kingdom far exceeds that of our Virginia-class nuclear submarine…”

Maj. Gen. Mentel roared angrily from the main console:

“How is this possible!

Dragon Kingdom is so far behind us, how can it be possible to develop such an advanced stealth system!

Isn’t this Nyima equivalent to ascending to heaven? ”

When Major General Mentel was furious, the officers and men of the main control room discovered a big problem.

That is, the 099 strategic nuclear submarine fleet, which had just been a few nautical miles away, had disappeared.

This time the disappearance simply means disappearing on the sonar system.

And even more disappear under the camera of their surveillance system!

“General, the 099 strategic nuclear submarine is out of view!”

Maj. Gen. Mentel could not be outraged when he heard this.

Hurriedly began to direct it into a defensive state.

No matter how stupid he was, he knew that he had just been tricked by the Dragon Kingdom.


Dragon Kingdom had already discovered them!

It was only after getting close to them that I chose to be invisible!

Just to tease them!

The face turned black.

“Hurry up and give me the 099 strategic nuclear submarine to find out!”


When the officers and men on the Virginia-class nuclear submarine were all soldiers.

The 099 strategic nuclear submarine has dived to a depth of 500 meters with the fleet!

This is the second stage of the dive of the 099 strategic nuclear submarine given by Jiang Chen.

That is to say, the 099 strategic nuclear submarine designed by Professor Xiaojiang can dive to a depth of 500 meters!

Know that with the sea level goes down.

The lower the visible light.

Plus their stealth system.

It’s like coming and going as you please, like entering no man’s land!

That’s why no one on the Virginia-class submarine could see them.

That’s because the gap between their nuclear submarines is just too big!

What are they going to do next???

Don’t even think about it!

Isn’t the purpose of their military exercises to hit targets?

If there is a little accident in the process of shooting the target, “shark”, “whale” or the like is hit.

Then they can’t avoid it, can they???

As the 099 strategic nuclear submarine dives into the deep sea to prepare for targeting.

At this time, the audience of the live broadcast room of Longshi Live has exploded!


Did you just see that?

The 099 strategic nuclear submarine continued to dive at least 200 meters!

That’s 500 meters deep!

Oh my God…”

“Big brother, we are not blind…

Of course I see…”

“Helpless I have no culture, a sentence I am in the world, the 099 strategic nuclear submarine of the Dragon Kingdom is also too good, right?

A deep sea pressure of 500 meters can withstand ??? ”

“As far as Nyima is outrageous…

500 meters deep sea, coupled with a perfect stealth system, this thing is afraid to run to which country tens of nautical miles away.

No other country can find out…”

“Oh my goodness…

This is one of the three true weapons of modern warfare!

Come without a shadow, go without a trace, you have been targeted by me when you move your mind! ”

“I want to know if Deji, who can develop the 099 strategic nuclear submarine, is a sample ghost??”

“I’m afraid I won’t know until he is in service…”

“You say, the designer of this 099 strategic nuclear submarine is inferior to the designer who spent some time a few months ago???”

“Ahh… This……

Each has its own advantages…”

The whole live broadcast room was full of discussion.

Three loud noises and lights burst out in the deep sea!

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