Outside Gorbaffna Island.

In the deep sea at 250 meters.

The main control room of the Virginia-class nuclear submarine.

On the main control screen, three red symbols marked with high-risk signs continue to flash.

“Major General Mentel, three torpedoes have locked on the target of the target above our heads!”

But our frigates are all within the scope of the handle!

In a dozen seconds it will be a blast of our frigate! ”

Rear Admiral Mentle was already furious at the disappearance of the 099 strategic nuclear submarine.

At this time, the whole person who heard this news was momentarily stunned.


The Dragon Kingdom wants to treat its human body in its own way!

“Hurry up and shoot with a torpedo!”

You must intercept me, if the three frigates are folded in the Western Daping Ocean, the medals on your shoulders will have to be picked up for me! ”

The lieutenant smiled bitterly after countless attempts:

“Major General Mentel.

The radar was unable to lock on to the three torpedoes, and the electromagnetic waves of our locking system were destroyed as soon as they reached the torpedoes.

The torpedo interception system could not complete the locking…”

Everyone in the Virginia-class nuclear submarine watched the arrival of the three torpedoes…

Then the three frigates that were still beside them were instantly blasted into slag!

The huge energy generated by the three explosions directly overturned the sea water of 250 meters, forming a terrifying wave on the surface of the sea…

The source of all this is the three-shot torpedo fired from the 099 strategic nuclear submarine.

Because it is a new type of torpedo that Jiang Chen took the lead in charge, the power is far greater than the previous torpedoes!

The target of the strike was set though to the fleet set by the Dragon Surface Fleet.

But because the fleet next to the Virginia-class nuclear submarine was right above the torpedo coast, it was completely wiped out in an instant!

This scene directly makes the global audience who looks at all this from God’s perspective look stupid…


What the hell is going on??

How did the frigates of the Virginia-class nuclear submarines go straight to the go?? ”

“Big brother, are you stupid?”

Can’t you see such an obvious-for-tat?

Why do you think the 099 nuclear submarine dived to that position, and the target on the surface of the sea is obviously connected to the frigate of the Virginia-class nuclear submarine! ”

“This is interesting, stealing chicken is not going to erode the rice.”

This was originally the tactics of the Bald Eagle, but it turned out to be a means used by the Dragon Kingdom to pretend to be forced! ”

“There is a saying that the Dragon Kingdom 099 torpedo is also too powerful, right?”

This power is not at all like an ordinary torpedo! ”

“An explosion of an ordinary torpedo in the deep sea of nearly 300 meters can cause waves to ???”

“The Bald Eagle and the three frigates are gone…

This is a loss of more than a billion meters, right?

Can this bald eagle bear it? ”


When there is a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

Rear Admiral Mentel in the main control room of the Virginia-class nuclear submarine has begun to go crazy!

No, this tone can’t stand!

Dragon Kingdom actually used this method to blow up three frigates for him.

Are you kidding.

The cost of submarines is inherently expensive.

Even if it is not a nuclear submarine, it is hundreds of millions of meters to pull out one at random, plus a heavily armed frigate.

Just now Dragon Kingdom was so three-shot.

They bald eagles lost billions of meters…

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that their bald eagle is an ambush party, plus the global live broadcast of the Dragon Kingdom.

If they ran away in this gray and slippery way, wouldn’t their bald eagle’s face be lost!

Major General Mentelle hammered a punch on the main console and gave Lao Tzu a hard blow!

Even if you can’t win the 099 of the Dragon Kingdom, you have to take down those few frigates!

Otherwise, my bald eagle’s face today would be a big loss!

The adjutant took a deep breath and immediately began a heavily armed frigate to search for the Dragon Kingdom.

Nine times out of ten, the main ships of the Dragon Kingdom could not be defeated.

But the frigates they can definitely take down!

But the next scene made everyone on the Virginia-class nuclear submarine directly stupid.

Beneath the place of the Virginia-class nuclear submarine “Shou Zhu Waiting for the Rabbit”, there are undersea mountains.

But at the moment when Major General Mentel gave the order.

Seven mountain ranges burst out in unison!

Some missiles shattered, some torpedoes shattered!

The sky is the limit!

Seven 100-meter-high Heidi Mountains have all been razed to the ground!

The deep-sea waves of the explosion forcibly lifted the Virginia-class nuclear submarine directly above the sea!

The moment when the Virginia-class nuclear submarine surfaced on the surface.

Four submarines were already surrounded around him.

The leader of the nature is the 099 strategic nuclear submarine of the Dragon Kingdom!

This was followed by the sound of discussion among the Dragon Kingdom nuclear submarines.

“Oh, where did this submarine come from?”

“I don’t know, but it seems that the flag hanging on it is not our Dragon Kingdom, presumably it should not be our Dragon Country, right?”

“Is it lost?”

How pathetic…”

“Cough, don’t bb on the public screen!”

Major General Li Yu’s shouting voice appeared in the Virginia-class nuclear submarine.

“We are the 099 strategic nuclear submarine formation of the Longguo Qingyu Military Region Navy.

I am Li Yu, major general of the Qingyun Military Region.

Which country are you a submarine?

How did you get mixed into the military exercise scene of our Dragon Kingdom??? ”

The moment Li Yu’s shout appeared in the global live broadcast room of Dragon Live, everyone burst out laughing.

“I laughed and squirted, Sleeper!

This Major General Li Yu is really a talent!

It is clear that they have given all the frigates of the Bald Eagle’s Virginia-class nuclear submarine to the surface, and then directly and physically lifted them to the surface of the sea with super firepower!

Now I ask them what country they are??? ”

“Physically lifting the coffin, the bald eagle wept bitterly…”

“Hahaha, the Virginia-class nuclear submarine is so miserable, the national flag has been hung up on the exploding stones…”

“But it’s not a bad thing.”

You think, if the flag were gone, they wouldn’t lose the face of the bald eagle when they run away! ”

“Upstairs ghost!”

“The bald eagle is so embarrassed…

Lying in the trough, I originally wanted to steal the chicken, but the chicken did not steal and was caught by the chicken keeper. ”

“What about the bald eagle now, hahaha.”

I couldn’t fight and fight, I couldn’t run, and I fell into the encirclement circle of the Dragon Kingdom nuclear submarine…”


Dragon Live Stream when the audience in the live room laughs.

All the officers and men in the Virginia-class nuclear submarine looked at the 099 strategic nuclear submarine fleet around them and had weakened.

They are re-criticizing.

At this point, too, it should be understood.

From the beginning.

They have become the prey of the Dragon Kingdom 099 strategic nuclear submarine!

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