From the very beginning they squatted outside Gorbaffna Island and doomed their fate…

What Dragon Kingdom’s fifth-generation nuclear submarines are fake…


High-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor is impossible…

Now it seems that the 099 strategic nuclear submarine of the Dragon Kingdom is not fake at all.

But the people who say these things are all fake!

Who would dare to say that the fifth-generation nuclear submarines of the Dragon Kingdom were bluffing, and they could even attack in groups and tear the mouth of that forced one apart!

At this time, Major General Mentel and his lieutenants still had the hardness they had just had.

The Heidi Mountains were razed to the ground, and their Virginia-class nuclear submarines were pushed directly above the sea by the waves of the explosion.

How much explosive equivalent is needed…

Both Major General Mentel and his lieutenants knew …

If it were not for the fact that the world situation is relatively stable now.

Their Virginia-class nuclear submarines may have been bombed into slag long ago…

He now has only one mission.

Bring the Virginia-class nuclear submarine back to Bald Eagle safely…

Maj. Gen. Mentel sorted out his mood.

Access to the public screen.

“Hello General Li Yu!

We are Bald Eagle’s Virginia-class nuclear submarine.

I am Major General Mentel, the captain.

We are cruising the Western Horizon Ocean…

I really didn’t know that your Dragon Kingdom was in a military exercise.

I have long heard that your country has developed a fifth-generation nuclear submarine that is powerful, and today I see that your country’s fifth-generation nuclear submarine is really mighty and handsome!

You see…

Is it okay for us to go…??? ”



Stoop to compromise……

This is everyone’s feeling for the captain of the Bald Eagle’s Virginia-class nuclear submarine …

“wdnmd, that’s too humble, isn’t it?”

“This must be the only time in history that a bald eagle has been so desperate at sea, right?”


Do you know how much a Virginia-class nuclear submarine is worth?

Let’s say that the cost is more expensive than Baldhawk’s latest Fortelle-class aircraft carrier!

How can it be rounded to more than 10 billion meters? ”

“If Rear Admiral Monttre hadn’t brought back the Virginia-class nuclear submarine in its entirety, I am afraid that not only would the rank of major general be gone, but he would have to be taken to a court-martia!”

“People in the jianghu can’t help themselves…”

“As long as I’m not embarrassed, it’s someone else who is embarrassed, and he actually said that he entered the military drill while shopping…”

“My God, listen to Rear Admiral Mentel, the loss of those several gg frigates is not going to be pursued??”


Dragon Live is on the occasion of the hot discussion in the live broadcast room.

Inside the Qingyu Shipyard here, Qin Hao, director of the Military and Military Affairs Department, and Li Xuanbin, director of the Department of National Defense, laughed heartily.

After laughing, there is a high degree of respect.

“Professor Xiaojiang, you are really a genius!”

This 099 strategic nuclear submarine is definitely the world’s first! ”

“Professor Xiaojiang, our Dragon Kingdom has you, which is simply our gospel!”

This time is really hard for you! ”

Jiang Chen laughed a little embarrassed as he listened to the two directors’ praise of himself:


Director Qin, Director Li.

How can it be so hard to contribute to one’s own country? ”

While they were talking and laughing, Major General Li Yu’s question came.

“Director Lee.

The Virginia-class nuclear submarine has released a ???

Still is??? ”

Although Dragon Kingdom slapped the bald eagle fiercely.

But this Virginia-class nuclear submarine they certainly can’t move.

For the sake of world peace and stability.

Li Xuanbin pondered for a moment, and always felt that the lesson given to the bald eagle was not deep enough.

Then he looked at Jiang Chen.

This little guy has always had a lot of ideas, so why don’t you ask this little guy what he’s going to do?

“Professor Xiaojiang, if it were you, what would you do to the Virginia-class nuclear submarine?”

Jiang Chen pointed to himself with a confused face.

“Director Li, are you kidding me?”

You make me decide?

So what if I say that I directly moved the Virginia-class nuclear submarine? ”

Li Xuanbin shook his head.

“As long as you don’t move the Virginia-class nuclear submarine, you can!”

Jiang Chen thought about it and said that the world peace that was hard to usher in could not be destroyed so easily.

The reason why he had to make so much contribution to the Dragon Kingdom.

Don’t you hope that the Dragon Kingdom can become the guardian of the world time order?

A moment of contemplation said with a bad smile:

“Director Lee.

Weren’t several of our destroyers destroyed in the bombing just now?

I wondered if the bald eagle should not pay compensation? ”

On the side, Huang Shiyao stupidly scratched the little head melon.

“Professor Xiaojiang, isn’t it the target that we have been overturned…”

Before he could finish speaking, Huang Shuxu covered his mouth and laughed angrily:

“You little fool!

That’s 5 destroyers!

Are you reading it wrong? ”

Jiang Chen’s meaning is very simple, since the Virginia-class nuclear submarine wants to come to the West Daping to dress up.

Then they can’t eat and walk!

Isn’t it beautiful to rob it?

Jiang Chen said this.

All the old foxes present instantly understood, and Li Xuanbin coughed lightly and looked at Li Yu in the picture.

“General Lee.

Let Bald Eagle’s Virginia-class nuclear submarines lose our 5 destroyers and let them go! ”

Li Yuqiang suppressed his smile and gave Jiang Chen a thumbs up.

In his heart, Professor Xiao Jiang is good!

And then cut back to the public screen.

“Major General Mentel.

Since you have mistakenly entered the scope of our military exercises, you should have misunderstood.

But the 5 of our destroyers you just sank must have a say, right? ”

The moment Li Yu’s voice fell.

The officers and men of the entire Virginia-class nuclear submarine were momentarily stunned.

What the heck???

When did they sink the destroyer of the Dragon Kingdom???

They didn’t fire a single shot!

To be precise, it was the Dragon Kingdom that gged their three frigates!

Even if you don’t talk about those three frigates, when did the Dragon Kingdom come to 5 destroyers???

This General Li Yu would not take the “destroyer” target floating on the surface of the sea as a real destroyer and come to them to ask for compensation, right?

Maj. Gen. Mentel recalled the target images of the Dragon Kingdom that had been sent by Binfifi at the beginning.

Fuck, that’s clearly a small model of a destroyer, right?

Most importantly, even if it is a model, it is also the Dragon Kingdom 099 strategic nuclear submarine itself overturned ah???

Throw the pot at them now?

Ask them for compensation for 5 destroyers???

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