Lantau Military Region.

Commander-in-Chief War Room.

A middle-aged man with black and white hair and no anger is holding a mobile phone and browsing today’s important news.

Officially arrived at the Dragon Kingdom Grand Chief of the Qingyu Military Region!

The nature hanging high in the news headlines is about the Dragon Kingdom’s fifth-generation nuclear submarine 099 strategic nuclear submarine.

In the comments section, it’s basically all applauded.

“Dragon Kingdom Mighty!”

“My Great Dragon Kingdom 099 strategic nuclear submarine is unparalleled in the world!”

“Bald Eagle, get back to your turf!”

Now the Western Ōhei Ocean is under the jurisdiction of our Dragon Kingdom! ”

“Hahaha, it’s simply so exciting, I really didn’t expect that my Great Dragon Kingdom could develop the 099 strategic nuclear submarine in more than a year!”


It is said that it took two months to make great progress…”

“God, how can you develop the 099 strategic nuclear submarine in two months?”

“Yeah, I don’t think it’s likely…”

“Have you forgotten the previous six generations of fighters???”

“Sleeper, when you say that, it seems that it is really possible!”


The Grand Chief looked at the excited people of the Dragon Kingdom.

Laughing with a guest account followed by another comment below.

“Nothing in this world is impossible, as long as our Divine Dragon Nation wants to do it, it will definitely be able to do it!”

Comments just sent out.

The Grand Chief’s comments were liked dozens of times.

“Makes sense!”

“Brother, this comment is incisive, I also think it is possible!”

“No matter, Dragon Kingdom!”

“Hahaha, this building for Grandpa to go up!”


The big chief looked at the angry comments and smiled involuntarily.

Too many things have happened lately.

It’s all bothering things.

I didn’t expect such great news to come today.

Don’t let the big chief be unhappy!

The secretary looked at the big chief’s happy expression and smiled:

“This Professor Xiaojiang of the Dragon Kingdom is indeed a blessing for our Dragon Kingdom!”

Another major general of the Qingyu Military Region waited in front of the big leader and slightly squeezed a few drops of sweat on his forehead.

Worthy of being the leader of the Dragon Kingdom…

Even when he was laughing and talking, he felt a great pressure…

It’s just that the big chiefs have been waiting here for a long time.

General Lu and Professor Xiao Jiang why haven’t they come yet?

“Grand Chief, do you want me to call and urge?”

The Grand Chief quickly stopped the Major General.

“What’s the hurry, I deliberately withdrew from today’s meeting, and there is time.

Wait for our big hero, I can’t wait? ”

When the major general heard the chief say this, he could only smile helplessly and press the phone in his hand.

This big leader did not wait for Jiang Chen.

However, Feng Chang’an of the White Dragon Military Region arrived first.

Feng Chang’an did not participate in today’s 099 strategic nuclear submarine exercise because of military affairs.

I’ve been sorry.

Unexpectedly, the big leader had just called him to the Qingyu Military Region.

He said that he wanted to award Jiang Chen a medal.

When Feng Chang’an heard this, he could still hold it down.

Directly by plane, we rushed to the Qingyu Military Region.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw the big boss smiling at his mobile phone.

“See the Grand Chief!”

The Grand Chief saw that it was Feng Chang’an who hurriedly greeted:

“General Feng, come, come and sit.”

Come and see the praise achieved on the website of the 099 strategic nuclear submarine developed by Professor Xiaojiang on the Relongguo website! ”

Feng Chang’an leaned over and looked at him and smiled:

“Big Chief, that’s not all!

Now the entire international military forum has been turned upside down!

Our nylon 099 strategic nuclear submarine has undoubtedly boarded the top 1 nuclear submarine in the world!

This is all the credit of Xiao Jiang! ”

Feng Chang’an looked at the excited Feng Chang’an and said with a smile:

“I don’t know, I thought you developed it!”

Otherwise, why do you think I pushed away the meeting to come here to give Professor Xiao Jiang a medal!

It’s not because we’re excited, we’re happy! ”

When the Grand Chief finished speaking, Yi Jun and Yi Jun laughed one after another.

Instead, the secretary on the side was a little worried.

Looking at the messages on the phone is a little unhappy.

“Big Chief, the white stick is doing things again.”

Bald Eagle calls on us to start a meeting on the issue of the White Lollipop as soon as possible…

Just do things with a white stick.

It is said that the “annihilation of the hydrogen bomb” Bled Castle on the Bald Eagle has a new movement…

I’m afraid that I want to take advantage of this meeting on the white stick and nuclear issue to make some big moves…”

The secretary said this.

Both the Grand Chief and Feng Chang’an fell into deep thought.

The two of them have been busy with this thing lately…

The white stick somehow built the nuclear bomb, which is a very serious problem for both the Dragon Kingdom and the Bald Eagle.

You must know that the most fundamental measure of a country’s strength in the world now is military strength.

If only a small country like the White Lollipop had nuclear power.

Whether it is for a big country like the Dragon Kingdom or the Bald Eagle, it is not good…

Even if the white stick is unstable, the bald eagle side nominally advocates the denuclearization of the white lollipop.

Now let’s build another world-destroying Bled Castle.

Isn’t that just doing things…

The more the Grand Chief and Feng Chang’an thought about it, the more their brows wrinkled.

Or the big boss heart is big.

He patted Feng Chang’an’s shoulder and smiled:

“General Feng, today is not the time to worry about this problem.

Today we have come to award Professor Xiao Jiang!

Don’t give me a sad face.

Make me laugh! ”

Feng Chang’an forcibly held back his worries and laughed.


Today is Xiao Jiang’s award ceremony.

We can’t be sad! ”

When Yijun and Yichen laughed loudly, the sound of the helicopter was finally remembered outside.

It has always been Jiang Chen who has arrived!

The Grand Chief and Feng Chang’an directly ran out of the command camp without taking the initiative and looked at several helicopter gunships in the sky.

Greeted by a man dressed in a white robe.

When the big leader looked at the man, he unconsciously praised a stranger like a jade, and the prince was unparalleled in the world!

Of course, this is just the brain supplement of the big chief.

In fact, the so-called white robe is the scientific research uniform that Jiang Chen did not have time to change…

But handsome is really handsome.

As soon as Li Xuanbin landed with Jiang Chen, he had the foresight to see the big chief.

Hurriedly took Jiang Chen and trotted to the big chief.

“Big Chief!

This is Professor Jiang Chen of Xiaojiang, who developed the 099 strategic nuclear submarine! ”

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