When Li Xuanbin introduced Jiang Chen to the Grand Chieftain.

The big leader looked at Jiang Chen and took the initiative to hold out his hand.

“Is this Professor Koe, who developed a sixth-generation fighter, a 1nm lithography machine in an extremely ultraviolet light source, and then today’s 099 strategic nuclear submarine?”

Sure enough, it is a dragon and phoenix among people, a table of talents! ”

Jiang Chen was very excited when he shook the big leader’s hand.

In addition, the big chief praised him without hesitation.

Jiang Chen was not excited, it was strange, even a high cold face…

This was the first time he had faced such an embarrassment from a big man!

The big leader looked at Jiang Chen’s nervous look and smiled and patted Jiang Chen’s shoulder:

“Professor Xiaojiang.

Don’t be nervous, I don’t eat people!

Hahaha! ”

A joke by the big chief immediately dissolved the somewhat frozen atmosphere of the scene.

Jiang Chen nodded excitedly.

My heart was already full of admiration.

Worthy of being a big boss!

In one sentence, the atmosphere of the scene is corrected!

The big chief greeted a group of people for a while and talked about the right thing.

He looked at Jiang Chen very solemnly and apologetically:

“Professor Xiaojiang, it was supposed to be such a medal ceremony for you at the Dragon Kingdom Hall and praised by the whole country.

But for your safety and your daily life is not compromised.

We can only choose this way to award you the medal…

Wronged you…

I’m sorry! ”

Jiang Chen looked at the big leader who apologized to himself and quickly helped him up.

“Big Chief, seriously.

I don’t feel aggrieved at all!

Announcing my identity for a while can really make my family a household name.

But the annoyance that comes with it naturally does not need to be discussed.

I said this before when I was developing the sixth-generation fighter.

I’d rather walk down the street and people say I’m handsome, rather than walk down the street and a bunch of people come up and ask me for an autograph…

Along with the signatures were a couple of spies who were ready to take my life.

Compare to living under the protection of a bodyguard all day long.

Or freedom is more suitable for me!

Besides, for the sake of national military security, what is my reputation? ”

Jiang Chen took this out of his mouth.

Everyone stood in awe.

How many people like Jiang Chen are not interested in fame and fortune in this world?

Now people, even if they buy an aj, can send a circle of friends for several days in a row…

And Jiang Chen has developed a six-generation fighter, a 1nm extreme ultraviolet light source lithography machine and even a big power weapon such as the 099 strategic nuclear submarine.

But they just want to live the life of an ordinary person.

Is this the way big scientists think?

This is not solemnly respected by the people who cannot be present!

The big chief had mixed feelings in his heart, and did not know how to express it, so he could only let the secretary take out the medal.

“Professor Koe!

Given the great contribution you have made to the country and the nation!

I, the Great Chief of the Dragon Kingdom, hereby award you the Merit of the Most Outstanding Scientist of the Dragon Kingdom!

And grant you the rank of major general in the Eastern Theater Army! ”

After saying this, he awarded the medal of merit, military uniform, and epaulettes on the plate to Jiang Chen.

When the golden medals and epaulettes appeared in front of the big guys present, everyone couldn’t help but marvel.

“Good guys!

The most outstanding scientist of the Dragon Kingdom!

Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the two hands of meritorious service medals issued in total should not be counted!

Xiao Jiang has made a lot of money this time! ”

“This is what Xiao Jiang deserves!

If you want, you can also develop a sixth-generation fighter, a 1nm ultraviolet light source lithography machine and a 099 strategic nuclear submarine??? ”

“Old Bong, you joking!”

If I would develop a sixth-generation fighter, a 1nm ultraviolet light source lithography machine and a 099 strategic nuclear submarine, I would still be in the military region waiting to brag to you? ”

“The most outstanding meritorious service of a great power can actually be expected.

I really didn’t expect that the Grand Chief would directly award Professor Xiaojiang the rank of Major General!!! ”

“This should be for the safety and prestige of Professor Xiao Jiang!”

As soon as the rank of major general is awarded, Professor Xiaojiang should be able to walk sideways in the military region and in society in the future! ”

“The 22-year-old Major General …

It’s also horrible…

If I remember correctly, the youngest major general in the history of our Dragon Army should be 34 years old…

But he is the founding general!

And now Professor Xiao Jiang has actually obtained the rank of major general at the age of 22!

It’s also too …”

“Professor Xiaojiang, always drip god!”

“Xiaojiang is really a cattle batch!”


Don’t say that the big guys and secretaries in the room are stupid.

To be precise, Jiang Chen himself was stunned…

He had already guessed the matter of the meritorious medal, but this major general really did not expect it!

Since the founding of the country.

The position of marshal has been permanently suspended.

Therefore, the rank of general is basically from the peak of military history, and now it is directly stipulated that the youngest major general, even if it is a lot of merit.

You have to be 44 years old to get it!

And now, he is only 22 years old, and he has directly obtained the rank of major general…

What an honor!

The big leader looked at everyone and Jiang Chen’s excited look and laughed:

“Don’t think I’m favoring one over the other.

I really think Professor Xiao Jiang deserves this rank!

As far as the armaments he developed by himself have done to our Dragon Country Army, I think everyone here should be very clear.

If this major general rank is not to see that Professor Xiaojiang is too young, I would even directly award the rank of general! ”

The big chief’s voice dropped.

The people present were shocked.

That’s right!

They only thought of Jiang Chen’s research and development contribution.

But I didn’t expect the impact of the developed armament on the strength of the entire Dragon Kingdom!

The sixth-generation fighter has made the field of air combat in the Dragon Kingdom almost misunderstood.

The 1nm polar ultraviolet light source lithography machine allowed the Dragon Kingdom to ask for the sanctions of the bald eagle and erected the order in the new 5G era.

The 099 strategic nuclear submarine has enabled the Dragon State Navy to achieve a great breakthrough from 0 to 1, and the future will be even more awesome!

Such influence.

Not just a major general can do it!

This is economics, and Jiang Chen deserves it!

“Professor Xiaojiang, you just accept it!”

“Yes, Xiao Jiang, you deserve it!”

“Xiao Jiang, pick up!”


Jiang Chen looked at the affirmative gaze of the Grand Chief.

Coupled with the encouragement of those around you.

Looking at the shining epaulettes, I took a deep breath and took it.

“Grand Chief, I will often never insult the rank of major general that you and the state have awarded me!”

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