“Ahh… This…”

Mu Linjiang looked at Su Qianyun and Jiang Chen’s son-in-law-like expression and sighed helplessly.

It seems that it is impossible to persuade it.

He simply closed his mouth.

However, Mu Linjiang also has his own insistence, and if Jiang Chen can’t meet his standards later.

Even if Su Qianyun likes this Jiang Chen again.

Jiang Chen couldn’t have taken away Shi Jun!

Mu Linjiang looked at the time, and it seemed that the little guy recommended by the old man could not come.

Let’s get started!

First of all, thank you all of you for arriving at Mu’s house today to participate in this “Invitation Conference”.

To be honest, I didn’t know my daughter would be able to get the curtain for so many people here.

But everyone knows it.

The law of the Dragon Kingdom is monogamy.

We can’t divide Shijun into several pieces for your family.

That’s why there is this pro-family meeting.

Quite simply, show your sincerity in proposing your relatives.

In the end, it was up to the two of us and Shi Yun to finalize who would be able to marry my family’s Shi Jun! ”

Mu Linjiang finished.

The princes present clapped their hands one after another.

“Uncle worked hard!”

“Uncle is really thinking about Miss Mu!”

“It’s good that Miss Mu can have a father like you!”

“I want to call your dad directly…”


Jiang Chen on the left frowned as he listened to the princes who were licking dogs.

This unhappiness does not all come from these princes.

To his future father-in-law.

He was also inexplicably upset.

What does this act mean by selling your daughter?

Mu Linjiang is good at observing the color.

At once, I could see the feeling of hostility in Jiang Chen’s eyes.

Slightly frowning and asking:

“This Jiang Chen classmate, do you have any comments?”

Jiang Chen stood up and snorted coldly:

“Uncle, if not everyone is in suits and shoes.

I thought I was back in the last century!

Are you selling your daughter like this?

In your eyes, is Shi Yun a commodity for everyone to bid for auction? ”

Jiang Chen said this.

Everyone in this room is stupid.

The Tengu princes exploded one after another.

“Sleepy trough a big Cao!

This Jiang Chen is a bit bullish, he wants to marry someone’s daughter, and he directly intimidates ??? ”

“There’s something wrong with this boy, right?”

Surely he has no power and no power, so he is very disgusted by this way! ”

“What is an auction?”

This is called showing our sincerity, right?

Is the dowry just how well we express our affection for Miss Mu? ”

“, doesn’t this boy think he can do whatever he wants with his aunt’s favor?”

“Stinky boy, you pretend to be Lao Tzu again, believe it or not, I asked my father to directly withdraw your student status at Yanda University???”


Lie down when you’re having a hot discussion.

Mu Linjiang did not expect to be intimidated by a stinky boy who was so young and still had no good situation.

But he still has the temperament he should have.

I resisted the act of lifting the table on the spot.

Take a deep breath and say:

“Since ancient times, marriage has always paid attention to the door to the door!

The door is not right.

Where is the love that can be said???

The reason why I hold such a family meeting is not to see how much money you can afford, but to see how much sincerity you have in my family’s poetry!

Even the most basic material needs cannot meet the poetry of my family.

Talk about love?

Talk about the future?

Do you have decades of mortgages on your back and talk about bullshit love in a down-and-out little county? ”

As soon as Mu Linjiang said this, the dog licking princes began one after another.

“What my uncle said makes sense!

The door is the most important to the house! ”

“That’s not why, the Mu family’s generation is such a single seedling as Miss Mu.”

Go to a small city with a turtle with you?

What about the Mu family’s big family business? ”

“This kid is like a cynical keyboard man.

If you can’t show sincerity, you can climb for your grandfather! ”


Also, roll with your graffiti! ”


Jiang Chen snorted coldly in the face of Mu Linjiang and a group of dog licking princes.

“Originally, I thought that Shi Jun’s father should be a reasonable and elegant person.

Now it seems that he is just a person from a high position and a conservative mind.

Ridiculous, pathetic!

But I want to remind my uncle of this.

I question you about the way you recruit relatives.

As for the “sincerity” you expect, I am also prepared.

I’d like to see if this dowry is enough for you to see if it’s right for you! ”

Jiang Chen finished talking and sat down, if it was someone else.

He had long suspected life.

Thanks to Mu Linjiang being his future father-in-law!



As soon as Jiang Chen said this, Mu Linjiang almost became angry and directly dizzy.

This Jiang Chen…

What a bastard!

Is this the kind of goods that Shi Yun taught?

There is a thousand angers in my heart, but I can’t release them.

No matter how he is also after the door, how can he be angry with a junior…

Instead, he wanted to see how many doors this Jiang Chen’s so-called dowry really had!

However, Su Qianyun, who was beside Mu Linjiang, looked at Jiang Chen but was not angry at all.

On the contrary, I agree.

From the very beginning, she did not agree with Mu Linjiang’s What a Kiss Conference!

It was as if the Mu family was selling their daughter.

It’s just that Mu Linjiang’s love has not been said.

On the contrary, Jiang Chen said it so clearly!

She really deserves to be the son-in-law she values!

Then he sat directly next to Jiang Chen and even took the initiative to pour tea for Jiang Chen.

“Xiao Jiang, don’t worry about it like your uncle!”

He’s that human!

You’ll know when you marry Shi Yun later…”

Su Qianyun said this.

Everyone here is stupid…

It’s a sleeper!

Handsome can do whatever you want?

Mu Linjiang also had no choice but to put away the anger in his heart and take a deep breath to look at the princes present.

“Guys, let’s get started!”

The princes present stood up excitedly when they heard Mu Linjiang’s words.

“Uncle, the dowry under our Chen family is a set in the western suburbs of Yanjing!”

There is also a luxury car of the 10 million class! ”

“Sure enough, I can’t get rid of the breath of the local tycoon, the real earth turtle!”

Uncle, we sent the Qing Dynasty great calligrapher Wang Daorong’s posthumous works, although the price is not high, but the literary value is impressive!

I’m sure Marshal Mu will definitely like it! ”

“Uncle, our royal family is sending porcelain from the Song Dynasty.

Worth 100 million, the most important thing is its collection value, which can be described as a unique talent in the literary and play industry! ”

“Uncle, my family directly gave 200 million dowries!”

You should know that my grandfather was also the deputy minister of the armed forces.

As long as Miss Mu marries me, the juniors of the Mu family in the military will definitely be taken care of! ”

“A deputy minister also means to blow?”

My grandfather was the minister of government affairs, and Miss Mu would marry me once she married me!

Mu family but all those who are in politics, Baili and no harm! ”


When a group of princes fought over their heads and bleeds.

The more Mu Linjiang looked, the more satisfied he became.

Worthy of being the princes of Yanjing…

A dowry alone is already so outstanding, after a real marriage.

The future of the Mu family?

Isn’t that like a tiger!

When a group of people were filled with righteous indignation, Jiang Chen looked at Su Qianyun with a curious face and asked.


No, no, no?

The dowry of the princes of Yanjing is ??? ”

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