Jiang Chen’s strange question came out.

Su Qianyun didn’t react for a moment…

What is the dowry of Prince Yanjing???

What a joke, the dowry of these princes in front of you is not low at all!

Hundreds of millions, pick a listed company with a market value of billions.

It’s not a liquid that can be taken out casually!

Listening to Xiao Jiang’s meaning, I feel that this is still less???

Su Qianyun was fine, just a little surprised.

But a group of princes on this side exploded the pot in an instant after experiencing a look of confusion.

“WCNMD, Nima???”

“I always thought I was very pushy, but I didn’t expect that I still overestimated myself…

Today is a meeting with an opponent!

No capital dares to pretend??? ”

“Oh, just now I let people check it, Yanjing does not have any big family surnamed Jiang at all!”

This boy is just making a fool of himself! ”

“Sleeper, that’s pure loading?”

Can you be so good at pretending, but come up with some practical results? ”

“Isn’t it, just because you’re handsome, you can do whatever you want?”


The scene was in chaos.

Mu Linjiang was about to have a seizure.

Jiang Chen looked at Su Qianyun with a smile:

“Aunt Su, please open this calligraphy and painting that I gave to Marshal Mu.”

Su Qianyun listened to Jiang Chen’s words.

Curiously, she opened the excellent calligraphy and painting that Jiang Chen had handed her before.

Is this calligraphy and painting a work handed down from generation to generation???

However, as Jiang Chen’s identity, it should be difficult to find any heirlooms, right?

Su Qianyun couldn’t figure it out, and could only silently open the calligraphy and painting sent by Jiang Chen according to Jiang Chen’s words.

When “Situation Sticker” appeared in everyone’s eyes, Su Qianyun was instantly confused…

“Xiao Jiang, this…

Could it be that the Tang and Song Dynasties had Zeng Gong’s “Situation Stickers”!!! ”

Jiang Chen was very surprised that Su Qianyun could see the “Situation Post” at a glance!

To know that this thing does not have a little cultural heritage is certainly not visible!

It seems that this mother-in-law is still a scholar!

“Aunt Su guessed right!

This is Zeng Gong’s “Situation Sticker”!

Although the price is not high, but the literary value is very high, I heard that Marshal Mu likes the calligraphy and paintings of the eight people, so I took this calligraphy and painting to give to Marshal Mu! ”

Jiang Chen said this.

Su Qianyun rolled inside the cavity, almost a mouthful of blood spurted out…

Indeed, as Jiang Chen said.

The value of the literati painting lies not in the price, but in its historiography and literary value.

But she remembered correctly.

This “Situation Sticker” should be a sky-high price of more than 200 million yuan???

Now Jiang Chen told her.

This “Situation Post” is not expensive???

Jiang Chen said this.

The princes present here are also stupid.

Although most of the princes present here are more criticized, the most basic insight is still there.

Most of their fathers and ancestors were the upper echelons of the Dragon Kingdom.

For antique calligraphy and painting, there are naturally many dabbles.

This once sold sky-high price of “Situation Stickers”, they naturally know!

But how could such an added Situation Sticker appear in the hands of a graduate student!

The most important thing is that they have all checked Jiang Chen’s background.

It is a poor student in a small county!

How is it possible to come up with this “Situation Poster”.

Prince Chen immediately laughed:

“I get it!

This guy must be a fake painting in Pan Jiayuan Ertao!

Are you when we’re all stupid? ”

As soon as the rest of the people heard the words of Prince Chen of the Chen family, they immediately understood Jiang Chen’s “sinister intentions.” ”

They began to laugh at each other.

“What kind of dowry is my Tao, feelings are a fake painting!”

Or do you want to take out your hand?

Young Master Ben only needs to think that I can send the entire fake painting of Pan Jiayuan to my uncle! ”

“Ma Egg, this guy is simply too much, how can you take a fake painting to prevaricate Uncle Mu and Old Marshal Mu?”

“Uncle, blast this boy out!”

“That’s it! This guy named Jiang Chen is simply faceless! ”


The fire that Mu Linjiang could not suppress was actually on the verge of erupting.

How dare this guy named Jiang Chen!

Actually brought a fake painting to his Mu house to make trouble, did this guy mean it?

Su Qianyun on this side looked at the “Situation Sticker” in her hand and fell into thought.

These Yanjing princes couldn’t see it very normally.

After all, there are a few young people who can tell the truth and falsehood of the calligraphy and painting Danqing!

But she could see at a glance the authenticity of the painting.

Because she had been close to this painting at the auction house!

This “Situation Sticker” is absolutely true!

That is to say, Jiang Chen could never be the same as those princes said, just an ordinary graduate student who could no longer be ordinary.

Su Qianyun, who originally liked Jiang Chen, was now even more curious.

Who is this little guy?

When the whole audience was noisy, Mu Linjiang was about to have a seizure.

But it was interrupted by a slap that interrupted the atmosphere of the audience…


A bright red palm print appeared on the face of Prince Chen Family.

Naturally, it was Jiang Chen who beat people.

At this time, Jiang Chen stood majestically beside the Prince of the Chen Family.

A slap slapped the face of Prince Chen Family.

“Dare to slander this “Situation Poster” as a fake, do you think you haven’t lived long enough?”

Are you kidding.

This “Situation Sticker” was sent by the big chief.

This prince of the Chen family dared to slander this painting as a fake.

Isn’t that slandering the Grand Chieftain?

How dare this guy???

This palm shocked the audience.


This guy is so brave…

Didn’t he know that he was beating Colonel Chen’s son? ”

“The grandfather of the Prince of the Chen family is a major general in the Eastern Battlefield…

How dare this guy? ”

“I’m afraid this boy is finished, and he dares to directly smoke the face of Prince Chen Family!”

“True cattle batch…”

“Brother, do you want to die yourself or wait for Chen’s parents to come and die again?”


The Prince of the Chen family here was already holding his face and crying bitterly.

“I’m a star!”

You dared to punch me in the face, you’re done!

I’m going to say to my dad, do you know who my dad is?

My dad is a Colonel in the Eastern Theater!

My grandfather was even at the rank of major general!

Your boy quickly called the family to collect the body! ”

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